
What Now? Jews and the Ukrainian Revolution 2014
THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 | 7pm

What is the political situation in Ukraine today? Join Josef Zissels, the preeminent leader of Ukraine’s Jewish community, in conversation with scholar David Fishman, for a look at Ukraine’s current political climate and what Ukrainian Jews and minorities can expect from the new government. Read more…

This program is co-sponsored by COJECO.

Read our new interview with David Fishman in Yedies for some additional background on the situation in Ukraine.


The Life and Art of Krystiana Robb-Narbutt (1945-2006)
MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 | 7pm

Polish Jewish artist Krystiana Robb-Narbutt created unique, genre-defying art. But for years her art was dominated by loss and the Holocaust. Join art historian Marek Bartelik, art critic Dorota Jarecka, and artist Wanda Siedlecka to discuss Robb-Narbutt’s life and new approaches to understanding her art.   Read more…

This program is presented by YIVO, the Polish Cultural Institute New York, and The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw.

More from Yedies: News from YIVO

Five YIVO Alumni Recipients of Yiddish Book Center Translation Fellowships

Traduttore, traditore, goes the Italian proverb: to translate is to betray. But at YIVO, the opposite seems true. Five recipients of the Yiddish Book Center’s 2014 Translation Fellowships are fiercely loyal YIVO Max Weinreich Center alumni. Read more…

Isaiah Trunk on the Lodz Ghetto (1964)

On December 20, 1964, historian Isaiah Trunk gave this interview to Sheftl Zak, host of YIVO’s radio program on WEVD, about his work researching the Lodz Ghetto and his book, Lodzher geto: a historishe un sotsyologishe shtudye (Ghetto Lodz: A Historical and Sociological Study). Read more…

From the Pages of Yedies

I have often marveled at the almost unbelievable accomplishments of the Jewish activists of yore. Dr. Tsemach Szabad (1864-1935), for example, the legendary cultural leader and doctor from Vilna. Playing a leading role in the founding of YIVO in 1925 was only one of his projects in the period between the two world wars. Read more…

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YIVO Institute for Jewish Research | 15 West 16th Street
New York | NY | 10011