Another Definitive Study from Germany: Psychoanalysis better than CBT for depression

Huber, Klug and colleagues have published this work in German and it will be in Psychiatry next year. readers get it now.
This is a  remarkable effort: a three-year follow-up study  comparing psychoanalytic, psychodynamic and CBT treatment in a carefully diagnosed group.
More of this works needs to be done.
Bravo to Huber, Zimmerman, Henrich and Klug. And thanks to Kathy DeWitt for sending this to us.
N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor
Click Here to Read: Comparison of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy with Psychoanalytic and Psychodyamic based Therapy  for Depressed Patients – A Three Year Follow up Study by Dorothea Huber, Johannes Zimmterman,  Gerhard Henrich, and  Guenther Klug.