Reexamining FDR’s Response to Kristallnacht


Click Here to Read: Reexamining FDR’s Response to Kristallnacht Ken Burns and others have called it impressive, but the truth is less inspiring By Rafael Medoff on the Tablet website on November 4, 2014.

Germans pass by the broken shop window of a Jewish-owned business that was destroyed during Kristallnacht. (US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD)

Click Here to Read: ‘Anti-Racist’ Group Moves to Exclude Jews from Kristallnacht Commemoration
Sharona Schwartz on The Blaze website on November 10, 2014.

Click Here to Read: Kristallnacht: a Nationwide Pogrom, November 9–10, 1938 on the United States Holocaust Museum Website.

Click Here to Read: Why the Nazis Are Still Winning Kristallnacht By Dan Friedman in The Jewish Daily Forward on November 9, 2014/