September APA Division 39 InSight


From The Editor:




President’s Column
Who Do We Want to Be?

Last month I started something of a firestorm from what I am sure was my most widely discussed President’s Column by suggesting that we as a Division discuss the pros and cons of staying within the APA. The conversation was understandably heated, and, as I said in my concluding message on the forum, I believe the consensus was that we should stay in APA not out of love for the organization (of which there appears to be very little), but to have influence within it and to protect and advocate for clinical psychology programs,
especially those with a psychodynamic bent.

I do believe there is great value in this type of discussion because it causes us to articulate some of our basic assumptions about who we are, what we want, and who we want to be. In all arenas of life I am a believer in knowing one’s political, organizational, and metapsychological turtles, and in achieving this consciousness through dialogue. I think if we are to stay in APA we should be aware about why, just as if we were to leave, we would need to be clear on the reasons. MORE>

The Early Career Committee of Division 39

The Early Career Professional Committee (ECP) column for September features Samantha Busch Winokur, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist and a certified school psychologist. She currently works at the Gateway School of New York and maintains a private practice in Manhattan. She is a member of the Early Career Professional Committee of Division 39 and a Member at Large of Division 39.

As a clinical psychologist as well as a school psychologist, I have a unique background and training in psychoanalytic theory and psychodynamic treatment, which I regularly apply to my work in the schools. While the application of psychoanalysis to education was considered by Freud to be one of the most important aims of psychoanalysis, the value of psychoanalytic theory in the schools is significantly underappreciated, if not lost. However, psychoanalysis has a great deal to offer schools.

Psychoanalysis stresses the importance of intrapsychic conflict that can be used to inform interventions, connect with students and parents, and support teachers and administrators. A psychologist who considers only observable behaviors is missing valuable information. One example of the importance of looking beyond observable behaviors to intrapsychic conflict can be seen in a student yelling at teachers and refusing to comply with school rules. While these behaviors could be labeled as oppositional defiance, it would be more useful to understand that the child’s relationships and previous experiences cause him to feel angry and worthless and that he has learned to elicit help through negative attention. This knowledge encourages his parents to seek treatment for their son, allows the school to find ways for the student to feel more successful academically and socially, and ultimately decreases the concerning behaviors. MORE>
Call for Insight Article Submissions from Graduate Students

The Graduate Student Committee (GSC) invites all graduate students to submit articles for the monthly eNews publication, InSight. To promote, connect, and support graduate students, the GSC wants to use this space for your interests in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychology. What experiences have helped shape you as a psychoanalytic graduate student? What issues in psychoanalytic psychology are most pressing for you? What do you believe that our field will need to address in the future? We want to hear what is important to you! Experiences from the Spring Meeting are welcome. Please submit articles no longer than 1000 words by email to Greg Stevens ( by the 20th of the month. For those helping train graduate students, please forward this information to them. For more information on the GSC, please view Our website  and Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you! – Greg Stevens, GSC Member and Media Subcommittee Chair
Psychoanalysis and Community Committee
The Things They Carry and The Work We Do
By: Donna Bassin PhD

Tim O’Brien, Vietnam veteran and author, has described the heavy load that combat soldiers carry on the battlefield: weapons, mine detectors, tents, radios, bibles, fear, grief, and most poignantly each other. The image of soldiers carrying their brother or sister out of harms way lodged forcefully within me. The

military ethos, “leave no soldier behind,” reminds those who serve to honor their humanity even in the surrealistic theaters of war. I have seen many veterans carry this ethos out of the battlefield and into their post-war civilian life. The massive traumatic losses they suffered (and those they may have caused) catalyzed many of them. Their grief, both redemptive and rebellious, has fueled moral consciousness and humanitarian action rather than (understandable) retaliatory urges. Forming inter-generational, mutually recognizing communities, veterans have found ways to mourn together and hold one another. Taking on acts of social responsibility, they re-appropriate control over their lives. MORE>

Don’t You Wish You Were at the Spring Meeting?
This new column shares news and views from the most recent Spring Meeting and makes you want to attend the next one. Really: look deep into the eyes of this column, reconnect with your breath, think fleeting mean thoughts about your mother, repress those thoughts, and then ask yourself, “How could I possibly have missed the previous Spring Meeting?” if your next thought is, “Gosh, I won’t make that mistake again!” consider booking your ticket for San Francisco, April 23-26, 2015.

At our last spring meeting Ruth Lijtmaer presented:

The Secret Box

This paper will look at the conflict that occurs when unspoken events and memories of one generation haunt the next one. It is my contention that the second generation survivors of trauma can be deeply affected by something that did not directly happen to them. Utilizing my own personal narrative I will examine how being the daughter of a woman who escaped the Holocaust, affected my development and later my work with

When I was growing up, my mother told me that she was born in Poland. She told me she left Poland in 1938 because of the War and migrated to Argentina with her parents when she was 15. I had frequently asked her to tell me stories about her childhood. Her response was always “I do not remember.” I was conflicted if I should pursue asking her my questions. I finally gave up. It was only as a young adult and my own migration to the United States that I became aware and at times “obsessed” by my not knowing her history and my history. Even though my migration was voluntary and hers was forced, the political events in Argentina made me feel and become an exile, just as she had been. It was during my training in the U.S. and seeing patients who had suffered political persecution that things started to fall into place for me. MORE>

Announcement of Two New Associate Editors and an International Editor to the Editorial Staff of Psychoanalytic Psychology

We are pleased to announce that after careful review of many impressive applicants and with significant help from a search committee made up additionally of Morris Eagle and William Gottdiener, we have appointed two new Associate Editors and an International Editor to the editorial staff of Psychoanalytic Psychology. The positions have been made necessary by the significant increase in scholarly submissions to the journal. The funds have been made available through the generosity of our publisher, the Education Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association.

The new Associate Editors are:
Johanna Malone, Ph.D. who is currently at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School;

Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D. who is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Long Island University.

The new International Editor is:

Professor Lutz Wittmann who is Professor of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at the International Psychoanalytic University in Berlin, Germany.

All three have substantial research background and impressive psychoanalytic credentials. We expect that all three will be of great help in supporting the Editor and in contributing to the growth of the journal—both in this country and internationally. Their terms will begin as of June 1, 2014.

Please join us in welcoming all three!

Elliot Jurist, Editor, Psychoanalytic Psychology and Henry M. Seiden, Chair of the Publications Committee.


Results of the Recent Election:

Treasurer: Arlene (Lu) Steinberg

Representative to APA Council: Norm Abeles, Laura Barbanel, and Steven Reisner

Member-at-Large: Galit Atlas, Jaine Darwin, Diana Diamond

I would like to thank the Membership Committee (Jonathan Eger, Barry Dauphin, and Mart Magee) and offer special thanks to our members, whether they won or lost, for agreeing to serve in a leadership position on the Board of Directors.

Bill MacGillivray, Chair

Division 39 Discount Subscription Program

As you know, for a number of years, we have been able to offer our members discounts for subscribing to psychoanalytic journals. It is the time of year when many of us are renewing our subscriptions and this note is a reminder to consider renewing or beginning a subscription by taking advantage of these savings. For now, as you will see, you may need to contact customer services to request the discount, although several journals offer direct links to the discount. Please follow the directions that are different for each journal. MORE>

2014 Winner of the Mitchell Award: Adam Blum

It is with great pleasure that we announce the winner of the 2014 Mitchell Award, Adam Blum’s “‘This Must Be the Place’: Thinking psychical life with music.” The paper offers a fresh and intriguing account of how music was used in clinical work with a specific patient, and how music illuminates clinical processes in general. Dr. Adam Blum will be presenting his paper at the Spring meeting of Division 39 this April, and the paper will then appear in PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY.

The award committee was composed of three people: Dr. William MacGillivray, Usha Tummala-Narra and me.
We had nine submissions, and we decided to award two honorable mentions along with the award-winning paper: Wayne Bullock’s “Gay Men and G-d: A relational psychoanalytic view” and Eilon Shomron-Atar’s “Psychoanalysis Without Metaphors.”

Thanks to everyone who submitted papers, and thanks to the award committee for their laudable effort.


We are pleased to announce the creation of The Task Force on the Archives of Division 39. As the division has become important in the evolution of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychology, it follows that the time had come to a) collect materials which reflect its history, b) encourage scholarship among the membership when the collection is assembled, and c) establish a means to promote awareness in future generations of the important contributions to psychoanalytic thought by the Division. More>

From the Awards Committee

Submit your nominations for division award nominees

The Awards Committee of Division 39 is soliciting recommendations from our membership for award nominees for 2015. This 2014 awardees are Elliott Jurist for Scholarship; Marsha McCary for Leadership, and Dolores Morris, for Diversity. The list of prior awards is on the Division 39 website. MORE>

Division Members

A resent op-Ed piece published on racial discrimination and health by Lekeisha Sumner:

Author Connection

Recent Publications by Division 39 Members

Gozlan, O. (2014). Transsexuality and the Art of Transitioning: A Lacanian Approach. (Routledge).

Kavaler-Adler, S. (2013). The compulsion to create: Women writers and their demon lovers. Republished in New York by ORI Academic Press, with new editing and new illustrations, and new chapter. Formerly published by Routledge,London and New York,1993, and by Other Press, 2000.

Kavaler-Alder, S. (2014). Fear of Intimacy. In Salman Akhtar (Ed.). Fear, pp. 85-121. London: Karnac.
Kavaler-Adler, S. (2013). Dialectics of mortality and immortality: time as an internal and transitional object experience: and time as a persecutory versus a holding object. Issues in Psychonanalytic Psychology, vol. 35, pp. 47-61.

Kavaler-Adler, S. (2014). Psychic structure and the capacity to mourn: Why narcissists cannot mourn. MindConsilliums, 14 (1): 1-17.

Mijuskovic, Ben Lazare. (2012; 3rd edition). Loneliness in Philosophy, Psychology, and Literature. Bloomington, IN: I Universe (243 pages).

Mills, Jon (2014). Jung as Philosopher: Archetypes, the Psychoid Factor, and the Question of the Supernatural. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 6(3), 227-242.

Stolorow, R. D. (2014). A Phenomenological-Contextualist Psychoanalytic Perspective. The American Psychoanalyst, 48(2):18-19.

Stolorow, R. D. (2014). Heidegger, mood, and the lived body: The ontical and the ontological. Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts, 13(2):5-11.

Summers, F. (2014) Beyond the Selfobject concept: the bonds of empathy. Intenrational Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 9 (3) 222-236.

Summers, F. (2014) Reply to Steve Knoblach. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 9 (3) 242-245.

What are you writing? Future issues will highlight the varieties of publishing activities our members are engaged in. All links to books and articles will be considered. To be included, please e-mail the editor by the 21st of the month. All publications submitted for Author Connection need to comply with the InSight submission guidel


Advertise with us! Conference information, consultation groups? Let InSight help spread the word. E-mail Kristi Pikiewicz at for more information.

Copyright © 2014 Division 39, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a Division 39 member.

Our mailing address is:

Division 39
2493 N Franklin Ave
Lousville, CO 80027

Quick Links

Division 39 Spring Meeting

Join Division 39

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Master Calendar:

1) Division Program Meetings

a) 2014 APA Meeting: Washington, DC: August 7-10

b) 2015 Spring Meeting: San Francisco, CA: April 22-28 (Drs. Ehrensaft and Heineman)

c) 2015 APA Meeting: Toronto, Ontario, Canada: August 6-9

d) 2016 Spring Meeting: Atlanta, GA: April 6-10

e) 2016 APA Meeting: Denver, CO: August 4-7

f) 2017 Spring Meeting: New York, NY: April 25-30

g) 2017 APA Meeting: Washington, DC: August 3-6

h) 2018 Spring Meeting: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

i) 2018 APA Meeting: San Francisco, CA: August 9-12

j) 2019 Spring Meeting: Philadelphia, PA

k) 2019 APA Meeting: Chicago, IL: August 8-11

l) 2020 Spring Meeting: New York, NY

m) 2020 APA Meeting: Washington, DC: August 6-9

Important Dates

August 7-10, 2014- APA 122 Annual Convention in Washington DC. For more information go to the convention website.

Division 39 Leadership

E-mail Directory
of Board Members and Committee Chairs

Division 39 Board of Directors
President- Frank Summers, Ph.D.
President Elect- Marilyn Charles, Ph.D.
Past President- William MacGillivray, Ph.D.
Secretary- Dana Castellano, Psy.D.
Treasurer- Lu Steinberg, Psy.D.
APA Council Reps
Norm Abeles, Ph.D.

Laura Barbanel, Ed.D.

Leilani Crane, Ph.D.

Mary Beth Cresci, Ph.D.

David Downing, Psy.D.

Marsha McCary, Ph.D.

Jill Bellison, Ph.D.

Jaine Darwin, Psy.D.

Dennis Debiak, Psy.D.

Diana Diamond, Ph.D.

Devon King, Ph.D.

Ernesto Mujica, Ph.D.

Scott Pytluk, Ph.D.

Kris Yi, Ph.D.

Usha Tummala-Narra, Ph.D.

Section Representatives
Section I: Psychologist-Psychoanalyst Practitioners
William K. Fried, Ph.D.

Section II: Childhood and Adolescence
JoAnn Ponder, Ph.D.

Section III: Women, Gender and Psychoanalysis
Ellen Toronto, PhD

Section IV: Local Chapters
Joseph Schaller, Psy.D.

Section V: Applied Psychoanalysis
Barry Dauphin, Ph.D.

Section VI: Psychoanalytic Research Society
[Not active]

Section VIII: Couple and Family Therapy and Psychoanalysis
Maurine Kelly, Ph.D.

Section IX: Psychoanalysis and Social Responsibility
Liz Goren, Ph.D.

Committee Chairs, Liaisons
Awards: Dennis Debiak, Ph.D.

Candidates Outreach: Jonathan Eger, PsyD, and Ricardo Rieppi, Ph.D.

Continuing Education: Colin F. Ennis, Psy.D.

Division Liason to Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women): Leilani Salvo Crane, PsyD

Early Career Psychologists: Marilyn Charles, Ph.D., and Heather-Ayn Indelicato, Ph.D.

Education & Training: David Downing, Psy.D., and Martha Hadley, Ph.D.

Ethics & Professional Issues: Joyce Slochower, PhD and Richard Ruth, Ph.D.

Federal Advocacy Coordinator: Marilyn Metzl, Ph.D.

Fellows: David Ramirez, Ph.D.

Finance: Lu Steinberg, Psy.D.

Fund for Psychoanalysis: Marsha McCary, Ph.D.

Graduate Students: Bart Magee

Infant Mental Health: Stephen Seligman, DMH

International Relations: Ken Reich, Ed.D.

Internet: Barry Cohen, PhD

Liaison to CAPP and IG: Jaine Darwin, Ph.D.

Federal Advocacy Coordinator: Marilyn N. Metzl, Ph.D.

Membership: Devon King, Ph.D., and Johanna Malone, Ph.D.

Multicultural Concerns: Kris Yi, Ph..D. and Leilani Crane, Ph.D.

Nominations & Elections: Bill MacGillivray, Ph.D.

Outreach: Richard Ruth, Ph.D.

Parliamentarian: Laurel Bass Wagner, Ph.D.

Professional Issues Committee: Sharon Brennan, Ed.D.
Program Committee: Marilyn Metzl, Ph.D.
Psychoanalysis and Community: Judie Alpert, Ph.D. and Mary Joan Gerson, Ph.D.

Psychoanalysis and Healthcare: Judie Alpert, PhD, and Maureen Murphy, Ph.D.

Psychoanalysis and the Humanities: Spyros Orfanos, Ph.D.
Psychoanalytic Consortium: William McGillivray, Ph.D.
Public Relations: Nina Thomas, Ph.D. and Ankhesenamun Ball, Psy.D.

Publications: Henry Seiden, Ph.D.

Research Committee: Sherwood Waldron, MD

Sexualities and Gender Identities: Scott Pytluk, Ph.D.

Specialization and Accreditation: Marilyn Jacobs, Ph.D.

Psychoanalytic Psychology
Elliot Jurist, Ph.D., Editor

David Lichtenstein, Ph.D., Editor

Kristi Pikiewicz Ph.D., Editor


Division 39 Office

Ruth Helein


2615 Amesbury Road,

Winston-Salem, NC 27103

Phone: 336-768-1113; Fax: 336-464-2974,
