Abortion, V-Day, violence, neuroscience, rice vs. wheat & prejudice from Sasha Rolde on IP.net

Dear Colleagues,

As we busy ourselves getting ready for the spring, finally spending time outdoors as well as preparing for the June meetings in Chicago, it may take effort to browse the international website this week. However, it will be well worth your while as the posts are varied, interesting and timely and will surely add to your tapestry of knowledge and expertise.

My choices this week ( and please do not limit yourselves to only these):

1) Given the stream of violence in our schools and colleges across the world, the following meeting at NYPSI should be of interest to those who are able to attend: Taming the Crew: Understanding & Coping with Childhood Aggression in the Context of Home & Family with Wendy Olesker, Ph.D.
Click Here to Read This Article

2) Please view the ART Category, especially the photos from the APSaA Art Show in January.
We have artists among us.
Click Here to Read The Art Category
Click Here to Read This Article on the APsaA Art Show

3) Truly worth listening to is the interview with Sharon K. Farber, LICSW, about her book “Hungry for Ecstasy***”
Click Here to Read This Article

4) Did you know that eating wheat makes you less cooperative and eating rice leads to despotism and communism? Please read about it in the General News Category.
Click Here to Read This Article

5) the worlds’ economic crisis and its effects can be seen in three award winning films at the San Francisco International Film Festival 2014 – please read!
Click Here to Read This Article

6) Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too? poem says it all as it brings tears to your eyes.
Click Here to Read This Article

7) The discoveries of neuroscience are staggering from brain & meditation to compassion, overwriting old memories, new insights, racial prejudice and more. Enjoy reading the science category posts

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Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Taming the Crew: Understanding & Coping with Childhood Aggression in the Context of Home & Family with Wendy Olesker, Ph.D. at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 8 *** 9:15 p.m.

Free and open to the public, RSVP HERE or visit nypsi.org
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II. Re-Inventing the Psychoanalytic Left

Flyer for Re-Inventing the Psychoanalytic Left: at the Left Forum 2014 Conference on May 30 to June 1st, 2014 at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, NYC.

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B. In the ART Category:

III. See Me. Feel Me. Maybe Drool on Me

Lygia Clark***s Many Twists and Turns, at MoMA By Roberta Smith in The New York Times on May 15, 2014.

photo: ***Facilitators*** demonstrate Lygia Clark***s ***Couple*** (1969). Credit Byron Smith for The New York Times

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IV. Artist Walton Ford on His Wildlife Paintings

The 54-year-old artist has become famous for monumental wildlife pieces that bring a primal kingdom indoors. As he embarks on the next chapter of his life, his latest works reveal a new
thoughtfulness***though nothing will tame his savage beasts by Claire Howorth in The Wall Street Journal on April 29, 2014.

photo: SNAKES and LADDERS | Ford in his TriBeCa studio, at work on Rhyndacus, one of several new large-scale watercolors on show this month at Paul Kasmin Gallery. Photography by Leonora Hamill for WSJ. Magazine

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V. Hands-On Art at the MoMA

Hands-On Art at the MoMA Please Touch the Replicas of Lygia Clark***s Work By Jessica Dawson in The Wall Street Journal on May 8, 2014.
photo: ***Trepante, vers**o 1,*** a 1965 piece by Lygia Clark Associa****o Cultural ***O Mundo de Lygia Clark,*** Rio de Janeiro

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VI. Photos from the APsaA Art Show 2014

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VII. Conflict: Freud and Culture Exhibit

Dates and locations included.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VIII. Hungry for Ecstasy: Trauma, the Brain, and the Influence of the Sixties
Review of Hungry for Ecstasy: Trauma, the Brain, and the Influence of the Sixties by Sharon K. Farber, interviewed by Marshall Poe on February 20, 2014.
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D. In the BOOKS Category:

IX. Charging Into the Minefield of Genes and Racial Difference Nicholas Wade***s ***A Troublesome Inheritance***

by Arthur Allen in The New York Times on May 15, 2014.

photo: Nicholas Wade

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X. Gabriel Garc**a M**rquez: A giant in the literature of the Americas
By Rafael Azul on the World Socialist Web Site on May 14, 2014.
photo: Gabriel Garc**a M**rquez in 2002

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XI. Psychoanalytische perspectieven: conversations with Howard Shevrin
Click Here to Read: Review of Psychoanalytische perspectieven: conversations with Howard Shevrin. His work, his research, his ideas by Ariane Bazan, editor, Reviewed by Jana Steinig in the journal Frontiers in Psychololgy 2012; 3:163-233.

photo: Howard Shevrin

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E. In the CHINA Category:

XII. Mao***s Martyrs: Revolutionary Heroism, Sacrifice, and China***s Tragic Romance of the Korean War

by Pingchao Zhu on the Library of Social Science website.
photo: Pingchao Zhu

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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XIII. No shame in seeking help: top psychologist

No shame in seeking help: top psychologist. There***s no need for people to feel ashamed about seeking help if they want to get more out of life, says a leading UK psychology professor by AAP on the Health Hub Website on May 15, 2014.

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XIV. Appeals Court Grants Stay of Execution in Texas Based on Mental Disability Claim

By Manny Fernandez and John Schwartz in The New York Times on May 13, 2014.
Photo: Death penalty protesters in Huntsville, where Robert James Campbell***s execution had been scheduled.CreditMichael Stravato for The New York Times

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XV. To Dream in Different Cultures

by T. M. Luhrmann in The New York Times on May 13, 2014.
photo: Chlo** Poizat

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XVI. Rice Versus Wheat *** Psychologists Say That Explains Why Communism Is Popular In China

By News Staff on the Science 2.0 website May 11th 2014.

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XVII. Too Close for Comfort Cases of Near Nuclear Use and Options for Policy
Chatham House Report: by Patricia Lewis, Heather Williams, Beno**t Pelopidas and Sasan Aghlani on the Chatham House.com website.
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F. In the MOVIES Category:

XVIII. Tamako in Moratorium, Standing Aside, Watching, Three Letters from China: Greater urgency from Japan, Greece and China
San Francisco International Film Festival 2014***Part two Tamako in Moratorium, Standing Aside, Watching, Three Letters from China: Greater urgency from Japan, Greece and China By Joanne Laurier on The World Socialist Web Site May 16, 2014.

photo: Tamako in Moratorium
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XIX. There is realism, and then there is realism

By David Walsh on the World Socialist Web Site on May 12, 2014.
photo: Bad Hair

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XX. Aronofsky***s ***Noah*** combines psychology with epic cinema
By Alexander Diminianoon on the Movieplot website on April 6th, 2014.
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XXI. Gravity: A Force of Attachment

by Herbert H. Stein

In an Ernie Kovacs skit, a boy sends in a question to Kovacs***s eccentric answer man asking why people in South America, at the bottom of the world, don***t fall off. Kovacs***s answer: ***Billy, people are falling off all the time.***

My daughter told me that when she went to see the film, Gravity, within a few minutes she was deeply regretting that she***d chosen to see it in 3 D

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G. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XXII. Dr. Eric Nuetzel dies; championed talk therapy over drugs and electroshock

by Michael D. Sorkin on the St. Louis Dispatch website on May 16, 2013.
photo: Dr. Eric J. Nuetzel
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XXIII. Gabriel Garc**a M**rquez: A giant in the literature of the Americas
By Rafael Azul on the World Socialist Web Site on May 14, 2014.
photo: Gabriel Garc**a M**rquez in 2002

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H. In the PAPERS Category:

XXIV. April 2014 edition of Other/Wise Uncut

IFPE International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education
Announcing the April 2014 edition:
Other/Wise Uncut: Lamentation: as witness, Bionian meditation, and play
Other/Wise Uncut in 2014 continues the practice of conference-linkage with guest editors Judith E. Vida and Farrell Silverberg, co-chairs of IFPE***s 24th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in Philadelphia, October 31 ***

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XXV. Raymond Raskin***s ***A Personal Odyssey.***

photo: Dr. Raymond Raskin

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XXVI. Abortion, Science, and Politics by Franics Barnes and Raymond Raskin
by Francis K. Barnes and Response by Raymond Raskin in the American Psychoanalyst Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 20 to 23.

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XXVII. Subverted in Haiti: Kliman and colleagues Retract earlier report on alleged child rape

N. Szajnberg

The misery of Haiti is amplified by some of its own citizens. A 2103 New York Times Review report by Berlinski (Haiti: The compromising reality. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2013/jun/06/haiti-compromising-reality/?insrc=toc.) painfully, poignantly recounts multiple accounts of Western, well-intentioned well-doers have their efforts, funds subverted by some Haitians and that there is a long history and culture of such subversion. Berlinski offers few examples of successful foreign projects, usually those narrow in scope and whose foreign principal moves to, lives among and administers the funds.

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XXVIII. Freud, Moses and the Holocaust

Click Here to Read and View: The Inaugural Lecture,***Freud, Moses and the Holocaust*** of the Jewish Through and Psychoanalysis Series, given by Eli Zaretsky on April 27, 2014 at Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel. Philadelphia. To see the video, click the vidoe link at the top of the screen.

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I. In the PLAYS Category:

XXIX. Imagining if Anne Frank had lived to tell her story
New play based on World War II diary goes beyond her death in Bergen-Belsen at age 15 BY Cnaan Liphshiz on the Times of Israel website on May 10, 2014.

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J. In the POETRY Category:

XXX. Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too? by Langston Hughes

Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too?
Langston Hughes, 1902 *** 1967

Over There,
World War II.Dear Fellow Americans,
I write this letter
Hoping times will be better
When this war
Is through.
I***m a Tan-skinned Yank
Driving a tank.

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XXXI. Psychology Sunday: Charles Fisher

a) Charles Fisher Interview by Arnold Richards Part I: From Birth to Adolescence on this website.

b) Charles Fisher Interview by Arnold Richards Part II: Young Adulthood on this website.

To read a) & b) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _______________________________________________
L. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXII. This is your brain on meditation

on the Science Codex website on May 15, 2014.

The left images show the brain during concentrative meditation, while images to the right show the brain during nondirective meditation.
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XXXIII. How children***s brains develop *** new insights
by Pia Britto on the Unicef Connect website on May 14, 2014.
Toddlers in Bangladesh are introduced to the alphabet. ** UNICEF/BANA2014-00573/Mawa

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XXXIV. What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Compassion

by Carolyn Gregoire on the Huffington Post website on May 13, 2014.
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XXXV. Phineas Gage, Neuroscience***s Most Famous Patient
Each generation revises his myth. Here***s the true story By Sam Kean on the Slate website on May 6, 2014.

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XXXVI. New Neurons Found to Overwrite Old Memories

by Douglas Quenqua in The New York Times on May 12, 2014.
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XXXVII. The Next Frontier In The War Over Science

by Sam Stein on the Huffington Post website on May 6, 2014.
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XXXVIII. Heaven is for neuroscience

How the brain creates visions of God Major figures like Joan of Arc and Dostoyevsky claimed supernatural visions. Why their brains could hold the answer Sam Kean on the Salon website on May 11, 2014.
photo: Eugene Thirion***s ***Jeanne d***Arc*** (1876)

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XXXIX. New Study Analyzes Content of Nightmares, Bad Dreams
on the Sci-News.com website on May 6, 2014.

Nightmares in men were more likely than those of women to contain themes of disasters and calamities, while themes involving interpersonal conflicts were twice as frequent in the nightmares of women. Image credit: Sweet Briar College.

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XL. Neuroscientist David Amodio on subconscious racial prejudice and why we***re still responsible for our actions

By Indre Viskontas and Chris Mooney on the Mother Jones website on May 9, 2014.

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M. In the SOCIOLOGY MONDAY Category:

XLI. Sociology and Anthropology Monday: Nathan Glazer

Nathan Glazer (1923- ) is professor emeritus at Harvard University. Born in New York City and raised in the Bronx, he attended CCNY (entering the freshman class in February 1940) and was a ***member*** of Alcove One where the anti-Stalinist left tended to congregate to debate the issues of the day. He was also a member of Avukah, the student Zionist organization, and edited its journal. Through these contacts he came to know and for a time worked with Zellig Harris, a linguist at the University of Pennsylvania, who later moved to Israel. Harris introduced him to Eric Fromm who acquainted him with members of the Institut f**r Sozialforschung, the

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N. In the POETRY Category:

XLII. Mother’s Day by Irene Willis

Mother’s Day

Who would have thought
we***d see a tail?

But there it was, this morning,
sticking out of the Home Defense

trap under the television ***
the one that promised

we’d never have to see or touch
the first thing I’d killed

bigger than a fly. I asked
my husband, who pried it open,

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I offer you this week’s international psychoanalytic website’s contents with awe at the scope of neuroscience, the power or art and film and of the spoken/written word. Please comment on your favorite articles and enjoy all the posts.
Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde