More on IPA Congress, Hanna Arendt, motherless kids and neuromania from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

There is a wide variety of postings on the international psychoanalytic website. Many events are represented, as well as posts on neuroscience child prodigies and many others. As is my practice, I will direct your attention to the issues which caught my interest, followed by the regular index.

My choices this week are:

The IPA congress in Prague is fast approaching and most posts regarding the history, sights, and programs have been posted. There are several new post related to the congress which may be of interest to you.

1) This note is a translation of the czech paragraph on the website. A new program which will be “off site” at a different venue may be of interest to some of you who will be attending. It is a lecture: *Emanuel Windholz, pioneer of psychoanalysis in Prague and San Francisco. Pains of cultural eradication and emigration”. Windholz escaped from Czechoslovakia in 1939 to S.F. and was founder later of the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Society. Prior to WWII and his emigration, together with Otto Fenichel, he founded the Czech psychoanalytic society in Prague. It is sponsored by the Czech psychoanalytic society and presented in English by Michael Windholz from San Francisco. Please read and plan to attend if you will be in Prague for a taste of our psychoanalytic history.
Click Here to Read This Article

2) In line with #1) if time permits more history will be revealed at “Invite for Signs of Life Play/Musical in Prague, IPA”
Click Here to Read This Article

3) A Film “larks on line” falls in the same category.
Click Here to Read This Article

4) A NYPSI meeting on violence in schools, homes and on the streets seems very apt if you can attend.
Click Here to Read This Article

5) The BOOKS Category contains many titles which seem eminently readable. Note
a)the suggestions for summer reading.
Click Here to Read This Article on Summer Reading
Click Here to Read This Article on More Summer Reading

b)Erich Fromm: Spiritual Humanist & Public Intellectual
Click Here to Read This Article

c)more about Betty Friedan
Click Here to Read This Article

6) Please note Jane Hall’s very diplomatic response to Dr. Stone.
Click Here to Read This Article

7) There are a number of very interesting articles on children – their abilities (child prodigies), parenting (praise – yes or no),transmission of trauma (child of survivors buys German), motherless children and kids obsessed with technology. Please read in GENERAL NEWS.
Click Here to Read This Article on Child Prodigies
Click Here to Read This Article Praise
Click Here to Read This Article on a Son of Survivors 
Click Here to Read This Article on Motherless Parenting
Click Here to Read This Article on Children and Technology

8) Roger Berkowitz in discussing “Lonely Thinking: Hannah Arendt on Film” has written what to me is the most exquisite and understandable explanation of Hannah Arendt that I have read so far – I wish I could thank him, and I hope to see the film. I hope that you read the article and feel likewise.
Click Here to Read This Article

9) Please glance at the SCIENCE NEWS. The article on “neuromania” seems on target for us, as does “excavating the Mind”. PTSD post medical trauma is well known to many of us.
Click Here to Read This Article on Neuromania
Click Here to Read This Article on Excavating the Mind
Click Here to Read This Article on PTSD


Below is the list of contents for the week:
A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Larks on a line: Movie to be Shown in Prague

*Larks on a line* (1969) screened simultaneously in two rooms (one with English subtitles, the other with French ones), will be followed by a dialogue between Antoine Corel and director Jiri Menzel and then with the public. At the Atlas Cinema. Places limited. With translation Czech/English.
The film Menzel made after his famous *Closely Observed Trains* has not found the recognition it deserves *among other reasons, because it was under censorship for 20 years. With subversive humour and deep*
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II. Conference on Violence in Schools, Homes, and on the Streets at NYPSI

Violence in Schools, Homes, and on the Streets:Psychoanalytic Collaboration with Educators, Law Enforcers,
and Community Leaders
Drs. Will Braun, Jonathan Cohen,Steven Marans, Lois Oppenheim, Wendy Olesker, Mark Smaller, Stuart Twemlow, Josephine Wright and Chief of Police Dean Esserman

NYPSI*s Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 E. 82nd Street, NYC

Friday, February 7, 2014, 7:30 * 9 pm

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III. This Sunday at YIVO

SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2013 | 1:00pm
Annual Mordkhe Schaechter Memorial Program
Co-sponsored by the League for Yiddish
Admission: Free; RSVP Required:

Most of this program will be held in Yiddish.

Dr. Samuel Kassow (Professor of History, Trinity College)
*A Historian in the Ghetto: Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oyneg-Shabes Archive*
Emanuel Ringelblum

Between 1940 and 1943 Emanuel Ringelblum organized and directed the Oyneg Shabes Archive in the Warsaw Ghetto. Of the 60 people who worked in the
To read more please go to ______________________________________________________________ IV. Lecture of Michael Windholz

Czech Psychoanalytical Society (IPA)

Thursday 1.8. at 19,30
Speaker and presenter: Michael Windholz, San Francisco
*Emanuel Windholz, pioneer of psychoanalysis in Prague and San Francisco. Pains of cultural eradication and emigration*
Venue: Psychiatrick* klinika (Psychiatric Clinic), Prague 1, St. Ke Karlovu

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V. Invite for Signs of Life Play/Musical in Prague, IPA

A PDF of the Invitation.

For those going to Prague, a special invitation to attend a play/musical about the concentration camp Terezin (outside of Prague) and about the art and music that those imprisoned created and used to keep their spirits alive even as the trains daily carried adults and children to their deaths in Auschwitz.

See the invitation below and open the attachment for the full description. Tickets will be on sale at the IPA but you can reserve space by contacting Charles Hanly (Tuesday) and Stefano Bolognini (Friday) introduce and discussions include Ilany Kogan (Tuesday) and Batya Monder (Friday) with Nancy Goodman and Marilyn Meyers facilitating discussion with audience. We hope to see you!!!

To read more and for PDF of the invitation, please go to
VI. Save the date: *Therapeutic Action: What Works in Psychodynamic Therapy.*

Date: March 22, 2014 at Mt. Sinai Medical Center


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B. In the ART Category:

VII. Jonathan Brent, YIVO Director visits the Museum

on the History of the Polish Jews website.

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VIII. Daniel Pinkwater*s Bushman Lives:

To become an artist By Christine Schofelt on the World Socialist Web Site on June 25, 2013.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

IX. The Science of Female Desire

Book Review Podcast: The Science of Female Desire: Daniel Bergner discusses his book What Do Women Want?on The New York Times website on June 14, 2013.

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D. In the BOOKS Category:

X. Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession

Review of Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession, by Janet Malcolm, Reviewed by Lisa Gornick on the Book Keeping website.

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XI. The Ontology of Psychology by Linda A.W. Brakel

Questioning Foundations in the Philosophy of Mind by Linda A.W. Brakel, Description, Table of Contents and Introduction.

To Read: Flyer for The Ontology of Psychology: Questioning Foundations in the Philosophy of Mind by Linda A.W. Brake

please go to
XII. More Summer Reading: The Light, the Erudite and the Profound
a) Melodies of the Mind By Julie Jaffee Nagel

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b) Catch Them Before They Fall: The Psychoanalysis of Breakdown by Christopher Bollas

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XIII. Our Yiddish Theatre, Ourselves

a Review of Inventing the Modern Yiddish Stage: Essays in Drama, Performance, and Show Business edited by Joel Berkowitz, Barbara Henry, reviewed Stuart Hecht.

This article originally appeared as Stuart Hecht (2013). Review of Berkowitz, Joel; Henry, Barbara, eds., Inventing the Modern Yiddish Stage: Essays in Drama, Performance, and Show Business. H-Judaic, H-Net Reviews. June, 2013 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.
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XIV. Facing Cancer and the Fear of Death

* Facing Cancer and the Fear of Death, a Psychoanalytic Perspective on Treatment* has been recommended for purchase for the hematology and oncology fellows at the Mt Sinai Medical Center by Janice Gabrilove MD, Chief of Neoplastic Diseases. She has once again also requested that her fellows attend the annual lectures for the PGY 4 Psychiatry Residents and C- L fellows on Psycho * oncology given by Norman Straker. Dr Straker is a member of the faculty of the NY Psychoanalytic and has been teaching at Mount Sinai as part of the collaboration between the Institute and Psychiatry Department. The endorsement of his recent book by the Chief of Neoplastic Diseases, a world renown cancer researcher is validation for a renewed effort by psychoanalysts for a greater role in collaborating with their medical colleagues in the treatment of chronic diseases.
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XV. Erich Fromm: Spiritual Humanist & Public Intellectual

by Patrick S. O*Donnell on the Ratio Jurist website on February 07, 2013.
To read: Individual and Social Origins of Neurosis by Erich Fromm on this website.

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XVI. Interview with Elizabeth Ann Danto

Author of Freud*s Free Clinics: Psychoanalysis & Social Justice, 1918-1938 (May 2005) on the Columbia University Press website.
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XVII. The Repression of Sexuality in Contemporary American Psychoanalysis
by Jeremy on the An und f*r sich website on June 25, 2013.
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XVIII. Alan Frances on unclear writing in DSM V as source for errors
*If it ain*t *writ* good, ya cain*t understand*: Alan Frances on poor writing in DSM-V
N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor

Frances, the shepherd of DSM-IV has pointed out two major errors in any DSM: 1. bad conceptual choices; 2. bad writing. We*ve already linked to his previous article on poor conceptual posts. Click Here for The Previous Article:. Here, he outlines how imprecise language in the current DSM-V makes diagnosis murkier. Listen to his examples: Click Here To Read This Article

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XIX. Only Psychoanalysis Can Make You Really Unhappy

Review of Freud by Jonathan Lear, Reviewed by Justin Clemens.
This article originally appeared as Clemens, Justin (2005). Only Psychoanalysis Can Make You Really Unhappy. The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 1:2. and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.

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XX. Daniel Pinkwater*s Bushman Lives

Daniel Pinkwater*s Bushman Lives: To become an artist By Christine Schofelt on the World Socialist Web Site on June 25, 2013.

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XXI. Stay, Illusion!*: *Hamlet* rebooted

A slim, invigorating new book offers fresh ways to look at the most famous work in Western literature, Review of *Stay, Illusion!: The Hamlet Doctrine* by Simon Critchley and Jamieson Webster, Reviewed By Laura Miller on the Salon website on June 23, 2013.

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XXII. Why Betty Friedan Threw the Body Out With the Bathwater
*Feminine Mystique* mistakenly dismissed hormonal impact on women. By Susan Kolod, Ph.D. on The Contemporary Psychoanalysis Group*a Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Action blog on the Psychology Today blogs on June 23, 2013.

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XXIII. Professor Jeremy Dauber on Sholem Aleichem

Professor Jeremy Dauber on Sholem Aleichem in the Religion and Ethics Weekly on February 20, 2009.

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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XXIV. OP ED: a response to Dr. Alan Stone*s piece from the Harvard Magazine Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
Click here to read Dr. Stone*s piece.

Dear Dr. Stone,

I would like to share my thoughts about your interesting article in the Harvard Magazine. I am responding to the following questions you raise.
*Whether critical of Freud, as some people were, or reverential, as we were here in Boston, we all hoped to be able to see farther than the giant and to build on the foundation Freud had begun.*
*Psychoanalysts can no longer assert that what they learn about their patient*s childhood will help them to explain the etiology of the patient*s psychopathology, or even of the patient*s sexual orientation.* *The task of constructing self-descriptions in psychoanalytic therapy also encounters the problem of memory. Everything we have learned in recent years about memory has emphasized its plasticity, the ease with which it can be distorted, and the difficulties of reaching a hypothetical veridical memory. Much of what psychoanalysis considered infantile amnesia may be a function of the reorganizing brain rather than of the repressing mind. All of this makes the task of constructing meaningful histories of desire in the individual more daunting.*

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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXV. What happens to child prodigies: Smithsonian

Here is an informal article that reviews the life course of several 20th century *child prodigies.* While their life stories may be atypical, we can learn something from their (now forgotten) sad outcomes and the *Tiger Mothers* of that era.

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

Every generation produces kid geniuses, but in the early 1900s, the public was obsessed with them by By Greg Daugherty on the website on June 25, 2013.

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XXVI. A Son of the Holocaust Buys German

by Henry Rozycki in The New York Times on June 27, 2013.

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XXVII. Analysis and Reaction to Gay Marriage Rulings

in The New York Times on June 26, 2013.

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XXVIII. How Long Can You Wait to Have a Baby?

Deep anxiety about the ability to have children later in life plagues many women. But the decline in fertility over the course of a woman*s 30s has been oversold. Here*s what the statistics really tell us*and what they don*t by Jean Twenge in the Atlantic Monthly on June 19, 2013.
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XXIX. PTSD Awareness day

Harold Kudler, MD, Chair of APsaA*s Service Members and Veterans Initiative, gives an articulate account of PTSD and the analyst*s role in its treatment for Time magazine.

From Prudy Gourguechon , MD who first organized this Committee. A must-read. And must-distribute.

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

Today is PTSD Awareness day. Harold Kudler, Chair of APsaA*s Service Members and Veterans Initiative, was invited to write a blog post on PTSD for Time Magazine based on a talk he gave at the American Psychiatric Association in May. Please follow this link to Harold*s post.
Read This Article please go to ________________________________________________________
XXX. Alan Frances on unclear writing in DSM V as source for errors
*If it ain*t *writ* good, ya cain*t understand*: Alan Frances on poor writing in DSM-V
N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor

Frances, the shepherd of DSM-IV has pointed out two major errors in any DSM: 1. bad conceptual choices; 2. bad writing. We*ve already linked to his previous article on poor conceptual posts.

a)The Previous Article:. Here, he outlines how imprecise language in the current DSM-V makes diagnosis murkier.
Listen to his examples:
b)This Article

To read a) & b)please go to ________________________________________________________
XXXI. Are Our Children Overpraised?

Click Here to Read: Are Our Children Overpraised? by Kenneth Barish on the Huffington Post website on June 24, 2013.

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XXXII. *Ex-gay* group says it*s shutting down; leader apologizes for *pain and hurt*

By Erin McClam and Miranda Leitsinger on the NBC News website on June 20, 2013.

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XXXIII. Politics: Rising Seas: A City-by-City Forecast

By Rolling Stone on June 20, 2013.

Cars sit in a flooded tunnel after Hurricane Sandy in New York
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XXXIV. The Misnomer of *Motherless* Parenting

by Franck Ligtvoet in The New York Times on June 22, 2013.
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XXXV. My Kids Are Obsessed With Technology, and It*s All My Fault
by Steve Almond in The New York Times on June 21, 2013.

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XXXVI. Profiting From Pain

By Barry Meier in The New York Times on June 22, 2013.

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G. In the LETTERS TO EDITORS Category:

XXXVII. Invitation to a Dialogue: Gender Identity

by Jack Dresher in The New York Times on June 25, 2013.

Illustration: Katherine Streeter

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H. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXVIII. Max Brooks* World War Z brought to the screen, or is it?
By Christine Schofelt on the World Socialist Web Site on June 27, 2013.
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XXXIX.Portland Jewish Film Festival: *Out in the Dark*

The Portland Jewish Film Festival into its 2nd week brings* Out in the Dark* to unsettle,make uncomfortable,make memorable the price the people of Israel and Palestine pay for the hell they find themselves in the ongoing hatred and war we dub the israeli/palestinian conflict.
There are thousands of painful stories. This one is about gay men*who in the midEast of the world find conflict made worse by the political account. Not a happy movie, but an exceedingly well told one.
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XL. Commie Camp* Documentary Captures Camp Kinderland*s Idealism, and Its Imperfections

Once a utopian getaway for children of socialists and left-wing organizers, the camp remains an essential haven for *weird Jews* By Nona Willis Aronowitz on The Tablet website on June 27, 2013.

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XLI. What the Psychology of World War Z * And Horror Films in General * Tell Us About Ourselves

by Dr Raj Persaud and Dr David James on the Huffington Post website on June 25, 2013.

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I. In the MUSIC Category:

XLII. Lonely Thinking: Hannah Arendt on Film

by Roger Berkowitz on the Paris Review Daily website on May 30, 2013 |
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XLIII. A meditation on remembrance

By Menachem Z. Rosensaft in The Washington Post on June 25, 2013.
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J. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XLIV. Betty Joseph 1917-2013

Betty Joseph, who has died aged 96, was widely considered to be one of the great psychoanalysts of her day on The Telegraph website on June 23, 2013.
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XLV. He Helped TV Get Serious About Drama

by Terry Teachout in the Wall Street Journal on June 21, 2013.
James Gandolfini, 1961-2013

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K. In the PAPERS Category:

XLVI. Otherwise/Uncut Journal

Issue of Other/Wise, The Journal of the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Volume 1, Spring 2013.

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XLVII. Conflict Theory; Re-thinking the Foundations by Edward Nersessian
by Edward Nersessian.

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XLVIII. Foucault, Gramsci and Critical Theory * Remarks on their Relationship

by Alex Demirovic (Technical University, Berlin) on the Lancaster University website.

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IXL. A Report on *The Future of Psychoanalytic Education: Preservation and Innovation*

by Arthur A. Lynch, DSW, Presentation at the Farkas Auditorium, NYU School of Medicine November 16, 2008.

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L. Jacques Lacan (1901 * 1981) Part Two: Return to Freud

by Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette on the website on June 21, 2013..

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LI. The science of psychoanalysis

by Michael Lacewing. This article is unpublished but is forthcoming in the Journal Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology.

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LII. Philosophy Thursday

This inaugurates a bimonthly category Philosophy Thursday. The contribution is about the philosophy of Derek Parfit. It was selected for us by our philosophy editor, Peter Unger, who is a Professor of Philosophy of New York University.

a) How to Be Good by Larrisa MacFarquhar in the New Yorker on September 5, 2011, p. 42.

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b)Derek Parfit * Brainspotting 1/2.

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c)Derik Parfit*s Wikipedia page.

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M. In the PLAYS Category:

LIII. *Stay, Illusion!*: *Hamlet* rebooted

A slim, invigorating new book offers fresh ways to look at the most famous work in Western literature, Review of *Stay, Illusion!: The Hamlet Doctrine* by Simon Critchley and Jamieson Webster, Reviewed By Laura Miller on the Salon website on June 23, 2013.

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N. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

LIV. Excavating the Mind

Past Brain Activity Revealed in Scans:By studying spontaneously emerging brain activity, researchers may be able to trace past experiences by John Ericson on the Medical Daily website on June 25, 2013.

(Photo: Weissmann Institute of Science.) Research offers new insight into spontaneously emerging brain activity.

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LV. There*s a lot more to neuroscience than media *neuromania*
Why do some critics refuse to accept that the solution to many mysteries of the mind will be found in the brain? by Mark Stokes on the Guardian Website on June 25, 2013.

It seems a bit too simple to suggest that the neuromanic public has been hypnotized by the beauty of fMRI. Photograph: PR

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LVI. Patients suffer from PTSD after heart attack, stroke

By Jacque Wilson on the CNN website on June 21, 2013.

Scientists aren*t sure exactly how traumatic a medical event has to be for patients to develop PTSD.

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Reaching the end of the very lengthy post, I hope that you have found articles of interest to you and have some time left to write your comments on the website. This is your chance to reach colleagues around the globe.
Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde