Welcome to the Age of Denial


Psychoanalysis as Science?; Who Cares (Anymore); Does it Matter?
by Nathan Szajnberg

Arnie Richards has been writing about Fleck’s ideas of scientific communities and how their zeitgeist influences (unconsciously, we would say) their theories.

In this NYTImes Op-Ed, this astrophysicist points out that the trend in American culture is away from trusting (let alone understanding) science, and towards a scepticism towards science associated with beliefs in mystical/religious views of the world.

To what degree is our own trust in the science of psychoanalysis (or at least its clinical credibility and testability) weakened by our culture’s trend towards denial of science.

Look at Adam’s article on physics.

Click Here to Read:  Welcome to the Age of Denial By Adam Frank in The New York Times on August 21, 2013.