Morality/hate, anxious children and mind/brain from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

This is the last post of the year 2012. As we await the the “fiscal cliff”, the  changes in US health care and our own APsaA annual meeting in January, I have tried to pick out some representative posts from the international psychoanalytic website to usher us into the new year. I have tried to keep it light, so I have not listed some of the sadder posts about guns and war in detail. Inevitably they are there.

I again ask you to please post your comments. Also, I know that many of you enjoy this world wide psychoanalytic enterprise and if possible, would encourage you to make a year end donation to it on the website.

Here re my choices this time:

1) I want to direct your attention to two film screenings followed by psychoanalytic discussions:
a) Hitchcock*s “Rear Window “at NYPSI &
Click Here to Read This Article on Rear Window

b) My Life As A Dog* at WCSPP

Click Here to Read This Article on My Life as A Dog

2) Enjoy “The Evolutionary Psychology of the Romance Novel” in the BOOKS category.
Click Here to Read This Article

3) In The EDITORIALS Category there are a number of post related to Newtown, CT, on morality and treatment of mental illness, all of which I recumbent, but especially peas read the article written by Todd Essig in the Forbes Magazine on Einstein and Freud “Warum Krieg” – Why War (why gun violence) – triggered by the Newtown massacre, where Freud attests that where we start is “with morality and aesthetics.” What he says is *(w)e cannot do otherwise than hate it.*
Click Here to Read This Category

Click Here to Read Todd Essig’s Article:
4) More on guns in the General News Category – too upsetting to even contemplate, but should be read.
Click Here to Read This Category
5) I recommend that all read “When Anxiety Interrupts a Child*s Life” in the GENERAL NEWS Category. Given all current events, we need to be mindful of what we do to for and with young children.
Click Here to Read This Article

6) Excellent commentary in the letter to the editor by Zvi Lothane, M.D. on antisocial individuals who do not seek treatment. Please read.
Click Here to Read This Article

7) Glen Gabbard’s excellent outline on how to write a Psychoanalytic Paper is a must.
Click Here to Read This Article

8) Please read both posts in the Science News – how many of you have solved math problems in your sleep as teenagers? I remember doing that. A young man in India evidently went much further – intrigued? Not sure where psychoanalysis comes in, but certainly the mind and the brain interact all the time.’

Click Here to Read This Article


The list of this week’s contents follows:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Maternal Altruism & Boundary Violation with Beth Seelig at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 8:30 p.m., Donations Accepted

Maternal Altruism & Boundary Violation: A Supervisory Challenge, Beth J. Seelig, M.D.

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II. Knowledge as Fact and Knowledge as Experience: Freud*s Constructions in Analysis with David Bell, M.D. at NYPSI


Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Thursday, January 24, 2013, 8:15 * 10:00 PM, Donations accepted

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III. A screening of Hitchcock*s Rear Window followed by a psychoanalytic discussion with Peter Dunn, M.D. at NYPSI


Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Friday, January 11, 2013, 7 pm, $10 Suggested Donation

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IV. Aby Warburg, The Hopi Serpent Ritual and Ludwig Binswanger, with Peter J. Loewenberg, Ph.D. at NYPSI


Scientific Meeting
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 8:15 * 10:00 PM, Donations accepted

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WCSPP*s Film Committee invites you as our guests to our winter event, a film screening of *My Life As A Dog* with discussion led by Robby Gaines and Barbara Messer.

This film, released in 1988, was widely hailed as a work of tremendous depth, probing a child*s life experience in the face of his mother*s untimely illness and death, already having been left by his father. Slowly learning the ways of people and the pain of loss, he comes to understand and survive, ultimately finding, in a network of relationships, the means to anchor himself in a more grown-up (more*)
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VI. Donations to has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a paper trail, photos and relics of our founders * and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.

But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.

Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?
We will use contributions to to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work]. (more*)
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B. In the BOOKS Category:

VII. Gary Shteyngart: How I Write

The author of Super Sad True Love Story talks about why he writes so many book blurb by Noah Charney On The Daily Beast Website on December 26, 2012.

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VIII. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions at Fifty

by Matthew C. Rees in the The New Atlantis in the Number 37, Fall 2012 issue, pp. 71-86.
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IX. Will the Developmental Line be Unbroken: The Anna Freud Tradition
This is one of our occasional book reviews of *orphaned* books: those that may be reviewed in a few years, but readers get a preview now.
The Anna Freud Tradition, edited by Marburg and Raphael-Leff, may be one in a series of Karnac books that look at various schools of psychoanalysis.
I*ve asked Nick Midgley of the Anna Freud Centre to write the review, despite his having written one chapter in the book. Readers will judge how well he has presented an informed and thoughtful overview.
Anna Freud gave us much. Now, her students and colleagues summarize what paths she inititated and how it may be feasible to develop them further.
Controversial DSM-5 Changes: Task Force Chair Addresses Critical Questions Tuesday, December 25th, 2012
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X. Controversial DSM-5 Changes: Task Force Chair Addresses Critical Questions by Batya Yasgur on the Monthly Prescribing Experience website on
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XI. Conundrums by Jon Mills

Click Here to Read: Review of Conundrums: A Critique of Contemporary Psychoanalysis by Jon Mills, Reviewed by Tracy D. Morgan on the New Books in Psychoanalysis website on December 19, 2012.
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XII. The Evolutionary Psychology of the Romance Novel

Friday Weird Science: The evolutionary psychology of the romance novel by scicurious on the Neurotic Physiology website on December 22, 2012.
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C. In the CHINA Category:

XIII. China*s new leaders discuss fight against corruption, but some are skeptical of action

By William Wan in The Washington Post on December 28, 2012.
Bloomberg/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES * Wang Qishan, China*s vice premier, speaks at the 22nd U.S.- China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade in Chengdu China, on Nov. 21, 2011.

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D. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XIV. Guns and Mental Illness

By Joe Nocera in The New York Times on December 28, 2012.
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XV. The treatment of mental conditions must start early

by Kurt Newman in the The Washington Post on December 28, 2012.
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XVI. Newtown Is Why You Should Bring Einstein And Freud To Your Holiday Gatherings

by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on December 24, 2012.
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XVII. The Moral Animal

By Jonathan Sacks in The New York Times on December 23, 2012.
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E. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:
XVIII. The Taboo of Menstruation

By Rose George in The New York Times on December 28, 2012.
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XIX. Marilyn Monroe*s FBI File: Redactions Regarding Communist Ties Removed
By Anthony McCartney in the Huffington Post on December 28, 2012.
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XX. Storm Weakened a Fragile System for Mental Care

by Nina Bernstein in The New York Times on December 26, 2012.
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XXI. When Anxiety Interrupts a Child*s Life

by Jane Brody in The New York Times on December 17, 2012.

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XXII. The Freedom of Faith: A Christmas Sermon

By Simon Critchley in The New York Times on December 23, 2012.
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XXIII. A New Chapter

Sometimes, change isn*t just good, it*s necessary by Tina Brown On the Daily Beast website on December 24, 2012 .

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XXIV. Controversial DSM-5 Changes: Task Force Chair Addresses Critical Questions

by Batya Yasgur on the Monthly Prescribing Experience website on December 21, 2012.

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XXV. Ancient Bones That Tell a Story of Compassion

By James Gorman in The New York Times on December 17, 2012.
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XXVI. The Right*s Second Amendment Lies

by Robert Parry on the website on December 21, 2012.
President George Washington, as Commander-in-Chief, leading a combined force of state militias against the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794.
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XXVII. Gun Control Cartoons

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XXVIII. Another Troubled Mind

A Dominican Nun and Jesuit Educated Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Shares His Struggles with Guns and Mental Illness

By Neal Spira

It appears we have our answer on addressing assault weapon access in any meaningful way: there will be none. The Democrats are completely scattered with 5 different US Senators with 5 different bills to be introduced in the 113th Congress next year. All of the Republic leaders have developed sudden selective mutism. There is no *.
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XXIX. The NRA Even Gets the Sandy Hook Body Count Wrong

The gun lobby*s front man couldn*t even get the number of children murdered at Sandy Hook right. But what are facts when your whole premise is a lie, writes Michael Daly on the Daily Beast website on December 22, 2012.

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XXX. Violence and Mental Illness, 2 Letters (Marcus Wiesner and Henry (Zvi) Lothane, M.D.

to the Editor of The New York Times on December 24, 2012.
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G. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXI. Best films of 2012

By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier on the World Socialist Website on December 28, 2012.

A Separation

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XXXII. The truth about Zero Dark Thirty: This torture fantasy degrades us all
Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal*s film claims to be *based on a true story* but no non-fiction writer could take such liberties by Michael Wolff on the website on December 24, 2012.

Jessica Chastain*s character in the new film Zero Dark Thirty is reputedly based on the CIA analyst known as *Jen*. Photograph: Snap Stills/Rex Features

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XXXIII. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey*not so unexpected as all that
By Christine Schofelt on the World Socialist Website on December 27, 2012.
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H. In the MUSIC Category:

XXXIV. Eight Are Charged With Chilean Singer*s 1973 Murder After Military Coup
a) Eight Are Charged With Chilean Singer*s 1973 Murder After Military Coup By Pascale Bonnefoy in The New York Times on December 28, 2012/
b) Victor Jara (1932*1973) He died on September 16 1973 on this website. Includes audio of Victor Jara singing Cigarritoand Arlo Guthrie singing about Victor Jara*s and Letter to Someone Who Said It Was Necessary, Poem about Victor Jara by Arlene Kramer Richards.
c) Chile reburies coup victim and singer Jara on this Website.
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XXXV. John Lennon * Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

on YouTube.

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I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXVI. How to Write a Psychoanalytic Paper

by Glen O. Gabbard, M.D. on the Houston Psychoanalytic Website.
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J. In the POETRY Category:

XXXVII. From the Poetry Editor: An Interjection in Time of Mourning
From the Poetry Editor: An Interjection in Time of Mourning
I don*t need to remind you of what poetry does to help us live our lives; I know you know that very well indeed. But here is an interjection of my own, at a time when we are simultaneously mourning the horrific recent gun deaths and trying to rally ourselves to activity and legislation.

I know something about guns. Shocking as it seems to me now, I participated regularly in target practice, with a 22 rifle, at summer camp when I was ten *..

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K. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXVIII. Beyond the Brain

by Tanya Marie Luhrmann in the Wilson Quarterly Summer 2012 edition.
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IXL. Mathematician*s Century-Old Secrets Unlocked Analysis
by DNews Editors on the Discovery News website on December 27, 2012.
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I hope that this end-of-the-year reading has been informative as well as enjoyable and look forward to reading your comments.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde