Global warming & aggression, depressed fish and more from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues:

A large number of posts has accumulated on the international psychoanalytic website in my 3 week absence, not to mention the turbulent global political events. I will not try to summarize it all, but will instead begin afresh by giving you the last week’s fare, with the hope that you already have, or will look back over the previous couple of weeks to see what has been brewing while I attended the IPA Congress.

The posts of most interest to me this week are:

1) To psychoanalysts, the emergence of a new generation of Jews, a resurgence of Jewish culture in Poland and its implications on the identity formation of this Third Post Holocaust generation is surely significant. Please see in the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category.

Click Here to Read this Article

2) It seems that global warming has more problems associated with it than we think. As analysts we believe that we can contribute to world peace. A rise in temperature challenges us with a rise in global human violence. A Sisyphean task! See California study in AUDIO/VIDEO Category.

Click Here to Read this Article

3) In the words of Mr. Greenberg (see EDITORIALS Category), the 2 posts on DSM V – “if it weren’t so sad, it would be hilarious”.

Click Here to Read this Article:  DSM V Reviewed By Ian Hacking
Click Here to Read this Article:  DSM V Reviewed on the Psych Practice Blog

4) Evidently assessing an Application for admission at U.C. Berkeley is not dissimilar from using the DSM 5.on a patient.

Click Here to Read this Article

5) Please read the excellent articles on the new addition to our website, the “PHILOSOPHY THURSDAY” Category.

Click Here to Read this Article

6) You ask: can we really tell if a fish is depressed? (at least I ask). Please read the article in the SCIENCE NEWS Category.

Click Here to Read this Article
__________________________________________________________ Below is the list of contents for the week:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Yedies fun YIVO / News from YIVO

Return of the Jew: Interview with Katka Reszke

a)On June 24, 2013, in a program co-presented in partnership with the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Katka Reszke appeared at YIVO to launch her new book, Return of the Jew: Identity Narratives of the Third Post-Holocaust Generation of Jews in Poland, with Dr. Sheila Skaff serving as moderator.

b) YIVO***s 88th Birthday

To read a) & b) please go to http:/ __________________________________________________________

II. Research at IPTAR on the IPTAR website.

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III. 2013-2014 Program of the Apres Coup Psychoanalytic Association
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IV. Psychoanalysis and Literature with Marcia Cavell, Ph.D. at NYPSI

Psychoanalysis and Literature
Marcia Cavell, Ph.D.

Wednesdays, 8:00 *** 9:30 pm
Sept. 18 *** Nov. 6, 2013 (8 sessions) Fee: $240
Courses will meet at NYPSI: 247 East 82nd Street, NYC

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B. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

V. David Fincher on the Psychology of the Cinematic Moment
David Fincher discuses the responsibilities of the director in this commentary track from ***The Game*** on the Filmmaker ID website.
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VI. The Neuroscientific Answer to ***How Did He Do That?

By Katja Brose on the Huffington Post website on August 9, 2012 with the video of Keith Barry***s Ted Talk.

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VII. Castro***s victims resilient after years of abuse

By Ben Brumfield on the CNN on August 2, 2013.

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VIII. Climate Change And Violence Linked, Breakthrough Study Finds
By Robin Wilkey on The Huffington Post website on August 01, 2013.
The spring 2013 allergy season could be one of the worst ever, thanks to climate change. Experts say that increased precipitation, along with an early spring, late-ending fall and higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide may bring more pollen from plants and increased mold and fungal growth.

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C. In the BOOKS Category:

IX. Never Again: Echoes of the Holocaust As Understood Through Film by Sylvia Ginsparg from

a) to preorder

b) The website

to access a) & b) please go to ______________________________________________________________

X. End of summer reading Some of the great***..and almost great
a) Freud***s Sister by Goce Smilevski***s

b)Psychoanalytic Criticism by Elizabeth Wright

c) Women***s Bodies in Psychoanalysis by Rosemary Balsam

to read about a), b) & c) please go to
XI. TV Producer, Journalist Team Up For ***Downton Abbey*** of Vienna
on the Hollywood Reporter website on August 8, 2013.

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XII. Review of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapies by Jeremy D. Safran

Reviewed by Tracy A. Prout in the Division 39 Review.

This article originally appeared as: Tracy A. Prout (2013). Review of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapies by Jeremy D. Safran. Division 39 Review 8:30-31 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.

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D. In the BUSINESS & FINANCE Category:

XIII. Why China***s Leaders Know There***s A Storm Ahead

by Tyler Durden***s on the Zero website on July 27, 2013.
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E. In the CHINA Category:

XIV. China battles breast-feeding rates among the world***s lowest amid tainted formula scares

By Associated Press on The Washington Psst website on August 9, 2013
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XV. Life in a Toxic Country

By Edward Wong in The New York Times on August 3, 2013.

View: Li Wen/Xinhua, via Corbis
A baby being given nebulizer therapy at Beijing Children***s Hospital.

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F. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XVI. A patient***s worth, in billing codes

By Elissa Ely in The Boston Globe on August 3, 2013.

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XVII. These and These are the Words

on the Psych Practice Blog on July 23, 2013.

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G. In the GENERA NEWS Categpry:

XVIII. Suicide Rates Are High Among the Elderly

a) By Paula Span in The New York Times on August 7, 2013.

b) Greacian Goeke and her father, Joseph Goeke, at their New Jersey home in an undated family photo.

to read a) & view b) please go to ______________________________________________________________

XIX. An Unexpected Family Reunion, Seven Decades After the Holocaust
a) My husband***s grandmother***s family was decimated by the Nazis. But at 95, she discovered relatives she never knew. By Jennifer Mendelsohn on The Tablet website on August 8, 2013.

b)Bessie and Rachel. (Photo Courtesy of the author)

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XX. This day in Jewish history / Eastern European Jewish culture gets a life preserver

A conference kicked off on this day that established the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research *** which still plays an important role in documenting Jewish life and culture By David B. Green in Ha***artetz on August 8, 2013.

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XXI. Confessions of an Application Reader

By Ruth Starkman in The New York Times on August 1, 2013.

Brian Cronin for The New York Times.

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XXII. YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 88th Anniversary
YIVO entry in the YIVO Encylopedia of Eastern European Jews by Cecile Kuznitz on the YIVO Encylopedia of Eastern European Jews website.
The dais and part of the audience at the first YIVO Conference, Vilna, 1929. Among the scholars and communal leaders on the stage are (seated, center) Tsema*** Szabad, (second to Szabad***s right) Max Weinreich, (second to Szabad***s left) Perets Hirshbeyn, (standing, third from right) Zelig Kalmanovitsh, and (seated, second from right) Eliyahu Tsherikover. (YIVO)
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XXIII. Mental illness, not combat, causes soldier suicides
By Jen Christensen on the CNN website on August 6, 2013.

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XXIV. At Home in This Village: Yiddish Speakers

by Sam Roberts in The New York Times on August 6, 2013.

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XXV. 5 tips for recovering from emotional pain

By Guy Winch on CNN website on August 2, 2013.
When you brood over something, you***re simply replaying the same thoughts without gaining new insights.

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XXVI. Seeing Narcissists Everywhere

By Douglas Quenqua in The New York Times on August 5, 2013.
Jean M. Twenge finds fault with the culture of self-esteem in the United States, in which parents praise every child as ***special.***
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XXVII. The Woman Who Ate Cutlery

By Christine Montross in The New York Times on August 3, 2013.
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XXVIII. Lawyers of Sound Mind?

By Melody Moezzi in The New York Times on August 5, 2013.

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XXIX. The Trauma of Being Alive

By Mark Epstein in The New York Times on August 3, 2013.

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XXX. Psychiatrists: the drug pushers

Is the current epidemic of depression and hyperactivity the result of disease-mongering by the psychiatric profession and big pharma? Does psychiatry have any credibility left at all? Will Self on The Guardian website on August 2, 2013.

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XXXI. The Whistle-Blower***s Quandary

By Adan Waytz, James Dungan and Liane Young in The New York Times on August 2, 2013.

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H. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXII. Neuroscience in Fiction: The Princess Bride

in the Scientific American on August 3, 2013.

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I. In the MUSIC Category:

XXXIII. When Choirs Sing, Many Hearts Beat As One

by Anna Haensch on the 90.9 WBUR website on July 10, 2013.
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XXXIV. Chaste Ascetic? A Letter Details Mahler***s Love Life
By Allan Kozinn in The New York Times July 26, 2013.

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J. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXV. On the use and abuse of the history of psychoanalysis for psychoanalysis

Below is the abstract of On the use and abuse of the history of psychoanalysis for psychoanalysis .

This article originally appeared as: Will, Herbert (2009). On the use and abuse of the history of psychoanalysis for psychoanalysisLuzif Amor 22(44):71-84. in German and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.


This paper intends to stimulate reflection about the history and historiography of psychoanalysis. Starting from Nietzsche***s distinction of ***monumental***, ***antiquarian*** and ***critical*** historiography, the author
discusses typical approaches to the history of psychoanalysis and recommends taking the…

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XXXVI. This Rough Magic by Maurice Whelan

The 2012 Neville Symington Lecture at the Sydney Institute for Psychoanalysis, on the International Psychoanalytical Association website.
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XXXVII. Notes on the Theory of Technique Paper Presentation by Arnold Richards and Arlene Kramer Richards with Discussion

a) Notes on Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Consequences for Technique by Arnold D. Richards, M.D. and Arlene Kramer Richards, ED.D. (1995). Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis 4:429-456.

b) Discussion of Notes on the Theory of Technique Paper Presentation by Arnold Richards and Arlene Kramer Richards, Discussed by Jacobs Arlow at the New York Freudian Society February 1, 1994.

c) Comments on ***Notes on Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Consequences for Technique*** by Robert Caper, M.D U1995). Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis 4:465-470.

to read a), b) & c) please go to ______________________________________________________________

XXXVIII. Philosophy Thursday: All Animals Are Equal

by Peter Singer In: Tom Regan and Peter Singer (eds.), Animal Rights and Human Obligations, New Jersey, 1989, pp. 148-162

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XXXIX. Philosophy Thursday: Rethinking and reconstructing psychoanalysis
by Maya Chanthaphavong on The Age website on August 8, 2013.

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L. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XL. One year of the Mars rover Curiosity

a) By Bryan Dyne on the World Socialist Web Site on August 6, 2013.
b) Mars Curiosity Rover Tracker.

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XLI. Photography Friday: M Leticia C F Franieck, PhD

***Closed-door/Closed-past*** a religious room in the Ancient Knossos Palace (built in 1950 BC), Crete

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M. In the PLAYS Category:

XLII. Clash of 20th-Century Titans

a) By Genevieve Legacy on the Jackson Free Website on August 7, 2013.
b) ***Freud***s Last Session*** offers debate with civility and humor on this website.

c) Review of Freud***s Last Session by Merle Molofsky on this website.
to read a),b) & c) please go to _________________________________________________________

N. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XLIII. Key signal that guides brain development found

on the Business Standard website on August 8, 2013.

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XLIV. Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism

on the Why Don***t You Try This Website on August 5, 2013.
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XLV. Blue Light Linked With Depressive Symptoms In Hamsters, Study Suggest…

on the Huffington Post website on August 07, 2013.

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XLVI. Science Is Not Your Enemy

An impassioned plea to neglected novelists, embattled professors, and tenure-less historians by Steven Pinker in The New Republic on August 16, 2013.

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XLVII. Depressed Fish Could Help in the Search for New Drug Treatments
Antidepressant normalises the behaviour of zebrafish with a defective stress hormone receptor on the Science Daily website on August 5, 2013.
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I hope this interesting menu of posts has captured your attention and that you will leave generous comments on the website as you read. Having met our international colleagues in Prague this week, I learned how much they appreciate this connection to us and ability to share our views with them.

respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde