Section I, Division 39 of the American Psychological Association
and The Program Committee of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis
invite you to reconsider
Friday, February 21, 2014, 8 – 10 pm
NPAP Meeting Room
40 W. 13th Street (btw Fifth and Sixth Avenues), New York City
The concept of analytic neutrality runs through the history of psychoanalysis.
Held as foundational to the psychoanalytic enterprise by many, it has also been viewed as an impossibility, even as harmful to the patient.
Just what is neutrality? What exactly is its importance? What are its limits?
Donald Moss, MD, Institute for Psychoanalytic Education
Shelley Rockwell, PhD, Contemporary Freudian Society
Jay Frankel, PhD, Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research
Richard Grose, PhD, Candidate, IPTAR (Editor, The Round Robin, the newsletter of Section I, Division 39, of the American Psychological Association).
Refreshments will be served.
* Punctuality is appreciated as the event will be recorded.
NPAP Program Committee:
Jean Golden, Richard J. Karpe, S. Montana Katz, Jane Kupersmidt,
Evan Malater, Gavriel Reisner (MITO),
Alan Roland, Catherine B. Silver, E. Hanna Turken,
Aleksandra Wagner (Chair), and Margaret Zellner