
On Tuesday, March 4, 7 pm, Ruth Wisse of Harvard University delivers…

JACOB GLATSTEIN: A Yiddish Genius in Anglicizing America

A Yiddishkayt of folk air
to prick the heart and pour
warm honey at the sight
of things that touch the cockles?
If that’s the stuff we celebrate
we’d better do without.
From “Yiddishkayt” by Jacob Glatstein
Translation by Cynthia Ozick

Admission: General – $10 | YIVO members, seniors and students – $7
Box Office: smarttix.com | 212.868.4444

Can individual genius flourish during its culture’s decline? Jacob Glatstein, one of the great Jewish writers of the 20th century, arrived in America from Poland in 1914 with a virtuosic talent for his native language, Yiddish, as most of its speakers in the U.S. were swept into the English mainstream. Join Ruth Wisse for a talk about Glatstein’s poetry and prose and a reading of excerpts from his writing in Yiddish. Read more…

Upcoming Programs
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2014 | 7pm
YIVO, Freud, and American Jewry: Discourse on Eastern Europe as a “Talking Cure” for American Jewish Ambivalence

Markus Krah, Doctoral Candidate, Jewish Theological Seminary
Free admission
RSVP Required: yivo.org/reservations | 212.294.6140

Doctoral Candidate, Markus Krah (JTS), explores how American Jews in the 1940s-50s used narratives of the East European Jewish past – from the shtetl, to pogroms, to Hasidism and Socialism – to find meaning in their American present. Read more…

Unless otherwise mentioned events take place at the
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research | 15 West 16th Street
New York | NY | 10011
