Battling the Life and Death Forces of Sadomasochism with Harriet Basseches et al. at CFS DC


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Battling the Life and Death Forces of Sadomasochism: Clinical Perspectives
Program: 1:30-4:00; Reception 4:00-4:30

SIS Building – West Side of Intersection of FOUNDERS ROOM, LOWER LEVEL
Nebraska and New Mexico Avenue with parking, Washington, DC

An afternoon of Case Presentations and Discussions from a rich variety of approaches

Harriet I Basseches, Paula L Ellman, Nancy R Goodman, (editor/writers) Kerry Kelly Novick, Jack Novick, Andrea Greenman, Terrence McBride, Shelley Rockwell, Leon Wurmser

Many psychotherapies end because of a “battle”, a sadomasochistic battle, that becomes a Negative Therapeutic Reaction – the obliteration of the treatment. Listening to the destruction and pain in the inner life of these patients can invite the therapist to shut down. Uncovering the transference/countertransference enactments demands an openness to hearing the many ways our patients can hurt themselves and others and the ways we too can harbor wishes to dominate and submit. What we call ‘Hurting Love’ characterizes the attachment that possesses these treatments. The panelists in this conference present cases and discussions that concentrate on identifying the life and death forces active in therapist-patient dynamics. Recognition of these sadomasochistic patterns and how to work with them saves the treatment.

Harriet Basseches: Moderator
Paula L Ellman: Sadomasochism in Work and Play with Diane
Jack and Kerry Kelly Novick: Discussion of the Case of Diane
Nancy R. Goodman: Sailing with Mr. B through waters of “Hurting Love”
Terrence McBride: Discussion of the Case of Mr. B.
Andrea Greenman: Eating for Emptiness, Eating to Kill: Sadomasochism in a Woman with Bulimia
Shelley Rockwell: Discussion of the Case of Mariah
Leon Wurmser: Trauma, Archaic Superego, and Sadomasochism: Discussion of Mariah

All participants are contributors to a recent book: Battling the Life and Death Forces of Sadomasochism: Clinical Perspectives (Karnac, 2013), is the sixth installment in the CIPS Book Series on the Boundaries of Psychoanalysis.

Objectives: At the end of this program, participants will be able to
1. Identify the elements of enactments that occur in a sadomasochistic transference/countertransference.
2. Differentiate and explain the forces of sadomasochism that lead to negative therapeutic reactions.
3. Explain and utilize a theoretical model to inform technical intervention in a sadomasochistic transference/countertransference stalemate.
4. Identify factors that help develop symbolization.

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