Positive and negative aspects of man’s enormous intellectual potential from Sasha Rolde on InternationalPsychoanalysis.net

Dear Colleagues,

Although the posts are fewer in number, it seems that the international psychoanalytic website is nonetheless very dense this week due to the intense content of the posts.  The are either exhilaratingly exciting and hopeful or in fact filled overflowing with human suffering. Nonetheless, they are interesting to all and should be read with your mind on sharing your opinion about them.  They make for intense summer reading. As Dr.Szajnberg aptly encourages, please  “dive in”.

My choices this week:

1) the excitement of the CURIOSITY landing on Mars is unprecedented and should be enjoyed as a supreme example of man’s ability  to achieve a positive accomplishment rather than wage war.
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2) The above is in contrast to Bruno Bettelheim’s quote ” Whether we choose to recognize it or not, after the second World War, Auschwitz and Hiroshima became monuments to the incredible devastation man and technology together bring about.” Please see the post on The Science of Genocide.
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3)  The article on Living With Voices is a must for psychoanalysts.  I will not go on to write a treatise here, but will say that “the (suggested) method” to me implies calling on the patient’ “ego” to “talk back” to the voices, i.e., is using the principle of what we do in psychoanalysis.  Please comment!
Click Here to Read This Article

4) I would only like to make a comment about the posts on the GENERAL NEWS Category.  In fact this is what mental health news brings us this week, but  the general theme is one of homicide, suicide, and unmitigated aggression, torture and genocide and not much to recommend the human race. Be prepared when you read and try to explain/comment.
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5) To put the first last but not least,  our psychiatric nomenclature is aptly commented on in the post on natural anxiety.  Please read this post on “pathologizing”.
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Below is the list of contents:


A.  In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

I.  Mars Rover Landing: Curiosity Lands Early Monday Morning (RECAP) * Video” End of the psychopharmacological revolution” – well – perhaps its limitations and dangers?


To watch a recap of the Mars Rover Landing provided by The Huffington Post on August 6, 2012, please go to
B.  In the BOOKS Category:

II.  All We Have to Fear: Psychiatry*s Transformation of Natural Anxieties into Mental Disorders

Psychiatry*s Legitimacy Crisis by Allan V. Horwitz and Jerome C. Wakefield on August 8th, 2012.

**whereas thirty years ago less than five percent of Americans were thought to suffer from an anxiety disorder, nowadays some widely cited epidemiological studies have decreed that as many as 50 percent of us do so.*

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III.  David Rakoff, 47, Comic Essayist, Dies

By Margalit Fox in The New York Times on August 10, 2012.

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C.  In the EDITORIALS Category:

IV.  The end of the psychopharmacological revolution: Editorial in the Br. J. Psychiatry

by Peter Tyrer on the BJ Psych website.  With thanks for Paul Mosher.
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V. Psychiatric Considerations in Colorado Shooting

  by Michael Blumenfield, MD from Psychiatric Times on August 6, 2012.
Dr Blumenfield is president of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry. He is Sidney E. Frank Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at New York Medical College, and a past speaker of the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association. He has a private practice in Los Angleles and he writes a blog,www.PsychiatryTalk.com, as well as periodically contributing to the Psychiatric Times *Couch in Crisis* blog.
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VI.  The Science of Genocide

by Chris Hedges from OpEdNews.com on August 6, 2012.
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VII.  Living With Voices: A new way to deal with disturbing voices offers hope for those with other forms of psychosis

by T. M. Luhrmann from the summer edition of The American Scholar.

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VIII. Hazing Is Just Structured Bullying: Why we cherish rituals that let the strong prey on the weak

by Olga Cheselka, Ph.D. from Psychology Today on August 5, 2012.
Olga Cheselka, Ph.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the William Alanson White Institute, where she teaches in the Postdoctoral Externship Program and the Eating Disorders, Compulsions and Addictions Service. She has a special interest in the issue of development of selfhood in interaction with society and culture. She has a private practice in New York City and Westchester, New York, where she works with adults, couples, and adolescents.
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IX.  The Love Goddess Who Keeps Right on Seducing

By Maureen Dowd in The New York Times on August 4, 2012.

NB.  My babysitter, the sex bomb and other posts on Marilyn Monroe on this website.
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D.  In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

X.  Tarasoff reporting may increase acts of Homicide: an Economic analysis
Doing their duty: An empirical analysis of the unintended effect of Tarasoff v Regents on homicidal activity by Griffin Sims Edwards. Thanks to Paul Mosher for this link.
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XI.  The Pursuit of the Nazi Mind

Review of The Pursuit of the Nazi Mind: Hitler, Hess and the Analysts by Daniel Pick, Reviewed by Frances Stonor on the guardian.co.uk website on August 1 2012.

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XII. Two genocide survivors share experiences, hope

by Tomi Obaro from The Washington Post on August 5, 2012.

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XIII.  August 6, 1944 Lodz Ghetto Liquidated

The last ghetto in Poland was liquidated. 60,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz.
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XIV. An Urgent Plea for Mercy

from The New York Times on July 6, 2012, which discusses the upcoming controversial execution of Warren Lee Hill Jr., a death-row inmate convicted of murder, who has an I.Q. of 70.

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XV. PTSD, Suicide Rates Differ Among U.S., U.K. Troops

by Aaron Levin in Psychiatric News, Volume 47 Number 15 page 7a-7a.
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XVI.  Pussy Riot trial *worse than Soviet era*

Judge refuses to allow 10 defence witnesses while lawyer claims women are being tortured with lack of food and sleep by Miriam Elder on The guardian.co.uk website on August 3, 2012.

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XVII.  Woody Guthrie Centenary 1912-2012

Talking Dustbowl Blues by Woody Guthrie on YouTube.

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F. In the MOVIES Category:

XVIII.  Filmmaker Oliver Hermanus discusses Beauty

by Richard Phillips from World Socialist Web Site on August 4, 2012.
South African writer-director Oliver Hermanus spoke about
Beauty(Skoonheid in Afrikaans), his second feature film, with the World Socialist Web Site during this year*s Sydney Film Festival.
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G.  In the OBITUARIES Category:

XIX.  The Way Marvin Hamlisch Was

a) The son of Viennese refugees from Hitler, the gifted, menschy composer wrote the ultimate survivor*s song By Rachel Shukert on The Tablet website August 10, 2012.

b) Marvin Hamlisch, Man of Honors By Dave Itzkoff in The New York Times on   August 7, 2012, 9:39.

To read a) & b) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ ____________________________________________________________________
XX.  George A. Miller, a Pioneer in Cognitive Psychology, Is Dead at 92
By Paul Vitello in The New York Times on   August 1, 2012 .
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H.  In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXI.  Four younger sisters of Sigmund Freud

Four younger sisters of Sigmund Freud: Regine, Marie, Esther and Pauline. As Austrian Jews, Marie, Pauline and Regine were sent to Treblinka in 1942. They died there in the gas chambers. Esther was deported to Theresienstadt in 1943. She died there after being severely beaten. Another sister, Anna, escaped to New York and survived the war. Freud escaped to London, where he lived until his death from cancer in 1939.

To view other related photos on the Holocaust, Death, Brutality & Hate Pinterest page

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I.  In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXII.  A Desperate Act, Born of Depression

by Judith Graham from The New York Times on August 3, 2012, which discusses the controversial debate over assisted suicide.

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I hope that you enjoyed this week’s offering and that we will be able to read your comments on the website.  Please share.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde