Sylvia Brody, Heidegger, Freud, depression and talent, morality & the brain from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

As world violence is spreading from the Middle East to Ferguson, USA, I am taking refuge on Cape Cod but it is following me here – on NPR in the car. So I suggest that you to what I do and log onto the international psychoanalytic website and get a historical and psychoanalytic perspective on the world. I will again mention the posts that particularly caught my attention, and follow without he full menus. Please don’t forget to leave your comments on the web.
My choices this week:

1) The Announcements category has a number of interesting posts,
especially a) the conference to honor Sylvia Brody,
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Click Here to Read This Article

2) The books have their day again with me –

a) more on Freud (why now?)
Click Here to Read This Article

b)an interesting discussion of “The Body Politic: Hitler, Paranoia, and ‘the Jew’ in Modern Germany”.
Click Here to Read This Article

c)a reviews of Dr. Nathan Szajnberg’s book: Sheba and Solomon’s Return as well as of the Texture of Treatment on the Matter of Psychoanalytic Technique.
Click Here to Read This Article

3) Jeremy D. Safran’s essay on “Is Freud Still Dead” ( review of the origins and history of psychoanalysis in the 20th century and Jane Hall’s comments on the future of psychoanalytic education dovetail in their detail and present an accurate picture of the position of psychoanalysis at the present time.

Click Here to Read This Article

4) Robin Williams ‘suicide” has, not surprisingly, triggered a number of posse on depression and suicide as well a on the connection of talent and depression.

Click Here to Read This Article on Depression

Click Here to Read This Article on Robin Williams

5) Mary McNamara’s comments on the treatment of the mentally ill and solitary confinement are also particularly timely and related to #5.
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6) All about Rene Descartes is there for you to read in the Philosophy Thursday Category. This is where I learn much and am back in college in the Philosophy class.
Click Here to Read This Article

7) Please read the Rapaport-Holt letters Chpts. 6 to 9 in detail – very interesting material!

Click Here to Read Chapter 6
Click Here to Read Chapter 7
Click Here to Read Chapter 8
Click Here to Read Chapter 9


8) I happened to have heard the program on Are Our Moral Decisions Based Solely On Biology? on the Radio Boston WHBUR website on August 7, 2014, and am still trying to figure out how I would not teach the development of the superego in children in the child development course I gave for so many years. Please read in the Science News.
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Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. The Psychoanalytic Mode of Thought & its Application to the Non-Normative Analysis of Sexuality & Gender with Brian Kloppenberg at NYPSI

Scientific Meeting
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Tuesday, September 9, 2014, 8 *** 10:00 PM,
The Psychoanalytic Mode of Thought & its Application to the Non-Normative Analysis of Sexuality & Gender
Brian Kloppenberg
Discussants: Rosemary Balsam, MD and Robert Smith, MD

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II. Kaplan Construction renovating Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute***s 12,540 s/f learning center
Click Here to Read: Kaplan Construction renovating Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute***s 12,540 s/f learning center on the website.

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III. Donations to has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a In the paper trail, photos and relics of our founders *** and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.
But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.
Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?
We will use contributions to to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work].
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IV. A Conference to Honor Sylvia Brody

The Application of Thinking about Development in Treating Biological Disorders in Children, Conference in Honor of Sylvia Brody on October 18th, 2914 at the Goldwurm Auditorium at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

To read and to register: For The Conference please go to: ________________________________________
V. Heidegger and Nazism

a) Announcement for Presentation: Emmanuel Faye***s Book on Heidegger, by Robert Yanal at Wayne State University on November 23, 201o.
b) The Philosopher and the Jews: The Case of Martin Heiedegger by Richard L. Rubenstein.

To read a) & b) please go to: __________________________________________

VI. Mark Solms on Depression through the Lens of Neuropsychoanalysis at NPAP
The Continuing Education Committee and The Neuropsychoanalytic Clinical Study Center
Present MARK SOLMS on Depression through the Lens of Neuropsychoanalysis
Loveleen Posmentier Presents Clinical Material

Moderators: Edith Laufer and Alice Entin

Sunday, June 8, 2014
5:30 *** 7:30 PM
at NPAP, 40 West 13 Street*

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VII. On the Subject of Psychiatry and the Subject of Psychoanalysis with Apres-Coup

Ren** Magritte, Not to be Reproduced (La reproduction interdite), 1937. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

On the Subject of Psychiatry and the Subject of Psychoanalysis September 19 & 20, 2014
Mount Sinai Hospital, Davis Conference Center
Hess Center, 2nd fl., 1470 Madison Av. (between 101st and 102nd Sts.) New York, New York

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B. In the ART Category:

VIII. Outsider Art: Yiddish Book Center in Amherst features ***raw art*** of New Yorker Nathan Hilu

on the website.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:
IX. ***Coming Out*** About Depression

by Susan Donaldson James on the NBC news website on August 14, 2014.
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D. In the BOOKS Category;
X. Putnam Camp by George Prochnik

Click Here To Read: Review of: Putnam Camp: Sigmund Freud, James Jackson Putnam, and the Purpose of American Psychology by George Prochnik, Reviewed by Arnold Richards.

This article originally appeared as Richards, A.D. (2008). Review of: Putnam Camp: Sigmund Freud, James Jackson Putnam, and the Purpose of American Psychology by George ProchnikJ Psychoanal (2008) 89:199***229 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.
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XI. Why is Freud popping up on our screens and into our consciousness?
Opinion: Perhaps the current interest in Freud***s life is in inverse proportion to the degree to which his work is now read, outside of universities by Helen Meany in The Irish Times website on August 15, 2014.

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XII. Review of Sheba and Solomon***s Return

By Nathan Moses Szajnberg, M.D. Reviewed by Susan Goodman, L.C.S.W. in the Division 39 APA Review.

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XIII. The Texture of Treatment: On the Matter of Psychoanalytic Technique
Click Here to Read: Review of The Texture of Treatment: On the Matter of Psychoanalytic Technique by Herbert J. Schlesinger Reviewed by By Nathan Szajnberg , MD and Keren Segal, BA Review published in Sichot in Hebrew. Translated to English by the first author. Herbert Schlessinger***s Endings and Beginnings was republished this year.
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XIV. Effort To Preserve Yiddish Works Not ***Bupkes***

by Jon Kalish on the NPR Radio website on August 09, 2014.
Visitors look at an exhibit at the National Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Mass. (photo)

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XV. The Body Politic: Hitler, Paranoia, and ***the Jew*** in Modern Germany
by Geoffrey Cocks on the Library of Social Science website.
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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:
XVI. Is Freud Still Dead?

by Jeremy D. Safran, Ph.D. on his Straight Talk blog on the Psychology Today Blogs on November 13, 2013.

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XVII. The future of psychoanalytic education:thoughts on exclusion by Jane Hall
August is a time for rest and relaxation for many psychoanalysts. For me, a time to read, write, enjoy, and to realize that life continues after loss. This short essay is my way to connect and also to share some thoughts about the future of institutional psychoanalytic education which I believe holds the present and future life of psychoanalysis in its hands.

Awhile ago I started to explore the roots of exclusionary practices and how prevalent they are in our lives.

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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:
XVIII. Robin Williams: Genius and Depression from the Same Well?
For Robin Williams, genius and depression may have sprung from the same well by Jonathan Shedler on his Psychologically Minded blong on the Psychology Today blogs on August 15, 2014.
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XIX. Robin***s Pain: The Mystery of Suicide *** and How to Prevent It
Jeffrey Kluger on the Time Magazine website on August 13, 2014.
a) Mork Talking About Loneliness Seems Incredibly Poignant After Robin Williams*** Death on this website.

b) Defeat Depression on this website.

c) ***Coming Out*** About Depression on this website.
To read a), b) & c) please go to _________________________________
XX. Hit the Reset Button in Your Brain

By Daniel J. Levittin in The New York Times on August9, 2014.

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XXI. Defeat Depression

by Dr. Julie Jaffee Nagel on her website.
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XXII. Mork Talking About Loneliness Seems Incredibly Poignant After Robin Williams*** Death

a) Mork Talking About Loneliness Seems Incredibly Poignant After Robin Williams*** Death: The dialogue from this scene from the first season of Mork & Mindy has been shared widely following the beloved comedian***s death on by Francis Whittaker on the Buzzfeed Website on August 12, 2014.

b): Robin Williams and the dark side of comedy on this website.

To read a) & b) please go to ______________________________________________
XXIII. To Eat, or Not to Eat

BY David Frank om The New York Times on August 11, 2014.
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XXIV. Sophie Scholl and the White Rose

by Margie Burns on the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation website.
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XXV. Portland***s Jews Celebrate Century of Sephardic Heritage From Izmir to the Pacific Northwest

From Izmir to the Pacific Northwest By Martin Rosenberg on the Forward Mobile website on August 7, 2014,
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XXVI. The Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archive Project
Project on the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research website.
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G. In the LETTERS TO EDITORS Category:

XXVII. When Cell Door Opens, Tough Tactics and Risk

(***Locked In*** series, front page, July 29): Letter to the Editor by Susan McNamara in The New York Times on August 7, 2014.

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H. In the MOVIES Category:
XXVIII. Letters to Afar

Presented by YIVO and the Museum of the City of New York On View October 22, 2014 *** March 22, 2015 on the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research WEbsite.

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XXXIX. Get On Up: The James Brown story

By Joanne Laurier on the World Socialist website on August 14, 2014.
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I. In the OBITUARIES Category:
XL. Robin Williams and the dark side of comedy

a) By Todd Leopold on the CNN website on August 12, 2014.
b) Dr. Nancy on Williams: Depression can be deadly:Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC News*** chief medical editor, joins TODAY to discuss the death of Robin Williams, and hopes we***ll ***talk about mental illness in a different way*** with his death on the NBC News website on August 12, 2014.

c) Forget the phoney psychoanalysis and instead celebrate Robin Williams*** rare talent by Ben Pobjie om the website on August 12, 2014.

To read and view a),b) & c) please go to ______________________________________________
XLI. Philosophy Thursday: Ren** Descartes

a) Ren** Descartes on Wikipedai.

b) Ren** Descartes and the Legacy of Mind/body Dualism on the Serendip Studio website.

c) Descartes*** Theory of Ideas on the Stanford University of Philosophy website on March 14, 2007, substantive revision on January 14, 2013.
d) Ren** Descartes on the Stanford University of Philosophy website on December 3, 2008; substantive revision January 16, 2014.
e) A Picture at the Prado, Poem by Arnold D. Richards.

f) Other posts from Philosophy Thursday on this website.
To read a) to f) please go to ___________________________________________

XLII. Psychology Sunday: Herbert J. Schlessinger

a) Herbert J. Schlessinger on Keeping Psychotherapy Efficient at NYPSI (1989) on this website.

b) Review of Promises, Oaths, and Vows by Herbert J. Schlesinger on this website.

c) Review of Promises, Oaths, and Vows: On the Psychology of Promising by Herbert J. Schlesinger, Reviewed By Jeffrey H. Golland in the APA Division 30 Journal, Fall 2008, XXVIII, No. 4, pp. 50-51.
d) Review of The Texture of Treatment: On the Matter of Psychoanalytic Technique by Herbert J. Schlesinger Reviewed by By Nathan Szajnberg , MD and Keren Segal, BA Review published in Sichot in Hebrew. Translated to English by the first author. Herbert Schlessinger***s Endings and Beginnings was republished this year

To read a),b),c),& d) please go to ______________________________________________________


XLIII. Chapter 9: Letters from 1959***1960

Topics Discussed:

*** Rapaport***s translation of Hartmann monograph
*** Binding and neutralization
*** Dement***s dream research
*** Psychoanalytic theory of motivation
*** Personology

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XLIV. Chapter 8: Letters of 1958

Topics Discussed:

*** Rapaport-Gill papers on metapsychology
*** Jones biography of Freud
*** Ego, self, identity
*** Theoretical issues in research on isolation/sensory deprivation *** Regression in the service of the ego
*** Activity and passivity
*** Dreams; states of consciousness
*** Repression and subliminal registration

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XLV. Chapter 7: Letters of 1957

Topics Discussed:

*** Design of perceptual isolation research
*** Autonomy from drives and from the environment
*** Developmental/genetic psychology
*** Propriety of distributing copies of personal letters without explicit permission

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XLVI. Chapter 6: Letters of 1956

Topics Discussed:

*** Critique of Holt & Luborsky manuscript on selection of psychiatrists *** Plans for isolation research
*** Critique of Colby on metapsychology
*** Detailed critique of another chapter in Structure of Psychoanalytic Theory *** Comments on a research proposed by Leo Berman

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XLVII. Part 2 of the Rapaport-Holt Letters: A Master-Apprentice Collaboration on Psychoanalytic Theory

a) In February 2013, we posted the first five chapters of letters between David Rapaport and Robert R. Holt, covering the period from 1950 to 1955. Today we are posting the remaining four chapters, which begin in 1956 and continue until Rapaport***s death in 1960. The whole collection provides readers with an extraordinary opportunity to listen in on a remarkably frank critical dialogue between two leading theorists, as they push each other to confront and resolve shortcomings in their respective writings, all the while deepening a friendship of great mutual respect and affection. We are pleased to finally make the full correspondence available for you and we hope that you will take the time to read them. They portray an exemplary intellectual relationship from which we can all learn. The full collection is available under the Rapaport-Holt Letters category.
b) The previous Rapaport-Holt Letters.

Photo: David Rapaport, late 1950s

Photo: Robert R. Holt, 2014

to read a & b) please go to _______________________________________
M. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XLVIII. Harassment in Science, Replicated

by Christie Aschwanden in The New York Times on August 11,2014.
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IXL. Scientists Create a 3-D Model That Mimics Brain Function
By Pam Brlluck August 11, 2014.

A new three-dimensional model, created from silk and collagen gel, which mimics basic neural functions. CreditTufts University
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L. Are Our Moral Decisions Based Solely On Biology?

on the Radio Boston WHBUR website on August 7, 2014.

Sarah Beth Spitzer, a research assistant at Harvard University, wears an EEG cap, used to localize the regions of the brain needed to stimulate during the test. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

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N. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:
LI. Certainty

on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy website on Feb 2, 2008.
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If you have managed to read through at least those post of interest to you on this week’s very plentiful website, please try to write your comments and keep in touch with the rest of our colleagues globally. I hope that you enjoyed our menu.
Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde