Summer reading: IPBooks, pre-adolescence, Czech Winter and analytic training from Sasha Rolde on

Dear colleagues,

On the eve of summer as vacation time approaches, reading material comes into demand. The international psychoanalytic website provides us with the perfect flow of uninterrupted, timely and updated posts to enhance our reading experience. Not only are they interesting, but also add to our knowledge of current research and application of psychoanalytic theory and practice to our world. I hope that this week will give you an interesting preview of summer issues to come. Following the usual format, my choices will be followed by a list of the entire contents for this week.

My personal choices this week are:

1) I want to make a special mention of the post on the Donations to As you know most of the “labor” is donated by those dedicated to bring us into the 21st century, but there is still a need for contributions to keep us going. Please consider helping.
Click Here to Donate

2) President S. Bolognini offers an innovative point of view on IPA Training- please read in the IPA Web News article.
Click Here to Read This Article

3) For summer reading please note the books category, whether it be in the tapes of Anne Sexton’s therapy), Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud, Ulysses, or others.
Click Here to Read The Book Category

4) To include with the above, try the DSMOM – a parody to enjoy and the chilling story of “Hitler’s Monumental Miscalculation”
Click Here to Read This Article on the DSM
Click Here to Read This Article on Hitler

5) another assessment of the problems in mental health care as seen in “Another brilliant Onion critique of mental health” is a must read.
Click Here to Read This Article

6) A thoughtful post by Annie Murphy Paul “Thirteen in Years, but 10 0r 15 in Thoughts and Action” warms my heart after having taught adolescent development for decades. She describes pre-adolescence as is – an ever changing enigma.
Click Here to Read This Article

7) Dante’s quote comes to mind:””The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis” when reading the review of the film “the Czech Winter”! Read the review, see the film, learn more about the czech people.
Click Here to Read This Article

8) Did you know that the philosopher, Paul Ricoeur , wrote about the Freedom of Will and the about The Symbolism of Evil?
Click Here to Read This Article

9) Note several posts in the Science Category – e.g. anxiety in children and increased size of the amygdala ( it does not say which came first),
Click Here to Read This Article on Anxious Children
Click Here to Read The Science Category
Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. The Claustro-Agoraphobic Dilemma: Psychic Retreats and Working Toward Psychic Spaces *** Technique in Theory and Practice*** Facilitator: Susan N. Finkelstein at CFS

Contemporary Freudian Society
Continuing Education Mini-Course

***The Claustro-Agoraphobic Dilemma: Psychic Retreats and Working Toward Psychic Spaces *** Technique in Theory and Practice***
Facilitator: Susan N. Finkelstein, LCSW, CFS Training Analyst
These five meetings will focus on Henri Rey***s concept of marsupial space, and the claustro-agoraphobic dilemma as well as Dana Birksted Breen***s concepts of temporality and psychoanalytic theories of mind. (more***)

DATES: February 24, March 25, April 1, April 15, and April 22, 2015 TIME: 8:00-9:30pm
LOCATION: Upper West Side, NYC

Who Should Attend: This program is open to members and candidates of all psychoanalytic institutes.

COURSE FEE: $250 CFS Members
$300 Non-CFS Members
$175 All Candidates

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II. IPA Visiting Scholar Clinical Weekend November 21-23, 2014
SAVE THE DATE: IPA Visiting Scholar Clinical Weekend

November 21-23, 2014

***Knowledge as Construction, Knowledge as Experience: Reflections on Psychic Change***

The focus of the weekend will be to underline how different theoretical persuasions lead to differences in therapeutic aim, therapeutic action, and therapeutic technique.

Friday, November 21, 2014 8:00pm Scientific Paper and Discussion***..
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III. Save the Date: CFS-NY Annual Scientific Conference *** 11/8
Save the Date
November 8, 2014
9:00am *** 5:00pm

CFS Annual Scientific Conference
Co-Sponsored by Pace University
***The Role of Anxiety in Child and Adolescent Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective***

Panel Presenters:
James Herzog (Boston)
Marsha Levy-Warren (New York)
Virginia Ungar (Buenos Aires)

Location: Pace University

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IV. CAP Open House

The Institute for Psychoanalytic Training And Research
140 West 97th Street | New York, NY 10025
212 427-7070 Phone | 212 222-7200 Fax


for an Open House to learn about training at our


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V. IPA Web News June 11, 2014

Photo: Nardo***, Salento, Italia

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VI. Donations to has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a paper trail, photos and relics of our founders *** and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.

But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.

Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?
We will use contributions to to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work].
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B. In the ART Category:

VII. David S. Werman 1922-2014

a)David S. Werman Obituary in the New York Times on June 11, 2914.
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b) Description of the Applied Psychoanalysis: Explorations and Excursions by David Werman on,

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VIII. Anxiety Arts Festival London 2014

Click Here to Read and View: Anxiety Arts Festival London 2014. Anxiety 2014 is a new London-wide arts festival, curated by the Mental Health Foundation. Taking place at multiple venues throughout June 2014.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

IX. After Baby, an Unraveling

by Pamela Belluck in The New York Times on June 16, 2014.

The Mother Who Jumped A few months after Cindy Wachenheim gave birth to the child she had long dreamed of, she became convinced that she had caused her son irrevocable brain damage. It was a certainty she couldn***t shake.

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X. How one Iraqi poet translated Joyce***s Ulysses into Arabic
Interview with Salah Niazi filmed and produced by Kamali Melbourne on the 4 News website on June 16, 2014.

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XI. Can There be Meaning in Pointless Torment
by Thu Huong Had with Andrew Solomon***s Ted Talk on How the Work Moments in Our Lives Make Us Who Were Are on May 21st, @014.
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D. In the BOOKS Category:

XII. Summer Reading

These Books Available on Some are also available from and the New York Psychoanalytic Institute Book Store:
An Accident of Hope: The Therapy Tapes of Anne Sexton by Dawn M. Skorczewski, from Routledge
Beginning to Grow: Five Studies by from IPBooks
City Within A City by Basia Temkin-Berman, from IPBooks
Fifty Shrinks by Sebastian Zimmerman, from Hippocampus.
Created in Our Own by Fred Sander, from IPBooks Flashing Seven by Jack Hirschowitz and Ahron Friedberg, from IPBooks
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XIII. Jacques Lacan: Past and Present *** A Dialogue

Book Review: (2014). Jacques Lacan: Past and Present *** A Dialogue by Alain Badiou and **lisabeth Roudinesco, translated by Jason E. Smith, Reviewed By Shiva Kumar Srinivasan,Ph.D. on the San Francisco Society of Lacan Studies Website.

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XIV. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions at Fifty

by Michael C. Rees on the New Atlantis Website from the Fall 2012 Issue of The New Atlantis.

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XV. The Complete Works of Sigmund Freud

now available in electronic (standard e-book/e-text) form on the Freud***s Qoutes Website.

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XVI. Where Did Yiddish Come From? An explosive debate erupts from footnotes suggesting that Ashkenazi Jews are Europeans

By Cherie Woodworth on The Tablet Website on June 16, 2014.]
Photoillustration Tablet Magazine)

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XVII. Manual of Mishegas A different version of the famed manual of mental disorders

By Jay Neugeboren, Michael B. Friedman, and Lloyd I. Sederer, M. D. on the Tablet Website on April 30, 2013.

(Tablet Magazine)

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XVIII. Hitler***s Monumental Miscalculation

by Malise Ruthven on the New York Review of Books blog website in the June 19th Issue.

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XIX. 50 Shrinks by Sebastian Zimmerman

to Read and Order: 50 Shrinks by Sebastian Zimmerman on the IPBooks website, please go to: ______________________________________________
XX. Inside the Fascinating Offices of Psychoanalysts

By Jordan G. Teicher on the website on Jun2 12, 2014.
To read please go to:
ttp:// ______________________________________________
XXI. How big a problem is narcissism?

by Joan Accocella in the New Yorker Magazine on May 12, 2014
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XXII. How Do You Talk Dirty in Yiddish?

You***ll Find the Answer in Dr. Schaechter***s ***Love*** Files in The Jewish Daily Forward on June 11, 2014.

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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:
XXIII. The Structures of Growth Learning Is No Easy Task

by David Brooks in The New York Times on June 16, 2014.

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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:
XXIV. Another brilliant Onion critique of mental health***
Nation Wondering Why Struggling Mental Health System Can***t Just Pull Itself Together

Quit Feeling Sorry For Yourself And Make An Effort,*** Citizens Say
Americans say they want the nation***s mental health system to get better, but admit they are fed up with it just languishing in its own misery and doing nothing to help itself.

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XXV. Thirteen in Years, But 10 or 15 in Thoughts and Action
By Annie Murphy Paul in The New York Times on June 18, 2014.
to read please go to: ________________________________________
XXVI. A damning exposure of the assault on public education in the US
A damning exposure of the assault on public education in the US Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America***s Public Schools By Nancy Hanover on the World Socialist Web Site on June 19, 2014.

to read please go to:] ____________________________________________

XXVII. Bergdahl***s writings reveal a fragile young man

by Stephanie McCrummen June 11, 2014.

This camouflage case arrived at the home of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl***s friend Kim Harrison several days after he disappeared in Afghanistan. Inside was Bergdahl***s laptop computer, a journal, a copy of Ayn Rand***s ***Atlas Shrugged*** and a cracked Kindle, as well as military papers in which Bergdahl named Harrison as the person who would receive his body should he be killed. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

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G. In the MOVIES Category:
XXVIII. Czech Winter

Review of the Film Burning Bush by Agnieszka Holland Reviewed by Francine Prose in the New York Review of Books in the June 12, 2014.
Luk**** **ernoch as Czech student Jan Palach dousing himself in gasoline in Agnieszka Holland***s Burning Bush

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XXIX. Ruby Dee, American actress and activist, dead at 91 Saturday, June 14th, 2014
Click Here to Read: Ruby Dee, American actress and activist, dead at 91 By David Walsh on the World Socialist WEb Site on June 14, 2014.
Photo: Ruby Dee in 1972

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H. In the OBITUARIES Category:
XXX. 1928-2014: Maya Angelou, writer, performer and participant in the civil rights movement

a) By Isaac Finn and Sandy English on the World Socialist Web Site on June 18, 2014.

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b) Maya Angelou, writer and poet, dies at age 86 on this website.
to read please go to: ____________________________________

c) Poetry Monday: June 2, 2014 on Maya Angelou on this Website.
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XXXI. David S. Werman 1922-2014

Obituary in the New York Times on June 11, 2914.

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I. In the PAPERS Category:
XXXII. Transference: Empirical Study A selected bibliography of empirical studies of transference

by Leon Hoffman on the Beyond Freud Blog on the Psychology Today blogs on June 14, 2014.

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XXIII. Philosophy Thursday: Franz Brentano

a) Franz Brentano on Wikipedia

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b) Franz Brentano in the Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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XXXIV. Philosophy Thursday: Paul Ricoeur

a) Paul Ricoeur on Wikipedia.

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b) Paul Ricoeur***s On Psychoanalysis on this website.

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c) Paul Ricoeur on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Psychoanalysis.
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XXXV. Psychology Sunday: Maria Montessori

a) Maria Montessori on Wikipedia.

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b) Biography of Maria Montessori on the American Montessori Society Website.
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c) Maria Montessori and Education by Mark K. Smith on infed website.
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L. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:
XXXVI. Anxious Children Have Larger ***Fear Centers*** in Their Brains
Anxious Children Have Larger ***Fear Centers*** in Their Brains: Anxiety Disorder Development by Catherine Griffin on the Science World Report website on June 15. 2014.

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XXXVII. Blame Your Brain: The Fault Lies Somewhere Within
by Tania Lormbrozo on the NPR Website on June 16, 2014
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XXXVIII. The Woman Who Forgot the Names of Animals
And four other neuroscience patients who changed how we think about the brain, and ourselves By Indre Viskontas and Chris Mooney in Mother Jones on Jun. 13, 2014.

photo: Angela Waye/Shutterstock
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M. In the SOCIOLOGY MONDAY Category:
XXXIX. Sociology and Anthropology Monday: Robert King Merton
Robert King Merton: (1910-2003) born in Philadelphia on the fourth of July as Meyer Robert Schkolnick to newly immigrated Russian-Jewish parents. Merton changed his name as an amateur magician to this stage name by which he came to be known during his scholarly career. One of the most celebrated sociologists in the mid to late 20th century *** he amassed awards and honorary degrees from around the world *** but it was his son, Robert C. Merton, who won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1997.

Merton eschewed the grand theory approach of one of his mentors and advisors, Talcott Parsons, in favour of a theory of the middle range, under the influence of his colleague, Paul Lazarsfeld, at the Bureau of Applied Research at Columbia University of which Merton was associate director. In addition to middle range sociological theory, Merton was known as an

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This rich menu on the website this week should keep us occupied for a few days. Please remember to share your thoughts and impressions on the website with the rest of us and our international colleagues.
Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde