Psychoanalytic Fellowship Program at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia (PCOP) has been accepted by Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am pleased to announce that the Psychoanalytic Fellowship Program at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia (PCOP) has been accepted by Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation

( as a nomination for the inaugural Scattergood Innovation Award. The prize for the winning innovation is $25,000. The selection process for the award will take place over the next few months and I am going to need your support for our nomination. The Scattergood Foundation very much values the conversation about the behavioral health innovations submitted and hopes that individuals will
express their backing of an innovation by:
1) Commenting at the bottom of each submission.
2) Answering a simple question that takes only seconds. The question indicates which criteria led you to support the Psychoanalytic Fellowship Program at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia. Even if you are not posting a comment please go to the site and support this effort by filling out the survey.

These two ways to express support will be available for the next three weeks and will close on 01/31/13. The comments and results from the criteria selection question will be reviewed by the expert panel when they will select the top five finalists. We hope to be a top five finalist, once those are announced, a month of competitive online public voting will occur. This application has potential benefits beyond our Center: * It demonstrates to behavioral health professionals and the community at large that Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic thought is alive and well. Additionally, it makes evident that psychoanalytic educational programs, in spirit and implementation, are innovative and accessible. * It invalidates the common prejudices that psychoanalytic organizations are secular, insular and not part of the community * Participating in this competition will facilitate recruiting, not only for our fellowship program, but likely will benefit psychotherapy, analytic training programs and other psychodynamic educational/outreach efforts.
* Our involvement in the application process can open the door, by getting known to the Scattergood board, for future grants for other psychoanalytic and psychodynamic programs.
Please review and support our application at:
_ delphia-pcop_
( A few tips for commenting:
1) The Scattergood Foundation will not share your information or use it in unrelated ways.
2) When leaving a comment make sure to check the register with Disqus box. 3) Disqus does run on a delay when approving comments. If your comment does not immediately appear it should within the next 24hours. 4) Consider using Google rather than more limited servers such as AOL. Contact me if you have problems posting or filling out the question.
Thank you,
Bruce Levin

Click Here to: Website  for this Program