This Week in Yedies: News from YIVO


Song of the Murdered Jewish People:

Looking for the “Real” Yitzkhak Katzenelson

Poet and playwright Yitzkhak Katzenelson (1885-1944) was known chiefly for his work in Hebrew before World War II, especially in Lodz, where he helped found Ha-Bamah ha-‘Ivrit (The Hebrew Stage) Theater Company. But when he was incarcerated in the Warsaw Ghetto, he turned to Yiddish poetry as a way of reaching more readers. Read more…

YIVO Public Program Video and Audio Archive

Visit to view or listen to many of YIVO’s public programs from 2005 to the present. Our most recent addition is The Capital of Yiddishland: YIVO and its Relationship to Vilna, a lecture with Cecile Kuznitz (Bard College). Read more…

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YIVO Institute for Jewish Research | 15 West 16th Street
New York | NY | 10011