Clinical Workshop
Open to Members and Candidates of the Psychoanalytic Community
This clinical workshop is designed to represent analysts with different psychoanalytic models of mind, e.g.,Contemporary Freudian, Contemporary Kleinian, Lacanian, Relational, and Classical Freudian Analysis. In addition to Eva Kantor and Susan Finkelstein, invited case presenters include Deborah Moses, Jamieson Webster, and Avgi Saketopoulou. Each presenter will describe the transference-countertransference dynamic in the moment of a rupture with a possible repair or impasse pending. The group members would discuss among themselves and the analyst (in background) what they heard in the material
that was both implicit and explicit, concrete and symbolic, in an attempt to assist the analyst and her patient in the development of a possible “third position” to unlock the deadlock, repair the rupture, and avoid an impasse.
The workshop is open to 10 members, plus the presenters. Background readings would include articles by Dana Birksted-Breen, John Steiner, and Ron Britton. The facilitators will explore key concepts of concrete thinking, symbolism, enactment, reverie, manic repair versus reparation, working toward the oedipal third, loss and mourning, here and now interpretations, temporality, spatial relations, and interpreting at the right level to avoid impasse.
The workshop will meet monthly for five months on the second Friday of each month: November 8, December 13, 2013, January 10, February 14, and March 14, 2014, from 3-4:30. The course could be extended beyond these five meetings should the members wish to continue.
Clinical Workshop Moderators: Susan Finkelstein and Eva Kantor
Learning Objectives:
1) To learn how interpretations based in the here and now use a theoretical framework which expresses itself in a time and process thinking mode rather than a content-focused mode in listening and interpreting.
2) How an impasse in the work may be the result of the analyst moving from a place where reverie allows for contributions from the analyst’s unconscious from a symbolic level to a concrete level when caught in a struggle around the concrete nature of the patient’s concerns.
3) To familiarize the group with various writings on “enactment, rupture and repair or impasse” and integrate them with clinical material presented.
4) To understand the nature of some factors that would contribute to an impasse, e.g the concept of concrete versus symbolic thinking.
5) To compare and contrast different theoretical models of mind in listening and intervening in the analytic dyad.
Location: Upper West Side, address TBA
Dates: November 8, December 13, 2013, January 10, February 14, and March 14, 2014
Time: 3-4:30
Fee: $125
Please contact Eva Kantor for additional information at evakpsych@gmail.com or 212-595-1929.
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The Contemporary Freudian Society
Clinical Workshop
11 Bunker Hill Drive
Manalapan, NJ 07726
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