Cultural and psychoanalytic heritage, role models and art looting from Sasha Rolde on

Dear colleagues,

With the world remembering 9/11 and talk of war in the air again, it seems fitting yet again that our posts reflect the history of the world as well as of psychoanalytic thought. This week these reviews seem particularly pronounced. I will mention some in my own list below. Please feel free to comment on the website.

My choices this week are as follows:

1) To begin with, the Announcements Category is brimming with interesting events, and if you can attend any or all of them, please do. I am only focusing on 3 posts, but there are others.
a))Note the reprise to WWI and the Jews – the more things change the more they remain the same, n’est-ce pas?
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b) By now you know that I am partial to the Czech heritage. For that reason, but also because the topic is fascinating, I encourage you to go to NYPSI to hear “Knowledge & Limitations with Joseph Kohn, who was born in Prague, Tim Maudlin, Priyamvada Natarajan, & Dorothea von M**cke at The Helix Center on September 20, 2014” See the Announcement.
Click Here to Read This Article

c) How much more timely could this conference be:
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“Shame, Guilt & Prejudice: Emerging Possibilities,” taking place on November 15, will be hosted at the beautiful Scholastic Center in Soho, NYC. This year’s conference includes notable psychoanalytic speakers and renowned artists whose work expresses the impact and presence of shame, guilt, and prejudice in our cultural and symbolic communication

2) Please read the posts in the Art Category.

Not all theft and looting is the same. I have always thought that there is a special psychological significance to stealing are – both the the thief, and to the person robbed.
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3) In the Books Category you might read more on “Evil not so banal”
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4) Filling the Empty Nest With Animals in the Editorials category is touching and you will find there more than initially meets the eye.
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5) In case you thought your medical records and those of your patients are safe on the internet, think again and read Hackers threaten health care industry’s patient records in the general news category.
Click Here to Read This Article

6) A number of posts relate to the 9/11 tragedy – Please read.
Click Here to Read This Article on the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Click Here to Read This Article also on the 9/11 Memorial Museum.
Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. WWI and The Jew

Film Series and Conference at the Center for Jewish History.
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II. Shame, Guilt & Prejudice at NAAP

Shame, Guilt & Prejudice: Emerging Possibilities – November 15, 2014 at The Scholastic Center, New York City.

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III. Knowledge & Limitations with Joseph Kohn , Tim Maudlin, Priyamvada Natarajan, & Dorothea von M**cke at The Helix Center
on September 20, 20914 at 2:30 pm.

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IV. A Review of Some Outdated Foundational Hypotheses Underlying Psychoanalytic Theory with Edward Nersessian at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, October 1, 2014, 8 *** 10 p.m.

A Review of Some Outdated Foundational Hypotheses Underlying Psychoanalytic Theory
Edward Nersessian, M.D***..

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V. Bryna Kra: Patterns and Disorder

a) at the Museum of Mathematics on February 5th, 2014

b) Video for Bryna Kra on Patterns and Disorder on YouTube,
To read a) & view b) please go to: _________________________________________________

VI. On the Subject of Psychiatry and the Subject of Psychoanalysis with Apres-Coup

Ren** Magritte, Not to be Reproduced (La reproduction interdite), 1937. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

On the Subject of Psychiatry and the Subject of Psychoanalysis September 19 & 20, 2014
Mount Sinai Hospital, Davis Conference Center
Hess Center, 2nd fl., 1470 Madison Av. (between 101st and 102nd Sts.) New York, New York ***..

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VII. 20I5 IPA Boston Congress: Proposal Deadline Extended Until 20 September, 2014

on the IPA Website.

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VIII. YIVO News and Events

a)Abraham Sutzkever: The Power in Poetry
Wednesday, September 10 | 7:00pm

b)The Annual Naomi Prawer Kadar Memorial Lecture
Ruth Wisse, Professor Emerita, Harvard University

The Yiddish poet Abraham Sutzkever came of age in Vilna in the 1920s and 30s when Yiddish poetry was the favored creative outlet of its Jewish youth. For him, poetry-but only if good enough-was more than self-expression, more than beauty and truth: the power of rhyme was the endurance manifest in nature and in the Jewish people. ***That is poetry. / Touch it so lightly that you don***t leave a fingerprint.*** In this talk, acclaimed literary scholar Ruth Wisse puts Sutzkever***s poetry to his own test. Professor David Roskies delivers introductory remarks. Sponsored by the Naomi Prawer Kadar Foundation, Inc. ***.
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B. In the ART Category

IX. Letters to Afar: Oct 22, 2014 *** Mar 22, 2015

Letters to Afar: Oct 22, 2014 *** Mar 22, 2015 Co-presented by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

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X. Artist Diana Al-Hadid on Fate, Form, and Freud***and Her New Exhibition at the Secession in Vienna

by Thessaly La Force in Vogue Magazine on September 10, 2014.
Photographed by Mark Peckmezian

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XI. Nations Called Lax in Returning Art Looted From Jews
By Graham Bowley in The New York Times on September 10, 2014.
In 2011 United States officials seized Girolamo Romano***s ***Christ Carrying the Cross Dragged by a Rogue,*** pictured here in the Brogan Museum in Tallahassee, Fla., which has since closed for unrelated reasons. Steve Cannon Associated Press.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

XII. Preserving the Yiddish language

a) By Mac King on the Fox 5 News website on Septemner 11. . 2o14.]
b) Oy Vey: Yiddish Has a Problem The language is mostly spoken by Orthodox Jews who want to set themselves apart from the modern world. Is there a future for Yiddish in other communities? by Tanya Basu in the Atlantic Monthly on September 9, 2014.

To read and view a),& b) please go to

D. In the BOOKS Category:

XIII. You No Longer Have to Be a Man to Be Somebody

by Pat LaMarche on the Huffington Post website on Septemher 11, 2014.
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XIV. Women in Dark Times by Jacqueline Rose

review: ***rigorously argued*** A breathtaking new book August 26, 2014.
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XV. Myths of Termination: What Patients Can Teach Psychoanalysts About Endings, by Judy Kantrowitz

Myths of Termination: What Patients Can Teach Psychoanalysts About Endings, by Judy Kantrowitz (forward by Glenn Gabbard, MD) Routledge 2014.

Reviewed by N. Szajnberg, MD

Just before death (1956), Ernst Kris published his piece on personal myth and its transformation to personal history in psychoanalysis. Myths are archaic forms that live in the present, drive the present, as if they were still alive. Histories are life accounts that we feel are part of who we are, but do not drive our present. Resolving myths to histories permits us to build more autonomous futures. ***..
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XVI. New from IPBooks: Pretend Ballads by Edward McCrorie

On September 11, 2001, I was having dental work done in Providence, Rhode Island, when news of the attacks came through. My wife, Beatrice Beebe, was at work in New York City only a few miles from the World Trade Center. When we reunited later that week, we knew our lives were changing, and I encouraged her idea to help in Manhattan somehow, since she was well experienced aiding mothers with young children.
The poems, prose and pictures in this book are a culmination of many discussions, readings, clinical help and sundry emotions over the past twelve years. But I did not realize there might be poetry here until December, ***..

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XVII. Evil not so banal, says disturbing new probe

on the Medical Xpress Website on 08, 2014.

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XVIII.Resignations at Center for Jewish History Stir Speculations About Financial Health

Steinberg and Ackman Resign *** ***Transparency*** Cited By Paul Berger on the Forward Mobile website on August 28, 2014,

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F. In the CHINA Category:

XIX. Why a U.S. immigrant investor program is being maxed out by Chinese applicants

By Jiaxi Lu on the Washington Post on eSeptember 5, 2014.
Chinese citizens are swarming the EB-5 visa program, which requires applicants to invest at least $500,000 in order to gain permanent residency. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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G. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XX. Filling the Empty Nest With Animals

by Julie Salamon in The New York Times on September 5, 2014.
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H. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXI. Scientists Trace Jewish History Using DNA

by Stephen Luntz on the IFL Science website on September 11, 2014.
Photo credit: The Grand Choral Synagogue of St Petersburg, like the rest of Jewish culture in Eastern and Central Europe came from a population descended from 350 ancestors

Closing the Circle: A Memior of Finding a Father by Janet Lee Bachant Friday, September 12th, 2014

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XXII. Closing the Circle: A Memoir of Finding a Father by Janet Lee Bachant a) Janet Lee Bachant.

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XXIII. Reliving Tragedy Was My Job at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum

How under the weight of history, all memory becomes holy***even the memory that should not By Julia Bosson on the Tablet website on September 11, 2014.

From the series 9.11 redux, in which the photographer returned a decade later to locations in lower Manhattan where he was on assignment in the days following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. (Jason Florio)

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XXIV. Memorializing a Tragedy

in the Monitor on Psychology Digital Edition.

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XXV. Lena Dunham Is Not Done Confessing

By Meghan Daum in The New York Times on September 10, 2014.

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XXVI. Ashkenazi Jews Descend From 350 People, Scientists Say Geneticists Believe Community Is Only 600-800 Years Old

Ashkenazi Jews Descend From 350 People, Scientists Say Geneticists Believe Community Is Only 600-800 Years Old By Ruth Schuster on the Jewish Daily Forward website on September 9, 2014.

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XXVII. A Fresh Look At Flight Safety Instructions

on the Jefferson Radio Website on By September 9, 2014.

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XXVIII. Oy Vey: Yiddish Has a Problem

The language is mostly spoken by Orthodox Jews who want to set themselves apart from the modern world. Is there a future for Yiddish in other communities? by Tanya Basu in the Atlantic Monthly on September 9, 2014.

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XXIX. What Will Doom the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment, Another Failed Government Program?

by Daniel LaChance in The New York Times on September 8, 2014.
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XXX. Michael John Burlingham talks about The Last Tiffany and 4,000 Mil
Dining with Anna Freud: Michael John Burlingham talks about The Last Tiffany and 4,000 Miles By Isaac Tylim in the Miami Herald on October 26, 2011.

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XXXI. Tracing Jewish History Along the Rhine

by Peter Wartsman in The New York Times on September 7, 2014.
Hebrew letters inspired the configuration of this synagogue and community center in Mainz, Germany. It was erected in 2010 at the site of the old synagogue destroyed by the Nazis.

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XXXII. When Jews *** and Everyone Else *** Learned How To Have Fun
Pleasure Requires Plenty of Leisure Time, and the Words To Describe It By Philologos on The Jewish Daily Forward website on September 7, 2014.

Love Jones: A scene from Henry Fielding***s ***Tom Jones,*** which features a character who was ***a great lover of what is called fun.***
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XXXIV. How Psychology can Help Ferguson Heal

by Nadiue J. Kaslow and Norman N. Anderson on the St.Louis Dipatch website on September 5, 2014.

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XXXV. Hackers threaten health care industry***s patient records
By Jessica Meyers in The Boston Globe on September 06, 2014.
Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center***s Dr. John D. Halamka, shown amid rows of servers in the hospital***s data center, is cochair of a federal IT group that advises the government.
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XXXVI. Why the IOC will never memorialize the ***72 Munich massacre
By Guri Weinberg on July 27, 2012.

a) The real reason the Olympic Committee refuses to commemorate the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich and reviews of Munich by Arlene Kramer Richards and Yale Kramer on this website

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I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXV. ***FLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR*** or What Happened to Reikian Psychoanalysis?
Click Here to Read: ***FLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR*** or What Happened to Reikian Psychoanalysis? by Dany Nobus, PhD., London, Brunel University.

Dany Nobus photo

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XXXI. Philosophy Thursday: Auguste Comte

a) Auguste Comte on Wikipedia.

b) Auguste Comte on The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
c) Auguste Comte, Positivism, and the Religion of Humanity by George P. Landow and Glenn Everett on the Victoria Web Website.

To read a),b),c) & d) please go to ___________________________________________

K. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXXII. In the Shadow of Freud***s Couch by Mark Gerald

by Mark Gerald on his website.

Dr. Anni Bergman in her office.

Photography Friday: Sethu Nair

To read and view please go to

L. In the PLAYS Category:

XXXIII. Just added! This Sunday, Talkback Follows Godot Performance
David Mandelbaum, left, and Shane Baker in ***Waiting for Godot.*** (Cordula Treml, New York Times)

Somewhat astonishingly, one of the most enigmatic plays of the 20th century *** Samuel Beckett***s ***Waiting for Godot*** *** is now making total
sense. In Yiddish.

Sunday, September 14, 2014 | 2:00pm | Purchase
Use ticket code WAIT35 and save 20% off!

too read more and purchase tickets, please go to


XXXIV. Psychology Sunday: Wolfgang K**hler & Kurt Koffka
a) Wolfgang K**hler on Wikipdia.

b) Kurt Koffka pn Wikipedia.

c) Kurt Koffka on the New York Encyclopedia website.

d) Chapter I. Why Psychology? An Introductory Question in Principles of Gestalt Psychology by Kurt Koffka in Principles of Gestalt Psychology (1935) publ. Lund Humphries, London.

PhotosLWolfgang K**hler Kurt Koffka

e) Wolfgang Kohler (1887 *** 1967) Compiled by Faith Luyster on the website.

f) Other Posts from Psychology Sunday on this website.

To read and view a), b),c) d),e) & f)please go to ________________________________________________________________

N. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXV. What neuroscience tells us about getting organized
a) On Leadership: What neuroscience tells us about getting organized By Jena McGregor in the Washington Post on September 8, 2014,

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XXXVI. Early Brain Injury Might Be the Root of Autism

on the Daily Beast website on September 7, 2014.

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XXXVIII. Neuroscientists watch imagination Happening in the Brain
by BYU Media Relations on the Medidian Magazine website on September 5, 2014.

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XXXIX. Your brain stores imagination and memory separately
by Chris Higgins website on September 14, 2014.

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XL. Memory and Alzheimer***s

Towards a better comprehension of the dynamic mechanisms on the Medical Xpress website on August 31, 2014.

Diagram of the brain of a person with Alzheimer***s Disease. Credit: Wikipedia/public domain

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O. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XLI. SS-**Obersturmbannf**hrer (Retired)

a) SS-**Obersturmbannf**hrer (Retired) ***Eichmann Before Jerusalem,*** by Bettina Stangneth By Steven Aschheim in the New York Times on September. 4, 2014.

Nazi officers cutting off a Jewish prisoner***s sidelocks. Credit Agence France-Presse/Getty Image

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XLII. The Role of Fathers in Society

By H. Steven Moffic, MD on the Psychiatric Times website on September 05, 2014.

Andrew Maddoff

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The slightly longer list of posts may seem daunting but as you begin to read it, the posts captivate your attention. I hope that you find ones that cater to your interest. Please write your comments on the website.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde