Jon Mills Receives the Goethe and Gradiva Awards


Jon Mills recently won the Goethe Award for best book in 2012 for Conundrums: A Critique of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (New York: Routledge) given by the Section on Psychoanalytic & Psychodynamic Psychology of the Canadian Psychological Association.  

He also recently won a Gradiva Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis in New York City for best TV program for his TV series The Talking Cure, which was produced by Rogers Television and aired from 2012-2013.  Dr. Mills was the community producer and designed the TV series in order to educate the public about the value of talk therapy and psychoanalysis.   This is the third time he has won a Gradiva Award, which has been in more categories than any other recipient in the history of the prize.