Business cards, fetal pain @ love and brain size from Sasha Rolde at

Dear Colleagues:

With the hurricane crisis subsiding though the aftermath not over, I extend first of all my heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery of material losses you may have suffered and for healing of the emotional wounds that this tragedy may have brought your way. If reading our website can be a helpful diversion, I highly recommend it as an antidote to the current stresses be they natural disasters or man made.

My choices this week include:

1) A photograph – *Giverney in the Bronx,* by Anita Katz is a welcome and beautiful contrast to the “water” photographs we have been seeing all week.

Click Here to Read This Article

2) Please glance at the BOOKS’ section – Both uncovering the Unconscious by Mardi Horowitz and Catastrophism: The Pseudoscience Wars sound thoughtful and interesting.
Click Here to Read This Article on the Unconscious
Click Here to Read This Article Pseudoscience Wars

3) There is post on “business cards”: How Intentions And Identity Can Help You Make The Most Of Business Cards. Are we as analysts/mental health professionals really reduced to how we present ourselves in the business world?
Click Here to Read This Article

4) Evidently we don’t need to worry about who will win the election, because we all “knew (know) it all along”. Unconscious insight/ foresight?
Click Here to Read This Article

5) Love makes your child’s brain grow bigger! – wish that was all we needed.
Click Here to Read This Article

6) A list of Alfred Hitchcock’s films is overwhelming – please look for yourselves.
Click Here to Read This Article

7) Nathan Szajnberg*s Ticho Lecture Part 1 on Bible and Homer: on Character; on everything that we would expect from our accomplished Managing Editor and more. Please read.
Click Here to Read This Article

8) Can a fetus feel pain? and can that overturn Row v.Wade? what next?
Click Here to Read This Article

Below is the entire list of contents for this week. Please note that I have not posted previous announcements that I had told you about in my posts in the last couple of weeks.:
A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I . Notice: Fred Busch and Marilyn Rikkin at IPTAR to be Rescheduled
We have decided to postpone Saturday*s conference with Fred Busch and Marilyn Rifkin to a date when the city*s transportation and power are restored and we can more easily travel to IPTAR West. That date will be announced soon.

I am sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you. Please inform anyone planning to attend who will not receive this announcement that the conference will be rescheduled.
Susan Friedman
IPTAR, Executive Director
140 W.97th St.
NY, NY 10025

II. Psychotropic Drugs: What You Need to Know and Current Trends with Deborah Plachta at NYPSI

Extension Program
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW & CURRENT TRENDS Deborah Plachta, M.D., Tuesdays, 7 * 8:30 pm, November 6 * 20, 2012, 3 sessions, Fee $60 *

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III. Research Funds Available from the International Psychoanalytic Association * short deadline.

IPA Committee for the Evaluation of Research Proposals Applications Open 2012-2013**

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IV. Under One Tent: AAPCSW Conference, March 2013

March 14 * 17, 2013, at the Durham Convention Center/Marriott Durham City Center, Durham, North Carolina

For a complete listing of the program, hotel information, and registration form, visit:

Psychoanalysis has had a sometimes painful history of splintering into disparate, exclusive groups. Some voices have been muted, while others have been privileged. Contemporary psychoanalytic theories and techniques pull from many sources and encourage multiple orientations. What is gained and what is lost by our efforts at integration or separateness? Is there still space for debate and dissent? In addition, how do issues of identity, race, gender, sexual orientation, and social class inform and challenge theory and practice? In an effort to deepen our understanding and enrich our practice, this conference seeks to facilitate dialogue among clinicians and scholars from a broad spectrum of the psychoanalytic community. *.

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B. In the ART Category:

V. Photography Friday: Anita Katz

*Giverney in the Bronx,* by Anita Katz.

Anita is a psychoanalyst in private paractice, and she has written numerous psychoanalytic papers. Her passions include ballroom dancing and Argentine Tango, studying classical piano, and, of course, photography.

If you would like to have your photography considered for*s Photography Friday, please send your jpegs to Joel Seligmann, the photography editor.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VI. The Biography of Freud in Four Parts on YouTube

The Biography of Sigmund Freud Part 1 of 5 on YouTube had been removed by the user do to copyright issues.

a) The Biography of Sigmund Freud Part 2 of 5 on YouTube.
b) The Biography of Sigmund Freud Part 3 of 5 on YouTube.
c) The Biography of Sigmund Freud Part 4 of 5 on YouTube.
d) The Biography of Sigmund Freud Part 5 of 5 on YouTube.
To view and listen to a) to d)please go to

VII. Rise of the Tiger Nation

Rise of the Tiger Nation: Asian-Americans are now the country*s best-educated, highest-earning and fastest-growing racial group. They share with American Jews both the distinction and the occasional burden of immigrant success Lee Siegel in the Wall Street Journal on October 27, 2012.

To view and listen please go to _______________________________________________________

VIII. Richard Heffner*s Interview with Robert Michels

on October 23rd on Heffner*s Open Mind website.

To view and listen please go to _______________________________________________________

D. In the BOOKS Category:

IX. Uncovering the Unconscious by Mardi Horowitz

A Course in Self Transformation by Mardi Horowitz. This book is also available on and Barnes and Noble as both book and an Ebook.

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X. Catastrophism: The Pseudoscience Wars

Immanuel Velikovsky and the Birth of the Modern Fringe by Michael Gordi, Reviewed by Steven Shapin on the London Review of Books Website in the November Issue.

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XI. Dealing with the ideas of Dugin: Interview with Jamieson Webster on Badiou, psychoanalysis, and the impossibility of closure
on the (Dis)Loyal to Modernity Website on November 1st, 2012.

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XII. The Other Side of the World

(A story adapted from a forthcoming novel) By Jay Neugeboren on the Jewish website.

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XIII. Susie Boyt: *I*m very Freudian in the way I look at things*.
The British writer talks about her new novel, a psychological drama set in a nursery school, Interview by Lucy Scholes on The Observer website on October 27, 2012 .

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XIV. How Intentions And Identity Can Help You Make The Most of Business Cards
by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on October 28, 2012.

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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XV. That Guy Won? Why We Knew It All Along

By Benedict Carey in The New York Times on October 29, 2012.

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XVI. Light Entertainment

Andrew O*Hagan writes about child abuse and the British public on the London Review of Books Website in the November Issue.

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XVII. Jack Garner: *Freud* storyline stimulating

by Jack Garner on the Democrat and website on October 31, 2012.
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XVIII. Global Warming Systemically Caused Hurricane Sandy
By George Lakoff, Reader Supported News October 30, 2012.
To read more please go to _____________________________________________________________________

XIX. Doctor Freud is in the House

By Eric Olson on the INC now website on October 30, 2012.
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XX. The Art Of Sleeping With The Enemy

by Dr. Peggy Drexler on the Huffington Post website on October 27, 2012
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XXI. What*s the difference between these two brains?

They both belong to three-year-olds, so why is one so much bigger? Because one was loved by its parents and the other neglected * a fact that has dramatic implications By Alasdair Palmer on the Telegraph.ul website on October 28, 2012.

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XXII. Woody Guthrie Centenary 1912 to 2012

All You Fascists Bound To Lose by Woody Guthrie on YouTube.
To view and listen please go to ________________________________________________________________________

H. In the MOVIES Category:

XXIII. The Movie Elegy, Reviewed by Selma Duckler

This review is previously unpublished.

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XXIV. Filmography of Alfred Hitchcock

on the Wikipedia website.

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I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXV. Nathan Szajnberg*s Ticho Lecture Part 1

a) The Powerpoint that introduced Nathan Szajnberg at the Ticho Lecture.
I am pleased to present Nathan Szajnberg*s Ticho Memorial Lecture given at the American Psychoanalytic Meeting on June 15, 2012 in Chicago. This is the first post of a four-part series of posts of Dr. Szajnberg*s lecture.

* Arnold Richards, Editor-in-Chief

Mimesis of Inner Lives in Western Literature: How We Got Our Ideas About Inner Life.
Ticho Memorial Lecture Chicago, Am. Psychoanalytic Association June 2012
N. Szajnberg, MD

Part I: Bible and Homer: on Character; on Parenthood.

This paper*s idea first rose with Saul Bellow in 1970. He promised, in our seminar on Joyce*s Ulysses, that the only book of literary criticism I would ever have to read is Auerbach*s Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Several decades later, to design a course for the Hebrew University, I used this grand text as a loom with which I wove the literary and aesthetics threads of our psychoanalytic fabric: concepts of person, parent-child relatedness, intimacy, development, journey as soul-cure, with a guide for this treacherous journey. Just as Freud turned to an Antique Greek myth to understand a Victorian state of mind; just as Ticho articulated contributions of German thinking to Freud*s ideas; or, Makari uncovered three nineteenth Century strands that Freud wove together into a new view of the psyche; just as Bettelheim explored linguistic contributions to concepts of psyche and eros (Freud and Man*s Soul), so, I will cull selections of Western literature# to examine how and when certain concepts developed, and crystallized into how we think about inner life. *..

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J. In the SCIENCE NEWS Categoryy:

XXVI. Can Neuroscience Challenge Roe V. Wade?

By William Egginton in The New York Times on October 28, 2012.
To read more please go to _____________________________________________________________________

XXVII. Brain Scans Used To Determine Content Of Dreams

on the Red Orbit website on October 28, 2012.

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K. In the SCROLLER Category:

Psychoanalytic Principles of Child Development with David Sawyer and Ronald Rawitt at NYPSI
Thursday, October 29th, 2009
Extension Division
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY


David Sawyer, M.D. & Ronald Rawitt, M.D.
Wednesdays, November 4 * December 9, 2009
7:30 * 8:30 pm (5 Sessions)
Fee $150

Current Pers *.

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The week’s review ends here. I hope that you have commented on the website, and shared your views with the rest of the analytic community.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde