Woody Guthrie and Claudia Gold,M.D. vs, Aurora (or good & evil) from Sasha Rolde on IP.net

Dear Colleagues,

It is in a week of world turmoil – financial, economic, political, nuclear threats and big and small calamities all over the world that the international website covers all aspects of both good and evil from the psychoanalytic point of view. Please note that I have left out any announcements as they were mostly repeats of the past few weeks.

Also notice that although I list but a few of my own picks, I suggest in addition that you glance at all the books and news items, – the posts this week are well worth reading carefully.

My recommendations this week are as follows:

1) In wake of the Aurora tragedy, which sadly reminded me of a similar but completely differently motivated massacre in Quentin Tarantino’s film Inglourious Basterds, we are reminded of how differently we react to actions in combat and to acts of violence in peacetime. I will not take time and space to ponder this but please read the post Aurora: Sequel And Prequel To American Gun Savagery.
Click Here to Read This Article
2) I strongly suggest that you look at all the Audio/Video listings – especially as most of portray some form of abuse –
a) A Natural History of Evil
Click Here to Read This Article
b) Privacy loss on the internet of patients’ data
Click Here to Read This Article
c) the deportations to concentration camps during WWII3)
Click Here to Read This Article
3) Sartre and Camus in NYC in the 1940’s seemed to assess the american way of life as not too different from the present
Click Here to Read This Article
4) the story of prejudice continues with the Boy Scouts – please read the NYT article in the General News Category
Click Here to Read This Article
5) the analyst’s account of working with disturbed school children is a must. ( See Nathan Szajnberg’s comments)
Click Here to Read This Article
6) Please read the post and remember Woody Guthrie whose music lives on in many if not all of us.
Click Here to Read This Article
7) The Penn State cover up and the suicides in the army call for more vigilance and less collective group narcissism – please read both posts.
Click Here to Read This Article on Penn State
Click Here to Read This Article on PTSD
8) Dr. Claudia Gold’s contribution as a pediatrician/psychoanalyst continues to be invaluable both to pediatrics and to psychoanalysis, not to mention her patients and their parents. Please read her post.
Click Here to Read This Article

List of Contents:

A. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

I. Z. Bauman: A Natural History of Evil
on YouTube.

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II. Deb Peel*s Patient HIE (non)Privacy Story

a) 2012 Health Privacy Summit * Patient Stories About Privacy Loss on YouTube.
To view please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/
b) Letter to the US Department of Health Human Services on Privacy Rules from Paul Mosher.

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III. 70 years ago, July 16-17, 1942, Paris

Please watch*From exclusion to deportation beginning* via YouTube, which explains the historical and political responsibilities that led to the arrest of tens of thousands of innocent Jews there including children, their internment and deportation to extermination camps in Poland from 1933 to 1945.

For more information on this video visit www.realisonsleurope.fr
Please note that this video is in French.

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IV. The Science of Compassion

to read or listen to *The Science of Compassion* by Judy Silber from KALW Local Public Radio in San Francisco on July 17, 2012.
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V. The Poetry of Philip Appleman

Bill Moyers* interview with renowned poet, novelist, and editor Philip Appleman.

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B. In the BOOKS Category:

VI. The Great Contrarian

Long Island Books: The Great Contrarian: Review of *Masscult and Midcult* by Dwight Macdonald, Reviewed By Morris Dickstein in the EastHampton Star on July 17, 2012.

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VII. An Analyst Does Floor Time in the Classroom,
Review by Nathan Szajnberg

*An Analyst Does Floor Time in the Classroom.*Book Review: Reflective Network Therapy in the Preschool Years By Gilbert Kliman (Elissa Burian, Contributing Editor). UPA PRESS, 2011, Reviewed by By Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor.

Finally, a psychoanalyst publishes something substantive about working with very severely disturbed preschool children. After the French psychoanalytic

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VIII. Boyd Focuses on Psychoanalysis, Wartime Intelligence
By Bernard Vaughan from Reuters on July 19, 2012.

Vaughan interviews Boyd on his latest novel, *Waiting for Sunrise,* which features Lysander Rief, a young British actor seeking treatment from a disciple of Sigmund Freud for a sexual problem in pre-World War One Vienna before becoming entangled in the opaque world of wartime intelligence.

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IX. What to Make of Finnegans Wake?

by Michael Chabon from The New York Review of Books on July 12, 2012.
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X. Sartre and Camus in New York

By Andy Martin in The New York Times on July 14, 2012.

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XI. Woody Guthrie*s Dust Bowl Novel & Smithsonian Exhibit

a) This Land Was His Land: Woody Guthrie*s Dust Bowl Novel By Douglas Brinkley and Johnny Depp in The New York Times Book Review on July 9, 2012.

b)*Your Land,* and Guthrie*s, Preserved By Larry Rohter in The New York Times on July 11, 2012.

c) Other Posts about Woody Guthrie on this website.

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XII. Psychoanalysis and Politics: Histories of Psychoanalysis under Conditions of Restricted Political Freedom

Review By Joy Damousi and Mariano Ben Plotkin, Eds, Reviewed by Matt Stoeckel on the Psych Central Website.

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XIII.The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays by Richard Hofstadter

on Study Place website.

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C. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XIV. The Trouble with Online Education

by Mark Edmunson in The New York Times on July 19, 2012.
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XV. Thinking About Truth in View of Some Conclusions of Quantum Physics by Gerald J. Gargiulo

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XVI. A Walk in Baicheng

by Jian Ping, CER*07, CER*11, an alumni essay from The University of Chicago Magazine July-August 2012 Print Edition.

Ping writes, *During the Cultural Revolution in China, my father was declared a traitor, and my mother was imprisoned by the Red Guards and repeatedly coerced to divorce him.*

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XVII. The real reason the Olympic Committee refuses to commemorate the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich

a) *Jewish Blood Is Cheap* by Deborah E. Lipstadt from Tablet Magazine on July 17, 2012.

b) Deborah E. Lipstadt, author of Nextbook Press* The Eichmann Trial, is Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University. She is a contributor to Jewish Jocks, out this October.

c) Review of the movie Munich by Arlene Kramer Richards on this website.
d) Yale Kramer on Munich on this website.

To read a),b),c)& d)please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _____________________________________________________________

D. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XVIII. Aurora: Sequel And Prequel To American Gun Savagery
by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on July 21, 2012.
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XIX. Boy Scouts to Continue Excluding Gay People

By Erik Eckholm in The New York Times on July 17, 2012.

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XX. Tough Guy Actor James Cagney Spoke Yiddish Fluently

a) from Jewish Humor Central on July 18, 2012.

b) by John Farr from The Huffington Post on July 17, 2012.
To read a) & b) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _____________________________________________________________

XXI. Atomic Bombshell

New research uncovers a link between Freud*s inner circle and the Soviet atomic bomb By Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez on The Tablet Website on July 16, 2012.

The Mystery of Max Eitingon: An Exchange on this website.
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XXII. Group Narcissism and the Penn State Situation

by Carl Bagnini, LCSW, BCD

In reading the reports and investigative results regarding ongoing and extensive child sexual abuse at Penn State it occurred to me that what happened at the institution can be viewed as a covert narcissistic male sub-culture of collusion, power dominance, and ruthless self-indulgence. The overt *.

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XXIII. Study Calls for Better Assessment of Government P.T.S.D. Programs
by James Dao in The York Times on July 13, 2012.

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XXIV. Parenting Blog Posts from Kenneth Barish

a) Criticism Part I: The Harmfulness of CriticismAlternatives and antidotes to the problem of frequent criticism by Kenneth Barish, Ph.D. in Pride and Joy Blog on the Psychology Today Blongs on March 8, 2012

b) Criticism Part II: Alternatives and AntidotesMore solutions to the problem of frequent criticism. by Kenneth Barish, Ph.D. in Pride and Joy Blog on the Psychology Today Blongs on March 17, 2012

c) He*s Not Motivated Part IUnderstanding a child*s lack of motivation and effort by Kenneth Barish, Ph.D. in Pride and Joy Blog on the Psychology Today Blongs on April 23, 2012.

d) He*s Not Motivated Part IIHow we can strengthen our children*s effort and motivation to learn by Kenneth Barish, Ph.D. in Pride and Joy Blog on the Psychology Today Blongs on April 30, 2012.

To read a),b),c) & d) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _____________________________________________________________
E. In the MOVIES Category:

XXV. Margaret, A review from Selma Duckler

To read Selma Duckler*s review of the 2011 film, Margaret, written and directed by Kenneth Lonergan

please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/

XXVI. The Amazing Spider-Man: A play on formulas

by Adam Haig from World Socialist Web Site on July 16, 2012, which provides a review of the 2012 Spider-Man film.

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XXVII. Sholem Aleichem: Laughing In The Darkness (Review)

by Marion DS Dreyfus from The American Thinker.

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F. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXVIII. Exploiting the Neuroscience of Internet Addiction
by Bill Davidow from The Atlantic on July 18, 2012.
Bill Davidow is an adviser to Mohr Davidow Ventures and the author of several books, including Overconnected: The Promise and Threat of the Internet.

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XXIX. Pediatrics and Psychoanalysis: An Essential Partnership
by Claudia M. Gold from Boston.com on July 18, 2012.

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XXX. The Science of Compassion

by Judy Silber from KALW Local Public Radio in San Francisco on July 17, 2012.
To read please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ _____________________________________________________________

XXXI. Neuroscience Or Neurobabble?

by Rebecca Goldin, Ph.D., Cindy S. Merrick on Stats website of George Mason University on July 16, 2012.

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XXXII. Why psychology isn*t science
Saturday, July 14th, 2012

By Alex B. Berezow in the Los Angeles Times on July 13, 2012.
A graduate student at UC Irvine conducts an organic chemistry experiment. Many scientists believe fields such as psychology and sociology aren*t sciences at all. (Los Angeles Times)

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G. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XXXIII. Fast Forward Perils of Facebook Parenting

Fast Forward Perils of Facebook Parenting: Exploring Danger of Oversharing Children Online By Deborah Kolben in the Forward oN July 11, 2012.

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In conclusion, I again want to urge you to comment and express your opinions on the website and share with our colleagues your ideas.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde