October APA Division 39 InSight

lil'Div39LogoMaster Calendar:

1) Division Program Meetings
a) 2015 Spring Meeting: San Francisco, CA April 22-28 (Drs. Ehrensaft and Heineman)
b) 2015 APA Meeting: Toronto, Ontario, Canada: August 6-9
c) 2016 Spring Meeting: Atlanta, GA: April 6-10
d) 2016 APA Meeting: Denver, CO: August 4-7
e) 2017 Spring Meeting: New York, NY: April 25-30
f) 2017 APA Meeting: Washington, DC: August 3-6
g) 2018 Spring Meeting: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
h) 2018 APA Meeting: San Francisco, CA: August 9-12
i) 2019 Spring Meeting: Philadelphia, PA
j) 2019 APA Meeting: Chicago, IL: August 8-11
k) 2020 Spring Meeting: New York, NY
l) 2020 APA Meeting: Washington, DC: August 6-9

Quick Links
Division 39 Spring Meeting
Join Division 39
Division 39 Website
Division 39 Facebook Page
Division 39 on Twitter

Important Dates

Spring Meeting San Francisco, April 23-26, 2015.
The Early Career Committee of Division 39

This month’s writer, Kristin Davisson, Psy.D, is a member of the ECP Committee and a Board Member At Large of Section III, Gender, Psychoanalysis and Women. She is in active private practice in Chicago, working with adults and couples in psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. She is also an Assistant Adjunct Professor at the Chicago School for Professional Psychology.

Looking forward…

As early career clinicians and members of Division 39, our role in the changing climate of psychoanalysis is an interesting and influential one. I attended my first Division 39 meeting in New York as a third year graduate student and a volunteer. I remember basking in idealization and excitement as I was introduced to clinicians such as Nancy McWilliams and Frank Summers, who had shaped my understanding of psychoanalysis. These clinicians were also the mentors and friends of my closest supervisors. I felt as though I was being inducted into a very fancy and intelligent club. This idealization continued, though gradually fading, throughout the remainder of graduate school education, my post-doc placement, and into the first years of my private practice. Now, about seven years later (how we age!), while I continue to admire many of my more seasoned colleagues, I am finding the freedom to dialogue, disagree and debate issues in psychoanalysis. As I feel my own voice and opinion strengthening, I see similar evolution in many of my brightest early career colleagues and friends. It seems that our collective voice will decide the future on a great number of important issues. MORE>


Call for Insight Article Submissions from Graduate Students

The Graduate Student Committee (GSC) invites all graduate students to submit articles for the monthly eNews publication, InSight. To promote, connect, and support graduate students, the GSC wants to use this space for your interests in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychology. What experiences have helped shape you as a psychoanalytic graduate student? What issues in psychoanalytic psychology are most pressing for you? What do you believe that our field will need to address in the future? We want to hear what is important to you! Experiences from the Spring Meeting are welcome. Please submit articles no longer than 1000 words by email to Greg Stevens (gregoryjstevens@gmail.com) by the 20th of the month. For those helping train graduate students, please forward this information to them. For more information on the GSC, please view our website and Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you! – Greg Stevens, GSC Member and Media Subcommittee Chair

Don’t You Wish You Were at the Spring Meeting?
This new column shares news and views from the most recent Spring Meeting and makes you want to attend the next one. Really: look deep into the eyes of this column, reconnect with your breath, think fleeting mean thoughts about your mother, repress those thoughts, and then ask yourself, “How could I possibly have missed the previous Spring Meeting?” if your next thought is, “Gosh, I won’t make that mistake again!” consider booking your ticket for San Francisco, April 23-26, 2015.

At our last spring meeting Irwin Hirsch presented:

Title: “Conflict between analyst’s and patient’s self-interest: Looking back at failed treatment.”

Inspired by analysts identified with the Interpersonal and more recently the Relational tradition, it is now commonly acknowledged that the failure of analytic therapies can no longer be attributed exclusively to the shortcomings of patients and their alleged insufficient motivation or their otherwise,”unanalyzability”. In this era of two-person psychology, the recognition that the subjective presence of both analyst and patient rather equally effect analytic interaction, the unique person of the analyst and his or her interaction with each unique patient is always considered a primary factor in the direction of the therapy. The particular focus of this presentation positions both parties in the analytic interaction as possessing personal self-interests and desires, and when therapy fails it is often related to these personal self-interests not lying in harmony. Perhaps the most common example of this is reflected in very long analyses, where the analyst’s financial needs interfere with the patient’s wish for independence and autonomy.

Mentors Needed for the Scholars Program

We are in the midst of another Division 39 Scholars Program year. As I am sure most of you know, becoming a Division 39 Scholar is a competitive process for graduate students and Early Career Professionals who may apply to receive a $500 travel award for the spring conference, access to our publications, and a mentor with whom they meet at least once per month.

The success of the program depends on our members who have at least 10 years of experience volunteering to be mentors to our Scholars. Whather you volunteered last year or not, please volunteer to be a mentor for one of this years’ scholars.

Please send all inquiries to division39scholarsprogram@gmail.com

Frank Summers and Kris Yi, Co-Chairs, Division 39 Scholars Program

Scholars Program

It is with great pleasure that we announce that applications are now being accepted for the Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39) Scholars Program for the 2015-16 year. There are a total of 66 openings for the program which runs from the Division 39 Spring Meeting in San Francisco April 22-26, 2015 until the Atlanta Spring Meeting April, 2016.

All Division 39 Scholars will receive the following benefits:

• A travel award of $500 for expenses to the San Francisco conference

• A mentor with whom the Scholar will meet at least once per month

• Subscriptions to all Division 39 publications, including the journal Psychoanalytic Psychology, the Division/Review which comes out three times per year, and the monthly online newsletter, Insight

• Free access to Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (Pep-web) if such access is not otherwise available. MORE>
Division 39 Discount Subscription Program

As you know, for a number of years, we have been able to offer our members discounts for subscribing to psychoanalytic journals. It is the time of year when many of us are renewing our subscriptions and this note is a reminder to consider renewing or beginning a subscription by taking advantage of these savings. For now, as you will see, you may need to contact customer services to request the discount, although several journals offer direct links to the discount. Please follow the directions that are different for each journal. MORE>


2015 Johanna K. Tabin/APA Books/Division 39 Book Proposal Prize

This prize aims to encourage Division 39 members who have not published a psychoanalytic book to submit a book proposal
Division 39 and APA Press are delighted to announce the sixth annual prize the Johanna K. Tabin/APA Press Book Proposal Prize for a first book by a psychoanalytic author. The winner receives a $1,000 cash prize, certificate of recognition, and guarantee of publication by the APA Press.
The aim of this prize is to encourage psychoanalytic writing by Division 39 members who have yet to publish a psychoanalytic book. We look for good writing, originality, as well as clinical and scholarly relevance. While some previously published material may be included, the proposed book should consist primarily of new work and promise to be an original and coherent monograph. Edited collections of previously published papers are not acceptable, nor are edited volumes of contributions by more than one author. Simultaneous submissions to other publishers will disqualify the entry.
The proposal should consist of:

a cover letter to include the author’s identifying and contact information
a full CV
a statement of sufficient length to describe the mission, scope, and potential contribution of the project to psychoanalysis
a table of contents; and
one, and only one, sample chapter.
With the exception of the cover letter and CV, there should be NO identifying information in the other materials that would identify the author of the proposal
Submissions are accepted in hard copy only and must be in quintuplicate. Blind review evaluations are conducted by the Book Proposal Committee, the editor of APA Books, and an Honorary Judge.
All submissions for the 2014 award must be submitted by January 9 2015, to:
Book Prize
Division of Psychoanalysis
2615 Amesbury Road
Winston Salem NC 27103
Questions should be addressed to: Frank Summers, PhD, ABPP, Chair of the Book Prize Committee at Franksumphd@gmail.com

We are pleased to announce the creation of The Task Force on the Archives of Division 39. As the division has become important in the evolution of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychology, it follows that the time had come to a) collect materials which reflect its history, b) encourage scholarship among the membership when the collection is assembled, and c) establish a means to promote awareness in future generations of the important contributions to psychoanalytic thought by the Division. More>
From the Awards Committee
Submit your nominations for division award nominees

The Awards Committee of Division 39 is soliciting recommendations from our membership for award nominees for 2015. This 2014 awardees are Elliott Jurist for Scholarship; Marsha McCary for Leadership, and Dolores Morris, for Diversity. The list of prior awards is on the Division 39 website. MORE>
Division Members

Mike Eigen will be showing an unfinished movie based on Wilfred Bion’s autobiographical works and A Memoir of the Future on October 19, 2014 1-4PM at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis (NPAP) 40 West 13th Street, NYC. The movie was made by the director Kumar Shahani in India (the place of Bion’s birth), 1982-1983, but never finished owing, in part, to financial difficulties and a tragic event. Extant scenes will be shown and Mike will lead audience discussion. The script was written by Kumar Shahani and Meg Harris Williams. Actors include Angela Pleasance, Sir Nigel Hawthorne, Peter Frith, Alaknanda Samarth, Carol Drinkwater, Robert Burbage, Jonathan Page, Neil Cunningham, Jalal Agha. Characters are drawn from phases of Bion’s life and psyche and the culture of his time.

After the showing, the script will be studied in Mike’s ongoing Tuesday seminars, together with A Memoir of the Future.

Author Connection
Iecent Publications by Division 39 Members
Michael Eigen (2014) by Karnac Books: A Felt Sense: More Explorations of Psychoanalysis and Kabbalah.
Michael Eigen (2014) by Karnac Books: The Birth of Experience
Michael Eigen (2014) by Karnac Books: Faith
Ruth Lijtmaer, PhD wrote “Violations of Human Rights: Trauma and Social Trauma – Can We Forgive?” Psychoanalytic Theory: Perspectives, Techniques and Social Implications. Series: Psychology Research Progress. Chapter 4, p. 57-71. Phillip Fenton (Ed) ISBN: 978-1-63321-312-8.

What are you writing? Future issues will highlight the varieties of publishing activities our members are engaged in. All links to books and articles will be considered. To be included, please e-mail the editor by the 21st of the month. All publications submitted for Author Connection need to comply with the InSight submission guidel
Advertise with us! Conference information, consultation groups? Let InSight help spread the word. E-mail Kristi Pikiewicz at kpikiewicz@gmail.com for more information.