Iraq, inhumanity, narcissism, autism & Woody Allen from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

As the Fall is slowing making its entrance and we are getting ready to start the new work year, please enjoy the last week of August reading the varied post on the international psychoanalytic website, most relevant to our daily lives, world and local news and of course to our work.
My choices this week are:

1) “ As if it isn’t bad enough to view videos and hear about people being killed – if you can, read about the cultural devastation in Iraq.

Before the world witnessed the full force of the Islamic State’s brutality in the video this past week showing American journalist James Foley’s murder, a different video revealed another kind of destruction the terrorist group is bent on inflicting.

A little more than a minute long, the earlier video focuses on a large tan building with a graceful minaret rising into the day’s haze. Ten seconds in, there’s a flash and a loud bang. The minaret and the building disappear in a plume of smoke.”
Click Here to Read This Article

2) – Oh the books of course:
a) Tracy Morgan’s review of The Americanization of Narcissism begins appropriately with:
“Elizabeth Lunbeck has made a major contribution to the historical study of psychoanalysis with the publication of The Americanization of Narcissism (Harvard University Press, 2014).”
Click Here to Read This Article
Please read on!

b) and for fun read the New Republics reprise about Hemingway and James Joyce.
Click Here to Read This Article

3) The Editorial section contains 2 important posts on depression, a) on competence in treatment of depression, and b)Patient No. 9413.
Click Here to Read This Article on competence
Click Here to Read This Article on Patient 9413

4) The General News Category has 2 efforts at explanation of “savage inhumanity”
a) on ISIS and
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b) on Nazi Germany
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both should be read and responded to please!
5) Please read Michael Robbins’ and Jack Hischowitz’s Letters to Editors’ in the NYT
Click Here to Read This Article

6) Has Woody Allen had his day in the sun? Read the review of his latest film?
Click Here to Read This Article

7) Please read about the fascinating research on the Development of Synapses in the Brain with Autism.
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Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. IPA 49th Congress

IPA 49th Congress, IPSO 23rd Conference World Trade Center, Boston Ma, 22-25 July 2015 Changing the World: The Shape and Use of
Psychoanalytic Tools Today.

To read more please go to: _________________________________________________

II. If Books Could Talk: The Story of Three Jewish Treasures Rescued from the Vilna Ghetto

FROM THE YIVO ARCHIVES: November 24, 2014 7:00pm.

To read more please go to: _________________________________________________

III. Understanding Anxiety in our Children with Barbara Milrod, MD at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 8 *** 9:15 p.m.
Understanding Anxiety in our Children with Barbara Milrod, MD
To read more please go to: _________________________________________________

IV. Apres Coup Schedule 2014-2015
Monday, August 18th, 2014

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V. Three psychology interns discuss their dissertations with Alison Ferst, Aimee Radom, & Rebecca Stone at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 8 *** 10 p.m.

For Info or Register, please go to: _________________________________________________

B. In the ART Category:

VI. The Islamic State isn***t just killing people. It***s destroying a culture
By Aki Peritz on The Washington Post website on August 22, 2014,
Iraq***s cultural treasures are threated by Islamic State militants. (Ali Al-saadi/AFP/Getty Images)

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C. In the BOOKS Category:

VII. The Review That Caused Hemingway to Slap a Critic in the Face With a Book
by Max Eastman on The New Republic website on August 11, 2014.
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VIII. The Americanization of Narcissism

Review of The Americanization of Narcissism by Elizabeth Lunbeck Review by Tracy Morgan on the New Books in Psychoanalysis website.
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IX. This Is What It Was Like to Go to James Joyce***s Birthday Party And have him chat with you about his favorite novels

By Padraic Colum on The New Republic Website. This piece was originally published on May 13, 1931.

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D. In the EDITORIALS Category:

X. Patient No. 9413

by Roger Cohen in The New York Times on August 21, 2014>

To read please go to _____________________________________________

Xi. Why Our Monuments Matter

by Niko Kostandaras in The New York Times on August. 19, 2014.
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XII. To Know Suicide: Depression Can Be Treated, but It Takes Competence
By Kay Redfield Jamisonin The New York Times on August 15, 2014.
Ralph Barton (Photo)

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E. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XIII. Gautama Buddha the Unique Psychotherapist

by Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.on the LankaWeb website on August 21, 2014.

To read more please go to ________________________________________

XIV. ISIS Savagery Explained

Five reasons why human beings are capable of savage inhumanity. Ian H. Robertson, Ph.D. on his The Winner Effect effect blog on the Psychology Today blogs on August 18, 2014.

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XV. Why the Holocaust Occurred in Germany, and Why So Few Resisted
(REVIEW) on the Algeminer website on August 11, 2014.

Barbed wire inside Auschwitz camp. Photo: Wiki Commons.

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XVI. The Haskalah today

By Peter Schattner on the Galus Australus website on August 18, 2014.
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XVII. In Ferguson, three minutes *** and two lives forever changed
By Manuel Roig-Franzia, DeNeen L. Brown and Wesley Lowery in The Washington Post on August 16, 2014,

People gather Saturday next to a makeshift memorial for Michael Brown, located at the site where Brown was shot by police a week ago in Ferguson, Mo. (Charlie Riedel/Associated Press)

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F. In the LETTERS TO EDITORS Category:

XVIII. Two Psychiatrists, on Treating Schizophrenia

Letters to the Editor in The New York Times on August 21, 2014.
To read please go to ___________________________________________

G. In the MOVIES Category:

XIX. Woody Allen***s Magic in the Moonlight: Keeping life at a distance
By David Walsh on the World Socialist Web Site on August 22, 2014.
(photo) Magic in the Moonlight

To read please go to _____________________________________________

XX. The Projected Image: The Jewish Experience on Film

Turner Movie Channel: The Projected Image: The Jewish Experience on Film Co-hosts: Robert Osborne & Dr. Eric Goldman September 2014 Primetime Schedule.

To read & to Buy: Yiddish Language DVDs on please go to

XXI. What the Media Isn***t Telling You About Lauren Bacall and Bogart
Lauren Bacall was a true-blue, New York, left-of-center, liberal Democrat her whole life by Clancy Sigal on the Alternet website on August 14, 2014

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H. In the PAPERS Category:

XXII. Antisemitism in Britain by George Orwell

on the George Orwell Website.

To read more please go to


XXIII. Philosophy Thursday: Blaise Pascal

a) Blaise Pascal on Wikipedia.

b) Blaise Pascal on The Stanford University of Philosophy First published Tue Aug 21, 2007; substantive revision Tue Mar 18, 2014.
c) What Does Jacques Lacan See in Blaise Pascal? by Cormac Gallagher on the Lacaninireland website.

d) Other posts in the Philosophy Thursday category on this website.
To read a) to d) please go to ___________________________________________


XXIV. Psychology Sunday: George S. Klein

a) George S. Klein on Wikipedia.

b) Discussion Remarks on Charles Fisher***s as Study of the Preliminary Stages of The Construction of Dreams and Images by George S. Klein, Presented at the New York Psychoanalytic Society on June 12, 1956.
c) Rapaport-Klein Study Group on Saturday, June 13, 2009 (9 a.m.) on the Psychology SUNY website.

d) Other posts in Psychology Sunday on this website.

To read a),b),c),& d) please go to ______________________________________________________

K. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXV. Study Finds That Brains With Autism Fail to Trim Synapses as They Develop
by Pam Belluck in The New York Times on August 21, 2014.

David Sulzer, a neurobiologist at Columbia, led a study that may help explain symptoms of autism like oversensitivity to noise, as well as why many people with autism also have epilepsy.
Ruth Fremson / The New York Times

to read more please go to ______________________________________

XXVI. Maturing brain flips function of amygdala in regulating stress hormones
on the Medical Express Website on August 20, 2014,

The amygdala is a region of the brain known to be important for responses to threats and learning about threats. Its function regulating stress hormones undergoes significant changes as the brain matures, Yerkes research suggests. Credit: NIMH

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L. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XXVII. The Rapaport/Holt Letters on
(photo)David Rapaport, late 1950s

(photo)Robert R. Holt, 2014

a) References for works cited in the Rapaport-Holt Letters
b) Persons Mentioned in the Rapaport-Holt Letters

c) The Rapaport-Holt Letters: A Master-Apprentice Collaboration on Psychoanalytic Theory ***.

To read please go to _______________________________________________

This has been a news packed week in the world, amply reflected in the above menu. I hope that you have found posts of interest to each of you and that when possible you wrote your comments on the website.
Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde