Meeting in Barcelona with EPF and NAPSAc

Dear Colleagues,

In the eighties, Homer Curtis and Donald Meyers observing that there was not enough clinical exchange between European psychoanalysts and Americans, decided to organize an every other year meeting with European colleagues. The model they chose was one of clinical presentation and discussion. These meetings have now occurred regularly every other year and this year they will be held in Barcelona.

The format is to have groups of 6 or 7 psychoanalysts from different countries in Europe and North America ( recently Latin American colleagues have also joined) to spend two and half days discussing clinical material. Each participant is allotted one and a half hour to present a week’s analytic work ( for about 30 minutes) and then the group discusses the case.
I became involved as one of the organizers of these meetings relatively early on and the feedback I have received from the participants has always been extremely positive. The main reason, I think, is the intimate nature of the meetings and the fact that clinical material which is not always possible to present on home turf, is discussed in a useful and detailed way from many theoretical perspectives.

There are few places remaining for the current meeting (July18-20) and those of you who are interested in participating should send me an email at: