Oedipus, The Thought Leader and The Book Thief from Sasha Rolde on IP.net

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, apart from the festivities, the holiday season also brings increased demands in the work schedule, so this will be but a brief note from me. I wish you all an enjoyable holiday season and a Happy New Year. As usual,I give you my choices for the week, followed by the entire list of postings. There is a wealth of material on the website and I have only been able to make a small dent in giving you my synopsis:

1) In the spirit of the moment, I urge you to consider a donation – large or small – to our international website, to keep the wonderful posts coming to us every week and expand our horizons.
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2) I found the the NYT article on How Oedipus Is Losing His Complex delightfully readable and supportive of much of my clinical experience with analytic patients and their experience. Please read and consider commenting on this challenge to the bedrock of psychoanalysis.
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3) Please note the new Novella by our ever prolific Nathan Szajnberg!
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4) The Thought Leader by David Brooks in the NYT needs to by considered by psychoanalysts in a historical context as well as a product of the current culture.
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5) I could not decide which of the General News posts was more compelling, be it Noah’s Story of letters, David Werman from Anna Freud or the selling of ADHD, so please glance at them all – most are riveting. Current events are ready for psychoanalysis to ponder.
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6) As an owner of a rescued complete collection of Heinrich Heine’s books, I long to see the film: The Book Thief, and urge all to try to find the time. Please comment on the website.
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7) Please read more about Jim Hall whom we all will miss.
Click Here to Read These Article in the Music Category

8) “Eyes wide shut”- a paper by Sergio Benvenuto is a must.
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Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. A Psychoanalytic Approach to Eating Disorders with Muriel Gold Morris /Users/alexandrarolde/Desktop/photo-3.jpgat NYPSI

Extension Program
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

A PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH TO EATING DISORDERS: Theory and Practice for Clinicians with Muriel Gold Morris, M.D.
Thursdays, 7:45 *** 9:15 pm, January 23 *** February 13, 2014, (4 Classes) Fee $120. Course Meets at Dr. Morris*** Office: 49 East 96 St., Apt. 19B (corner of Madison Ave.) ***.

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II. A clinical case discussion with distinguished visiting analyst Irma Brenman Pick at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 8:15 *** 10 p.m.
A clinical case discussion with distinguished visiting analyst Irma Brenman Pick $15 General Admission, To register, click HERE or visit nypsi.org
Mrs. Brenman Pick will discuss session material from her particular pe ***
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Dear Colleagues

CAPA had a truly wonderful year, thanks to all of you who
participated. I hope after reading this, that others will join us.
MEMBERSHIP ***470 ***more than last year.If you haven***t already*** Please pay now www.Pay Dues

Basic Training Graduates: 160 students
Advanced Training graduates: 50

Each year there are almost 100 applicants. We accept 40. Each applicant has two interviews.(Please tell me if you are available to do an 45 minute interview.)The applicants are getting better and better. We invite half the best …

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IV. Donations to InternationalPsychoanalysis.net

Internationanalpsychoanalysis.net has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a paper trail, photos and relics of our founders *** and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.

But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.

Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?
We will use contributions to internationalpsychoanalysis.net to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work].

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V. Yedies fun YIVO: News from YIVO

Rethinking Kishinev: How a Riot Changed 20th-Century Jewish History
Kishinev***s 1903 pogrom was the first event in Russian Jewish life to receive international attention. The riot, leaving 49 dead in an obscure border town, dominated the headlines of the western press for weeks, intruded on US-Russian relations, and had an impact on an astonishing array of institutions, such as the nascent Jewish army in Palestine, and the NAACP. It most likely also influenced …
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B. In the BOOKS Category:

VI. New Novella: JerusaLand, by Nathan Szajnberg

Imagine, Professor Osef says to his eleven year old niece, imagine if Jerusalem were to be turned into an amusement park, a Disney land for Jews and Christians and Moslems. The Temple Mount would be crowned with a rainbow-hued roller coaster; fireworks near David***s Citadel; a Lover***s Lane boat ride by the Western Wall. This is how Professor Osef imagines Jerusalem that his niece would enjoy, not the dour stones paced by dour men. Osef is about to leave the City he once loved. Join him as he does last rounds at the King David, the kosher burger spot, the send-offs by faculty colleagues. But, this is Israel and Death lurks in the shuk nearby.
A Dying Affair: Mr. Osef***s Jerusalem
N. Szajnberg
(Excerpt from JerusaLand: An Insignificant Death)
How will this affair end, this one-sided, dying passion between Mr. Osef..
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VII. How Oedipus Is Losing His Complex

By Sarah Boxer in The New York Times on December 06, 1997.
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VIII. Coming Soon! New Edition of City Within a City by Basia Berman, Dedicated to Leon Kupferstein

This translation is dedicated to the memory
of Leon Kupferstein (1944***2006).

Leon Kupferstein was born September 27, 1944 in Samarkand, then U.S.S.R. Herschel and Fela Kupferstein had fled Warsaw to escape Hitler***s rampage through Europe, arriving in the U.S.S.R. where they were sentenced to languish in Stalin***s Siberian work camps. Once freed, they made their way south, and once their son was born they returned to their native Poland. Finding their familiesslaughtered they moved on to Paris where Leon***s sister Evelyn was born. Finally they made their home in New York City where they would live in the heart of Yiddishkeit in the Amalgamated Houses in the Bronx. Leon was a counselor to ***

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IX. The Middle Class Fights Back

The Middle Class Fights Back: How Progressive Movements Can Restore Democracy in America by Brian D***Agustino, front matter, table of contents, and appendix.

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X. Black Hamlet by Wulf Sachs

Summary of: Review of Black Hamlet by Wulf Sachs, Reviewed by Edward T. Morman in Bulletin of the History of Medicine Volume 72, Number 4, Winter 1998 pp. 803-804

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XI. Sigmund Freud Anna Freud: Correspondence 1904-1938

Edited by Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo, reviewed By Philippa Perry on The Indenpent website on December 14, 2013.

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XII. Ken Barish, Ph.D.

Faculty member Ken Barish, Ph.D. has been recognized in two major journals with stellar reviews of his books on the WCSPP website.
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C. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XIII. The Thought Leader

By David Brooks in The New York Times on December 16, 2013.

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D. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XIV. Barack Obama Is Not George W. Bush

By Jonathan Chait in New York magazine on December 20, 2013.
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XV. N.S.A. Spied on Allies, Aid Groups and Businesses

By James Glanz and Andrew W. Lehren in The New York Times on December 20, 2013.
View: Kieran Doherty/Reuters
Satellite dishes in Cornwall, England, at an outpost of Britain***s General Communications Headquarters. The agency has worked closely with the United States.

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XVI. Noah***s Story

60 Minutes Classic Family Struggles With A Brain-Damaged, Autistic Son on the CBS News 60 Minutes website in May 2000.

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XVII. Letters to David Werman from Anna Freud

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XVIII.Psychotherapy***s Image Problem

By Brandon A. Gaudiano in The New York Times on September 29, 2013.
The evidence-based practice of psychotherapy: Facing the challenges that lie ahead*** by Brandon A. Gaudiano & Ivan W. Miller in Clinical Psychology Review Volume 33, Issue 7, November 2013, Pages 813***824.

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XIX. Heal thy neighbor

Mental health services recruit locals to help residents of poor and war-torn countries by Bruce Bower on the Science Neww Website on November 29, 2013.

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XX. State of Psychoanalysis Worldwide: Introduction to Estates General of Psychoanalysis

(July 8, 2000) by Elisabeth Roudinesco in the Journal of European Psychoanalysis, Number 10-11 *** Winter-Fall 2000 on the Psychomedia Journal website.

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XXI. Hope in the midst of pain: Readers respond to mental illness struggle
By Wayne Drash on the CNN website on December 16, 2013.

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XXII. The Documented Life

By Sherry Turkle in The New York Times on December 15, 2013.

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XXIII. Owen Renik on Practical Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
by Randall C. Wyatt and Victor Yalom on the Psychotherapy.net website.

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XXIV. L Ron Hubbard***s Danetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
on the lermanet.com website.

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XXV. The Daughter Theory

By Ross Douthat in The New York Times on December 14, 2013.
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XXVI. Skip the Supplements

By Paul A. Offot and Sarah Erush in The New York Times on December 14, 2013.
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XXVII. The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder

By Alan Schwarz in The New York Times on December 14, 2013.

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XXVIII. Open Letter to President Johnson about the Vietnam War War to The New York Times on May 26, 1965.

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XXIX. The Great War***s Ominous Echoes

By Margaret MacMillan in The New York Times on December 13, 2013.

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E. In the LETTERS TO EDITORS’ Category:

XXX. An Insurance Trap for Psychiatrists and Patients

Letters to the Editor of the New York Times by Jeffrey Lieberman and Jack Drescher on December 20, 2013.

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XXXI. Freud Dying by Shelley Orgel

by Shelley Orgel In response to: Doctoring Freud, Letter to the Editor of The New York Review of Books on August 10, 1972.
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XXXII. Understanding Suicide: Mental Illness, Not Irony

Letters to the Editors on The New York Times on December 10, 2013 .
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F. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXIII. The Wizard of Oz: Leaving and Returning, There***s No Place Like Home
by H. H. Stein

For those who have not seen the film, this article includes a spoiler.
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XXXIV. The Crime Films of Anthony Mann

A comment and a conversation with the author***Part 1 By David Walsh on the World Socialist Web Site on December 18, 2013.

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XXXV. The Book Thief: The Nazis and the assault, then and now, on culture
on culture By Joanne Laurier on the World Socialist Web Site on December 16, 2013.

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G. In the MUSIC Category:

XXXVI. Jim Hall, understated guitarist who ***shook the world*** with jazz skills, dies at 83

By Matt Schudel in the Washington Post December 12, 2013.

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H. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XXXVII. Jim Hall 1930-2013

a) Jim Hall *** obituary Jim Hall was an elegant jazz guitarist who played with Ella Fitzgerald and Sonny Rollins and forged ***telepathic*** improvisational partnerships in the London Telegraph on December 11, 2013.

b)Le ma**tre de la guitare jazz Jim Hall nous quitte ** 83 ans on the Le Monde Rectangulaire website. This article and video is in French.
c) Jim Hall, December 4, 2030 to December 10, 2013 on the Jim Hall Jazz website.
To read a),b) & c) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _____________________________________________________

I. In the ORAL HISTORY Category:

XXXVIII. An Interview with Ed Fancher By Steven Demby

An Interview with Ed Fancher for the Contemporary Freudian Society News Briefs.
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J. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXIX. Intersubjectivity, Thirdness, and Mutual Recognition by Jessica Benjamin, Ph.D.

A talk given at the Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles, CA. 2007.

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XL. The Intellectual Heir to Sigmund Freud

(1) on the Life, Psychology and a Lot More website on November 25, 2013.
(2) on the Life, Psychology and a Lot More website on November 25, 2013.
(3) on the Life, Psychology and a Lot More website on November 25, 2013.
To read 1),2) & 3) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _____________________________________________________

XLI. Eyes Wide Shut.

Is Psychoanalysis in Touch with the Real? Scientific ideals, hermeneutics and the relation to the real in psychoanalytic practice (1) by Sergio Benvenuto on the Psychomedia Journal website.
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XLII. Philosophy Thursday: Mikhail Bahktin

a) ***Psychoanalysis and Ideology: Bakhtin, Lacan, and **i**ek,*** by Harold D. Baker in History of European Ideas 20, nos. 1-3 (1995): 499-504.
b) Mikhail Bakhtin on Wikipedia.

c) In the Fullness of Time: M. M. Bakhtin, In Discourse and in Life (Thesis format: monograph) By James C. Hall. Doctoral Thesis for the University of Western Ontario, 2012.

d) Notes to Bakhtin: Between the Epic and the Novel by Taylor Adkins on the Factal Ontology website on September 21, 2007.

e) What Would Bakhtin Do? *** Michael Holquist *** Multilingual, 2.0? on YouTube.

To read a) to e) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _____________________________________________________

This rich array of posts will hopefully spur you on to share your views with colleagues on the website. Hope you will enjoy reading the variety of papers and loo forward to your responses. Again enjoy the holidays.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde