The Analyst’s Superego at Work Presenter with Stanley Coen, M.D. at MITPP

The Metropolitan Institute for Training in
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy,
The Metropolitan Center for Mental Health and
The Metropolitan Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists
Invite you to a Scientific Meeting
Friday, April 26, 2013
at 8:00 P.M.

The Analyst’s Superego at Work Presenter: Stanley Coen, M.D.

The superego of the analyst at work, a relatively neglected top­ic, is addressed. The optimal superego stance for the analyst at work is to use himself, including his needs, wishes, and tempta­tions in order to understand himself in the service of helping his patients. To do so, the analyst needs to be overseen, guided, cri­ti­cized, restrained, praised, and loved by his superego. Superego signals help to guide him. He needs to be convinced that he will not act on his temptations be­cause of his ethical, loving stance to­ward himself and toward his pa­tient and because, most of the time, he feels he can manage the passions in the consulting room. Colleagues are encouraged to scan them­selves and to identify with an­alysts in trouble, in their descrip­tions, so as to rehearse catch­ing po­ten­tial vulnerabilities, needs, and desires at work with analy­sands.

Stanley Coen, M.D., is a Training and Supervising Analyst and Senior Associate Director for Academic Affairs at The Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, Clinical Professor of Psychi­atry at the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, and a member of the editorial boards of The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association and The International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. He chairs the subcommittee on University Forum of the APSA Program Committee. He is the author of “The Misuse of Persons: Analyzing Pathological Dependency”, “Between Author and Reader: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Writing and Reading,” and “Affect Intolerance in Patient and Analyst.” He has published extensively on problems in clinical psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic literary criticism.

No registration or fee required. Refreshments served following the presentation.

Meeting Will Be Held At:
The Karen Horney Psychoanalytic Institute and Center
329 East 62nd Street (1st & 2nd Avenues)
1st Floor Auditorium, New York, NY 10021

For further information: email, visit or phone (212) 496-2858

Program Committee: Alexandra Cattaruzza, MS, LP, Co-Chair * Rosemarie Verderame, LMSW, Co-Chair * Joyce A. Lerner, LCSW * Thomas McCoy, M. Div., LCSW *
Barbara Reichenthal, LCSW, BCD * Ivy Vale, BFA

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