Papers on

Below find a list of papers posted on  from 2009 to the present.   Those not published in any other venue are marked with  “UN.”

Chase, H.E. (April 1911).  Freud’s Theories of the Unconscious.  The North Carolina High School Bulletin, April 1911, pp. 110-121
September 7th, 2009

Other/Wise, The Online Journal of the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Volume 2, Fall 2009.
September 16th, 2009

UN  Pearls From Tears: The Poetry of Irene Klepfisz  by Arlene Kramer Richards from the IPTAR Arts Symposium on October 25, 2009.
October 27th, 2009
UN International Conference:  BODY, PSYCHOSIS AND THE FUTURE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS, Introduction to the conference by Riccardo Lombardi:
November 6th, 2009

UN  Psychoanalytic Work in Today’s World: What Would Freud Think? by Jane Hall  AUDIO
 November 10th, 2009

UN Three Sources of Textual Evidence of Columbus, Crypto Jew by Estelle Irizarry.
November 13th, 2009 
UN  A Footnote to: “The Mystic Writing Pad” by Louis Linn
UN My Reproachment with My Mother at Age 90:  A Fragment of Ongoing Self-Analysis by Louis Linn
November 16th, 2009

Article in Portuguese by Claudio Eizirik entitled “Novos Rumos para a Psicanalís” on the Chicago IPA Congress which appeared in the Mente Cerebro Scientific American magazine.
November 16th, 2009
UN Maria: The Lives and Loves of Maria Callas by Alma Bond presented at the IPTAR 50th Anniversary Arts Symposium on October 25, 2009 in New York City.
  November 17th, 2009

UN All About My Mother, and About My Father As Well by Isaac Tylim.  This paper was given at the IPTAR 50th Anniversary Arts Symposium on October 24, 2009.
 November 18th, 2009 

 Freud, Minna, and Schliemann’s Ilios by Robert L. Lippman.
November 18th, 2009

Click Here to Read:  The Sweet Cheat Gone; Here and There: Elation, Absence and Reparation by William Fried, presented at the IPTAR 50th Anniversary Arts Symposium on October 25, 2009.
November 18th, 2009

The Psychology of the Authorship Question by Richard Waugaman in the online Journal Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies.  This article previously appeared as: Waugaman, Richard (2009).  Brief  Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies Vol 1, pp. 34-48
November 20th, 2009

Citizen Proust: On Politics and Race by Barbara Probst Solomon.  The articles originally appears as Solomon, Barbara Probst (2001).  The Reading Room vol.
November 27th, 2009

Richards, Arnold (2008). Psicanálise e judaismo. Revista de Associao de Israelita. 3(7): 35-39
December 2nd, 2009 

UN Integrating the Two Paradigms of Psychoanalysis by Robert Langs, M.D.
December 12th, 2009

Theodor Reik – Recognizing the Relevance of His Contributions by Morton Israel.  
December 29th, 2009

Miller, Alan W. (Fall, 1986-Spring, 1987).  Proceedings of the New York Freudian Society 2(1) pp. 11-20
January 10th, 2010

Poster, Mark. (Fall 1992). Georg Groddeck: “A Pinch of Pepper” in the Newsletter of the Psychoanalytic Society of New England, East and the Psychoanalytic Institute of New England, East, Inc Vol 5(1) pp. 1-10
January 16th, 2010
UN Sándor Ferenczi – the first intersubjectivist by Imre Szecsödy
January 19th, 2010

UN  H. L. Dreyfus, 1983. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at a Symposium on the Conduct and Framework of Therapy sponsored by the Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education, June l6 to l8, l983.
January 21st, 2010
Gerrard, Jackie,  (2009).   Seduction and Betraya British Journal of  Psychotherapy.  26 Issue 1, pp.  64 – 79
February 15th, 2010

UN  The Observing Ego by Dr. Sylvia Brody, Presentation to Division 39 of the APA, April 11, 1991.
February 17th, 2010

A Report on “The Future of Psychoanalytic Education: Preservation and Innovation, ”  Farkas Auditorium, NYU School of Medicine November 16, 2008 by Arthur A. Lynch, DSW on the Candidate Journal website.
March 9th, 2010

Miller, Alan (1988/1989).  The Limits of Change in Judaism: Reshaping Prayer.  Conservative Judaism.  Vol XVI (2): pp.
March 11th, 2010

Drawing the Impossible by Jamieson Webster on the Symptom 10 website.
 Another Lacan by Jacques Alain Miller on the same website.
March 17th, 2010

How to Write a Psychoanalytic Paper by Glen Gabbard.  The link to the paper is from the Hgpsas website.
March 25th, 2010

UN Rosemary Balsam’s Presentation, “Sons of Passionate Mothering,” for the Panel “What Does a (Wo)Man Want?” at Symposium 2010. April 2nd, 2010 April 2nd, 2010  AUDIO
UN Lawrence Joseph’s introduction and Jonathan House’s Presentation (Part 1) to the Panel: What Does a (Wo)Man Want? at Symposium 2010.
April 2nd, 2010 AUDIO

UN  Hiller Swiller’s Opening Remarks at Symposium 2010.
April 2nd, 2010  AUDIO

UN The Psychoanalytic Unconcious in a Quantum World by Gerald Gargiulo.This is a lecture given at Mt Sinai Hospital, NYC. March 23, 2010.
April 6th, 2010  AUDIO

Psychoanalysis and Women: A Personal Thirty-Five-Year Retrospect by Nancy Chodorow be presented at the Twin Cities (Minneapolis) Psychoanalysis Reading Group pn April 29, 2010.
April 9th, 2010

UN Heinz Kohut’s Self Psychology: An Overview by Howard S. Baker, M.D., and Margaret N. Baker, Ph.D. to be presented at the Twin Cities (Minneapolis) Psychoanalysis Reading Group pn April 29, 2010.
April 9th, 2010

 A Special Kind of Love in Psychoanalytic Work by Jane Hall. A version of this paper was published in the Round Robin’ current issue and presented at the AAPCSW meeting on April 10, 2010 “Love, Loss: Creating a Meaningful Life.”
April 17th, 2010

Schülein, Johann (2007) Science and Psychoanalysis. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 30:13-21
April 17th, 2010

UN  History and Theory, Psychoanalysis in Israel:  Past and Present by Eran J. Rolnik.This is a revised version of a paper read for the panel on “The Unconscious at the Frontier” at the 22nd annual conference of the European Psychoanalytic Federation
in Brussels, April 3, 2009.
April 18th, 2010

Helen Meyers 1925 – 2010
UN Lila Kalinich’s Eulogy of Helen Meyers
UN  Andrew Meyers’s Eulogy of of Helen Meyers.  Andrew Meyers is Helen Meyers’s son.
UN  Helen Meyers—A Personal Appreciation by Ellen B. Rowntree in the Bulletin of the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine.
Monday, April 26th, 2010

UN ? Freud’s Jewish Identity by Arnold Richards, paper to be given at New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Leo Baeck Memorial Lecture by Arnold Richards.
The Need Not To Believe: Freud’s Godlessness Reconsidered by Arnold Richards. Given at : The First Conference: This Unbelievable Need to Believe. Sponsored by the Freud Center for Psychoanalytic Studies and  Research and also at Israel Psychoanalytic Society Mishkenot Sha’ananim.
May 11th, 2010

The Aliquis Lapse Revisited, paper by Robert L. Lippman.
May 15th, 2010

UN Culture, International Relations, and Psychoanalysis by Vamik Volkan. American Psychoanalytic 99th Annual Meeting, Plenary Address, Washington, DC, June 11, 2010.
June 14th, 2010
Inside the Creator: A Key to the Mind: From the Mind of Woody Allen By Steven Tay M.D. and Bennett Roth Ph.D.
July 13th, 2010

 The Psychologist as Psychoanalyst: The Proper Study of Mankind by Cormal Gallagher of Saint Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. The Irish Journal of Psychology, 1987, viii, 2, 111-126.
Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Lynch, A. A. and Richards, A.D. (2008)  The Identity of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalysts.  Psychoanalytic Psychology 25: 203-219
August 1st, 2010

UN Transference and the Power of Enactment Obstacles and Opportunities in Psychoanalytic Training, article  by John Madonna, EdD.
September 5th, 2010

UN Comments on the Psychoanalytic Curriculum by Jacob Arlow
Monday, September 13th, 2010

A Century of Psychoanalysis and Freedom of Thought at UNC: the Legacy of Harry Woodburn Chase, a paper  by Paul M. Brinich.
September 19th, 2010

Glaser, E. (2010). From Vienna to Chicago, Heinz Kohut’s Flight from the Holocaust.  International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 7(3): 246-258
October 1st, 2010

How Are We to Work with Conflict of Moral Standpoints in the Therapeutic Relationship? By Robert M. Young on the Free Associations website.
October 5th, 2010

Papers at the Annual Meeting of the Rappaport-Klein Support Study Group
October  6th, 2010
JEANINE VIVONA, “Embodied Language in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis” [see full-text paper in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2009, 57, 6: 1327-1360]

DORIS SILVERMAN, “Our Sexy Brain, Our Compelling Environment: Interactionism in Female Development” [see full-text paper in The Psychoanalytic Review, 2010, 97, 1: 1-19]

BRADLEY PETERSON, “The Circumplex Model of Affect” [see two full-text papers: Peterson B.S., “Clinical neuroscience and imaging studies of core psychoanalytic constructs” (Clinical Neuroscience Research, 2005, 4: 349–365); and Posner J., Russell J.A. & Peterson B.S., “The circumplex model of affect: An integrative approach to affective neuroscience, cognitive development, and  psychopathology” (Development and Psychopathology, 2005, 17, 3: 715-734)]

JEANINE VIVONA, “Embodied Language in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis” [see full-text paper in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2009, 57, 6: 1327-1360]

DORIS SILVERMAN, “Our Sexy Brain, Our Compelling Environment: Interactionism in Female Development” [see full-text paper in The Psychoanalytic Review, 2010, 97, 1: 1-19]

JEREMY SAFRAN, MORRIS EAGLE, and DAVID WOLITZKY, Panel discussion on “Clinical and Empirical Issues: Disagreements and Agreements”. The background for this panel is the controversy stirred by Irwin Hoffman’s article “Doublethinking our way to ‘scientific’ legitimacy: The desiccation of human experience.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2009, 57, 5: 1043-1069.
UN Claustrophobia, Mother’s Womb, and the Wish to See the Light by Isaac Tylim.

UN Only Connect,  by Bonnie Litowitz.

Lynch, A. and Richards, A. (June 2010). Leo Rangell, The Journey of a Developed Freudian. The Psychoanalytic Review  97:3, pp. 361-391
November 20th, 2010

Jacob’s Despair: A Psychonalytic Portrait of Waning Greatness, Paper by Nathan Szajnberg.
December 27th, 2010

UN The Rodent File by Ann Appelbaum
December 27th, 2010 .

William I. Grossman’s Papers
William I. Grossman papesr
Saturday, January 15th, 2011

UN Introduction: William I. Grossman, M.D. By Arnold Wilson, Ph.D.
 Three Commentaries on Gender in Freud’s Thought: A Prologue to the Psychoanalytic Theory of Sexuality William I. Grossman, M.D & Donald M. Kaplan, Ph.D.
Comments on the Concept of the “Analyzing Instrument” by William Grossman.
 Anthropomorphism—Motive, Meaning, and Causality in Psychoanalytic Theory by William I. Grossman, M.D. and Bennett Simon, M.D.
 Grossman, W.I. (2000).  Review of Freud and his Aphasia Book  By Valerie Greenberg.  International Journal Psycho-Analysis 81: 603-606. Ithaca and London: Cornell Univ. Press. 1997. 207 pp.
 A Phylogenetic Fantasy: Overview of the Transference Neuroses By Sigmund Freud, edited by Ilse Grubrich-Simitis; translated by Axel Hoffer and Peter T. Hoffer. Cambridge, Mass.:  Harvard Univ. Press, 1987, xvii + 113 pp., $17.50.
 Before the Pleasure Principle: Translation and its Vicissitudes by William I. Grossman, M.D. Originally appeared in 1986 J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 34:488-489 – .
 Reconsidering Childhood Genital Sensations and the Development of Femininity by William I. Grossman, M.D.
Third Annual Freud Lecture, N.J. Psychoanalytic Society, 6 May 99; Hall Memorial Lecture, Emory Univ. School of Medicine, 3 April 98.
 Discussions of “Contemporary Perspectives on Self:  oward an Integration” by William I. Grossman, M.D. Originally appeared in (1991)  Psychoanal. Dial., 1:149-172.
Freud and Horney: A Study of Psychoanalytic Models via the Analysis of a Controversy[1] by William I. Grossman.
 Freud Ou Reich? Psychoanalyse Et Illusion By Bèla Grunberger and Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel.  Poitiers, France:  Claude Tchou, 1976, 245 pp., 49f.  Review by William I. Grossman, M.D.
 Knightmare in Armor: Reflections on Wilhelm Reich’s Contributions to Psychoanalysis by William I. Grossman  Reprinted from Psychiatry Vol. 39, No. 4, November 1976.
 Hartmann and the Integration of Different Ways of Thinking by William I. Grossman, MD.
 Hierarchies, Boundaries and Representation in a Freudian Model of Mental Organization by William I. Grossman, M.D.
 Reflections on the Relationships of Introspection and Psycho-Analysis by William I. Grossman Originally published in the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 48:16-31 (1967). .
Knightmare in Armor: Reflections on Wilhelm Reich’s Contributions to Psychoanalysis Wiby lliam I. Grossman   Reprinted from Psychiatry, Vol. 39, No. 4, November 1976.  of the author.
 Notes on Masochism: A Discussion of the History and Development of a Psychoanalytic Concept by William I. Grossman, M.D.
 Originally appeared in 1986 Psychoanal. Q., 55:379-413 – .
Pain, Aggression, Fantasy, and Concepts of   Sadomasochism by William I. Grossman, M.D. Originally appeared in 1991 Psychoanal. Q., 60:22-51 – .
Some Perspectives on Relationships of Theory and Technique  by William I. Grossman, M.D.
Psychological Vicissitudes Of Theory In Clinical Work by
William I. Grossman. Originally appeared in 1995 Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 76:885-899 – .
  Some Sources for a Slip in a Translation by Freud
William I. Grossman, M.D. Originally appeared in 1988 J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 36:729-738 –

UN  Morphic Echoes Dream Telepathy in Psychoanalytic Situations: Inquiry and Hypothesis by Anna Aragno PhD.
January 30th, 2011

Janice S. Lieberman  (Spring 2009) The Diving Bell and theButterfly: An Ego Psychology Perspective on Resilience.  PANY Bulletin, Vol. 47:1
February 8th, 2011

UN Historic Debate (Part III, rebutals): Leo Rangell and Andre Green at 1975 IPA Meeting
Sunday, February 20th, 2011

UN Article by Sheldon Goodman on Bullying and Cyberbullying.
February 27th, 2011

UN Adolescent Pregnancies 1920 in St. Louis and 1980 in South Boston, Review by Fred Sander and Daniel Prezant
Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

UN Control Cases, Out-of-Control: When a Low-Fee is no Bargain by Nathan Szajnberg.
March 13th, 2011

Daniel Benveniste (2006).  The Early History of Psychoanalysis in San Francisco. Psychoanalysis and History  8 (2) 195-233
March 13th, 2011

UN Accessing the Unconscious Labyrinth of Couples through Their Dreams by Carl Bagnini from Symposium 2011: Our Practice Today:  Treatment and Transformation at Mt Sinai Medical Center on March 5, and 6, 2011.
March 13th, 2011

Richards C. Friedman (Winter 2010). American Academy of  Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry 38 (4):
March 13th, 2011

UN A Social Neuroscience Mind Brain Perspective
Jay Evans Harris from Symposium 2011 on Our Practice Today: Treatment and Transformation at Mt. Sinai Medical Center on March 5 and 6, 2011.
March 23rd, 2011

UN Can You Hear Me?  Can You See Me?  Conducting A Skype Internet Analysis In Chinese  by Carole Rosen, MA, MSW, LCSW at Symposium 2011: Our Practice Today:  Treatment and Transformation at Mt. Sinai Medical Center on March 5 and 6, 2011. 
March 23rd, 2011

UN Ethiopian/Israeli Children and Parents: Inner Lives in Transition by Nathan Szajnberg, MD, and Carol George, PhD, an expanded version of the paper that Dr. Szajnberg presented at Symposium 2011: Our Practice Today: Treatment and Transformation at Mt. Sinai Medical Center on March 5 and 6, 2011
March 23rd, 2011

UN On Becoming a Training Analyst: Working from Group Examination to Self-Evaluation at the New York Freudian Society by Jane S. Hall, Arlene Kramer Richards, Phyllis L. Sloate, and and Joann K. Turo.
Monday, April 11th, 2011

Benveniste, D. (1998) Play and the Metaphors of the Body. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child Vol. 53
April 22nd, 2011

Robert J. Kabcenell, M.D. (1993).Some Aspects of the “Treatment Alliance” in Child Analysis.  Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis, 2:27-4
April 26th, 2011

Leon Hoffman, M.D. (1993). An Introduction to Child Psychoanalysis Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis, 2:5-25
April 26th, 2011

Herbert M. Wyman, M.D. and Stephen M. Rittenberg, M.D. (1993). Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis, 2:3-3
April 26th, 2011

UN Misconceptions about Bertram Lewin by Lawrence M. Ginsburg
Thursday, May 5th, 2011

UN Childhood Weaning As An Enduring Epoch Over The Life Of Bertram David Lewin, 1896-1971 by Lawrence M. Ginsburg,
Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Benveniste, D. (2000) Book Review of ‘Identity’s Architect: A Biography of Erik Erikson by Lawrence J. Friedman. The Psychoanalytic Review  Vol. 87, No. 6
May 14th, 2011

 ”A graphic investigation into parallel identity crises” from On the Lost Highway: Lynch and Lacan, Cinema and Cultural Pathology by by Bernd Herzogenrath
July 14th, 2011

Bach, Sheldon (2011).  Psychoanalytic Review 98( 1) 39-56
May 27th, 2011

UN Erik Erikson in the San Francisco Bay Area by Daniel Benveniste
Monday, May 30th, 2011

UN The Irrational Path of a Rational Theory: The Road to Unity by Leo Rangell, M.D presented to the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Society, April 2006.
June 3rd, 2011

Understanding the Psychodynamics of Nonadherence by Cesar Alfonso in the Psychiatric Times in the May 2011 issu
June 6th, 2011

Benveniste, D. (1998) The Importance of Play in Adulthood: A Dialogue with Joan Erikson. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Vol. 53.
June 13th, 2011

Clarity and Ambiguity in Psychoanalytic Practice by Nathan Szajnberg from the Bulliten of the Menninger Clinic, Spring 2011
June 14th, 2011

Kirnser, Douglas  (2011). Review of Charles B. Strozier: Heinz Kohut, The Making of a Psychoanalyst. Vol 22:2
June 15th, 2011

UN  Alfred L. Kroeber: San Francisco’s First Psychoanalyst by Daniel Benveniste
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

zajnberg, N.M., Crittenden, P.M. (1997). The Transference Refracted Through the Lens of Attachment. Journal of the Amercian Academy of Psychoanalysis 5:409-438
June 22nd, 2011

UN Some Historical Observations on the Origin of Psychoanalytic Curriculum by Jacob Arlow
Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Marilyn Rifkin’s review of The Effect of Frequency and Duration on Psychoanalytic Outcome: A Moment in Time, a paper by Alan Frosch
Saturday, June 25th, 2011

Benveniste, D. (2005) Recognizing Defenses in the Drawings and Play of Children in Therapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology. Volume 22, Number 3, Summer 2005
Monday, June 27th, 2011

UN Dreaming and Development: Early, Mid, and Late Phase shifts in Associative and Interpretive processes by Nathan Szajnberg
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

UN Notes for a Paper on Metaphor by Jacob Arlow
Thursday, June 30th, 2011

UN Narrativizing: The Story of a Defense Mechanism (October 2009) by Daniel Benveniste.
July 6th, 2011

Aragno, Anna. (May, 2011) in The Marriage of Psychoanalytic Methodology with the Biosemiotic Agenda,  Biosemotics Journal.
July 9th, 2011

UN Creativity in the Analyst by Jacob Arlow
July 9th, 2011

Primary Femininity and Female Genital Anxiety by Arlene Kramer Richards Get Citation
Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Children of the Internet generation by Bonnie E. Litowitz
 July 13th, 2011

Benveniste, D. (1992) Alfred Adler in San Francisco, the NASAP Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 2, February, 1992
July 18th, 2011

Szajnberg, N.M. (1997), The Aesthetic Aspects of Psychoanalysis.  The Journal of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis 25:189-210
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Politics Masquerading as Science: Ralph Greenson, Anna Freud, and the Klein Wars by Douglas Kirsner
July 20th, 2011

What science for psychoanalysis? Tullio Carere-Comes
Thursday, July 21st, 2011

McWilliams, N. (2006).  Some thoughts about schizoid dynamics. Psychoanalytic Review, 93, 1-24 and appears here with the permission of  the National Psychological Association
July 23rd, 2011

UN Suggested Script Representing Transference and the Use of a Dream by Jacob Arlow based on an actual incident reported by Freud in his writings.
Benveniste, D. (1994) Bernhard Berliner: San Francisco’s First Émigré Analyst. The Northern California Society for  Psychoanalytic Psychology Newsletter, Fall 1994.
 July 25th, 2011

Psychoanalytic Education in 2008: Deepening the Treatment: Presentation to the Affiliates Council of APsaA, January 18, 2008 By Jane S. Hall, LCSW, FIPA1.This paper was previously published by the the Division 39 Newsletter in 2008.
July 30th, 2011

UN Emanuel Windholz: The Institute Builder by Daniel  Benveniste, written July 1994.
Monday, August 1st, 2011

Kirsner, Douglas (2005).  Review of:  Secrets of the Soul: A Social and Cultural History of Psychoanalysis by Eli Zaretsky.  Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 24: No. 1,  pp. 95-118

UN  Shifting Identificiation in Literary Forms (Rough Draft) by Jacob Arlow. 
August 2nd, 2011

Introduction by Arlene Kramer Richards to The Spectrum of Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Martin S. Bergmann. Madison, CT: International Universities Press Friday, August 12th, 2011

UN End of Space, End of Time: Learning about Mourning by Nathan Szajnberg
August 14th, 2011

In Debate with Peter Fonagy and Lewis Wolpert in the British Journal of Psychiatry 2009 vol 195: 483-487. August 16th, 2011
Evaluating the Outcomes of Psychotherapie: The Personality Health Index by Sherwood Waldron, MD, Seymour Moscovitz, PhD, John Lundin, PsyD, Fonya Lord Helm, PhD, John Jemerin, MD, and Bernard Gorman, PhD. in July Issue of  Psychoanalyttic Psychology
 August 16th, 2011

UN Emotions Concealed and Revealed: Contributions to a Common Ground in Psychoanalysis by Nathan Szajnberg
August 17th, 2011

Can Anyone Here Know Who I Am? Co-constructing Meaningful Narratives With Combat Veterans, Full Paper by Martha Bragin in Clinical Social Work. o2010, Volume 38, Number 3, Pages 316-326 on the Springer Link website. August 19th, 2011

UN Your analyst wears combat boots by Nathan Szajnberg
Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Benveniste, Daniel (1994, 1996).   Psychodynamic Work, Community Mental Health, and Multicultural Sensitivity San Francisco Psychologist , December 1994; reprinted in the Newsletter of the Minnesota Society August 23rd, 2011

UN  Contemporary Psychoanalytic Culture(s) in Anthropological Perspective by Robert Paul with Introduction on by Nathan Szajnberg
August 29th, 2011

Metatheory and Methodology in Developmental Psychology by Willis F. Overton on his website.
September 5th, 2011

UN The road to unknowing: Identity in postmodernity by Jorge L. Ahumada September 8th, 2011

Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology By David Mintz, MD in the Psychiatric Times Psychiatric Times. Vol. 28 No. 9on  September 9, 2011.

UN Psychoanalysts on the Couch: Evolved Archetypal Sources of Analytic Intransigence by Robert Langs.September 11th, 2011

Crisis Intervention After Major Disasters by Daniel Benveniste. This paper was previosuly published on Carter-Jenkins Center website.
September 12th, 2011

UN “Freud in Asia, Evolution and Change: Psychoanalysis in the Asian Context” Dr. Ramon A. Mon (Panamá) Beijing, China. October, 2010.
September 13th, 2011

Off the Radar Screen by Douglas Kirsner Psychoanalytic Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2001 September 13th, 2011

The Lacanian Movement in France by David James Fisher with Introduction by Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
, September 14th, 2011

UN Freud’s Gruesome Dream, Dissecting My Own Pelvis by Robert  L. Lippman, Ph.D.  September 15th, 2011

The partnership of psychoanalysis and psychiatry in the treatment of psychosis and borderline states: its evolution in North America by Zvi Lothane. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry 39(3):499-524

Are psychodynamic and psychoanalytic therapies effective?: A review of empirical data by Falk Leichsenring. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 86:841-8 September 23rd, 2011

UN W(h)ither Research? by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
 October 10th, 2011

UN Comments on the Psychoanalytic Curriculum by Jacob Arlow.October 13th, 2011

UN M A Soldier’s Self- Cannibalization: Moral Injury by Amit GoldenbergIntroduction by Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
Monday, October 24th, 2011

UN On ‘Closed Mind’ Panel by Dr. Jorge E. García Badaracco with Introduction by Jane Hall from the 2009 IPA Chicago Congress. November 6th, 2011

Lithuania and the Jews: The Holocaust Chapter: Symposium Papers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  November 6th, 2011

UN? Apres Coup Conference on Formation Papers
Glancing at History: Punctiation on Formation: 25 years of Apres Coup by Paola Mieli.
The Wager of the Analysand by Mark Stafford.
The analytic act and the analyst certainty by Lillian Ferrari.
 An Analyst-in-Formation: Personal Reflections by Mavis Himes.
Linking the: Forms of Formation: A Brazilian experience Denise Maurano.
The Transmission of Psychoanalysis by Daniel Paola.
Formation of the Analyst, Transmission and Creatity by Bety Bernardo Fuks.
An experience we have to control every day by Alain Vanier.
Five Fundamentals of Nodi Freudiani – Psychoanalytic Movement by Sergio Contardi.
The Position of the Analysand to the Desire of the Analyst by Scott Von.
The Formation of the Analyst Is Innovated Out of His Analysis  and His Practice by Jean-Jacques Moscovitz.
Formation and Transmission Body and Policy by Liliana Donzis.
Italian Legislative Situation by Sergio Contardi.  
 End of The Analytic Treatment, Anachronistic Temporality and Immemorial Origin by Fabienne Ankaoua.
 Post-Infusion by Guy Dana.
Psychoanalysis and Formaions: Redundancy and the  Poetry of “Abjects” by Martin Bakero Carrasco.
 Act and Transmission by André Michels.
What is The Role of Psychoanalysis in Modern Civilization? by Vannina Micheli-Rechtman.
Discussion by Arnold Richards.
Discussion by Jonathan House.
November 6th, 2011

UN?  On Becoming A Training Analyst: Working Through From Group Examination to Self-Evaluation at the New York Freudian Society by Jane S. Hall, Arlene Kramer Richards, Phyllis L. Sloate, Joann K. Turo, given at the IPA Berlin Meeting in 2007.

UN Discussion at Apres Coup Meeting on Formation by Jamieson Webster. November 8th, 2011

UN?  Paper on Pan’s Labyrinth by Andrea Sabbadini given at a Panel at the showing of the movie at the film festibval:  El inconciente en el cine at National Anthropology Museum Mexico City on  August 6, 2011 MOVIE REVIEW

UN?  Review of the movie “Babel, ” reviewed by Dr. Iaaac Tylim at the IPA Mexican Congress in August 2011. MOVIE REVIEW

UN Denting the Universe: Steve Jobs Thinks Different; Analysts Listen by Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor November 14th, 2011

UN Psychoanalysis and Science: Some Unrecognized But Critical Considerations by Robert Langs, M.D. November 22nd, 2011

UN Being  A Candidate at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute in the Forties by Jacob Arlow November 23rd, 2011

UN An Addendum to “Misconceptions about Bertram David Lewin (1896-1971)” by Lawrence Ginsburg.
November 27th, 2011

UN  Creative Aggression by Elisabeth Young-Bruehl on her Who’s Afraid of Social Democracy? website.   The talk was given to a luncheon meeting of the New York Institute for the Humanities on November 18, 2011 at Deutches Haus, NYU. December 6th, 2011

Silverman, D.K. (2010).  Our Sexy Brain;  Our Compelling Environment:  Interaction in  Female Development.  The Psychoanalytic Review 97:(1
December 7th, 2011

Group Psychology & the Study of Institutes by Jacob Arlow (1970s)
December 8th, 2011

UN  Papers given the Hans Loewald Award,
2009   Michael Eigen, Ph.D.  Wordlessness
2005   Ethel Spector Person, M.D.  Revising Our Life Stories
2002   Thomas Szasz, M.D.   The Cure of Souls in the Therapeutic State
2001   Paul Roazen, Ph.D.  The Importance of the Past
1999   James S. Grotstein, M.D.   “The Stranger Within Thee”: Who Is the Unconscious?
1997   Stanley A. Leavy, M.D.   Psychoanalysis as Askesis
1996    Peter L. Giovacchini, M.D.   Changing Clinical Orientation, Humor and the Transitional Space
1995    Jessica Benjamin, Ph.D.   Psychoanalysis as a Vocation
1994   Merton Gill, M.D.  The Current Scene in Psychoanalysis
1993   Lawrence Friedman, M.D.   Ferrum, Ignis, and Medicina: Return to the Crucible
December 13th, 2011

UN Gender Matters by Wynn K. Jackson and Charles G. Gardner Introudction by  N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor
Monday, December 19th, 2011

UN Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy, Part 1, by Elio Frattaroli Introudction by  N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor
Monday, December 19th, 2011

UN Toward a Definition of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy by Jacob Arlow.

UN The Peregrinating Psychoanalyst (Try Repeating): Chuck and Leah Fisher now in Argentina Introudction by  N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor
 December 24th, 2011

UN Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy Part 2 by Elio Frattaroli Introudction by  N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor December 25th, 2011

UN How I Retired from my Psychoanalytic Practice by Alma Bond  December 30th, 2011

UN Uncertainty and Countertransference by Robert L.  Tyson, M.D.  3/85 December 31st, 2011

UN Peripatetic Psychoanalyst III: Perchance to Dream by Chuck Fisher Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

UN Father’s Day 1994 by David James Fisher Saturday, January 7th, 2012

Myth, Mind and Metaphor:On the Relation of Mythology and Psychoanalysis byNadia Sels on the website of S: The Journal of jan van eyck  circle for lacanian ideology critique January 9th, 2012

UN Peripatetic Psychoanalyst (Almost) Dances in Ghana by Chuck Fisher Thursday, January 12th, 2012

UN Peripatetic Continues: Rio Favelas: the Analyst, the Dance and the AK47’s by Chuck Fisher Saturday, January 14th, 2012

UN A Visit with Mark Solms by Chuck Fisher with Introudction by  N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor Sunday, January 15th, 2012

 UN Contributions to a panel on The Role of Empathy in the Psychoanalytic Process by Jacob Arlow. January 18th, 2012

Lothane, Zvi. (2009). Dramatology in life, disorder, and psychoanalytic therapy: A further contribution to interpersonal psychoanalysis. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 18:3, 135 – 148  January 21st, 2012

Teen Brain Development: Blos Revisited  By Karanges and McGregor with Introuction by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor.  Availble only with subscription to MedScape. January 21st, 2012

The Rise and Fall of American Psychosomatic Medicine by Theodore M. Brown given at the New York Academy of Medicine on November 29, 2000,  posted on the Free Associations website. January 22nd, 2012
Siegfried Bernfeld: Psychoanalyse, Pädagogik und Zionismus [Druckerfreundliche Version] . Mai 16, 2010. This article is in German.

The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst Enters the Jungle, Fishing for Dreams by Chuck Fisher February 1st, 2012

Analysts as “outsiders,” and outside the Big City by Charles Gardner, MD. February 6th, 2012

NYPSI Gets Gopnik-ed by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor bruary 14th, 2012

Remarks on 50 Years of the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy And Psychoanalysis by Martin L. Nass, Ph.D., ABPP This talk was given at The NYU Postdoc 50th anniversary. February 14th, 2012

Rudolf Ekstein: On the 100th Anniversary of his Birth by N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor February 14th, 2012

Boyarsky, Abraham and Gora, Pawel, (2009). An Ergodic Theory of Consciousness.  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 19 (4): 1397-1400
February 19th, 2012

A Seminal Leader in the Field of Psychoanalysis:  Retrospective Sketches about the Life of Bertram David Lewin (1896-1971) by Lawrence M. Ginsburg. February 21st, 2012

College Students and Suicide Risk: Prevention and the Role of Academic Psychiatry Sidney Zisook, M.D.; Nancy Downs, M.D.; Christine Moutier, M.D.; Paula Clayton, M.D. in Academic Psychiatry 2012 ;36:1 on January 01, 2012. Monday, February 27th, 2012

Head to Head: Does psychoanalysis have a valuable place in modern mental health services? Yes by Peter Fonagy and Alessandra Lemma.
March 5th, 2012

Abstract of: Management vs. Interpretation: Teaching Residents to Listen by Shapiro ER. from the Nervous Mental Disease 2012 Mar;200(3):204-7. You may purchase the article here. March 7th, 2012
Who’s on First, What’s on Second: Originality, Kohut, Stolorow (and Why Care)? Introduction by Nathan Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor
March 11th, 2012

Illness in the Analyst and its Impact on ths Psychoanalytic Process by Jacob Arlow. March 11th, 2012

“Three archaic components of the religious instinct: Awe, mysticism, and apocalypse” by Mortimer Ostow, MD—Presented at the NY Psychoanalytic Society, March 13, 2001, write up of the event by  Leon Hoffman for the NYPSI Newsletter. Discussion of “Three archaic components of the religious instinct: Awe, mysticism, and apocalypse” by Mortimer Ostow, MD, Discussion by Leon Hoffman, MD Presented at the NY Psychoanalytic Society March 13, 2001. March 12th, 2012

Attention must be paid — James Q. Wilson and Psychoanalytic Organizations Alfred Marcus, Ph.D., Professor and Spencer Chair in Strategy and Technological Leadership, Univ. of Minnesota (a student of James Q. Wilson)  March 12th, 2012

Filling in the painful spaces by Ilany Kogan Introduction by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
Monday, March 19th, 2012

Psychodynamic Psychiatry:  The Official Journal of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry Edited by Richard C. Friedman, MD, Cornell University Deputy Editor, Jennifer I. Downey, MD, Columbia University.  March 19th, 2012

Pas de deux in Wuhan, China by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor April 13th, 2012

The Nonlinear Psychoanalytic Clinician, Lecture by Robert Galatzer-Levy
Monday, April 16th, 2012 The Nonlinear Psychoanalytic Clinician, Lecture by Robert Galatzer-Levy given in honor of John Kafka at the Washington Psychoanalytic on on YouTube.
The Replacement Child: Variations on a Theme in History and Psychoanalysis by Leon Anisfeld, D.S .W. and Arnold D. Richards, M.D presented by Arnold D. Richards in Wuhan, China.April 21st, 2012

 Emily Mumford, PH.D., Herbert J. Schlesinger, PH.D., Gene V. Glass, PH.D., Cathleen Patrick, PH.D. and Timothy Cuerdon, B.A. (1998). Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 7:65-86. April 27th, 2012 
The Fate of the Warsaw Ghetto Medical Faculty by George M. Weisz MD FRACS BA MA, Andrzej Grzybowski MD PhD MBA,  and William Randall Albury BA Phd.   (2012).  The Fate of the Warsaw Ghetto Medical Faculty.  Israeli Medical Association Journal.  Volume 14 May 1st, 2012
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research  videos from the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Conference posted on YouTube: Deborah Hertz at YIVO
Harvey Klehr at YIVO Mitchell Cohen at YIVO  Thursday, May 10th, 2012 

Sinai Scholars Symposium Explores Kabbalah and Freud by the Staff from on May 9, 2012

A Review of the 58th Freud Lecture at the New York Psychoanalytic Society Fred M. Sander, M.D
Friday, May 11th, 2012

Extracts from an interview with Jean Laplanche, interviewed by Alberto Luchetti
Sunday, May 13th, 2012

“Diagnosis in the field of psychotherapy: A plea for an alternative to the DSM-5.x” by Stijn Vanheule published by The British Psychological Society in the journal Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.
June 1st, 2012

“My Friend Peter Loewenberg” by Josh Hoffs, MD Unpublished
June 3rd, 2012

“Shell Shocked” by Dr. Edgar Jones from the June 2012 American Psychological Association’s 43 volume,

Notes for reminiscences of David Rapaport” by Robert R. Holt, which was read during the discussion at the “40th Anniversary of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group: Reflections on David Rapaport” panel, held on June 14, 2003, at the Annual Meeting of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group.

“Remarks at the Festival of Economics, Trento Italy,” a recent speech by George Soros on
June 2, 2012.

“Freud’s Dogs” by by Peter Byrne from Swans Commentary on
June 4, 2012.

“On Sulking” by Dr Joseph Berke. Unpublished June 5th, 2012

“The Couch as Icon” by Ahron Friedberg & Louis Linn originally published in The Psychoanalytic Review, volume 99, No. 1, February 2012.
 June 5th, 2012

“Fish, Antidepressants, Autism and a Problematic Research Premise” by Dorothy Bishop, PhD from PLoS Blogs
June 11th, 2012

As Good As it Gets: A Study in Sibling Rivalry by Jacob Arlow.
June 12th, 2012

“The Wisconsin Blues” by George Lakoff and Elisabeth Wehling from Psychohistory
June 13th, 2012

Paper by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: “The Effects of Racial Animus on a Black Presidential Candidate: Using Google Search Data to Find What Surveys Miss” June 14th, 2012

“The System Is Failing Most of Us” by Joseph Stiglitz from Psychohistory on
June 12, 2012
June 14th, 2012
“Richard Feynman on Cargo-Cult Science: What Psychoanalysis can learn from this Nobel-prizing physicist (and Bongo player)” Feynman’s address to a Cal-Tech graduating class about the integrity of science (and scientists)
June 11th, 2012

Playing with Brazilian Street Children: a pilot study using narrative story stem” by Dr. M. Leticia Castrechini F. Franieck; Prof. Dr. Michael Günter University of Tübingen-Germany.
June 26th, 2012