Analysis & nazism/totalitarianism, evolution & conflict, obituaries from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

during this historic week of Supreme Court decision, unheard of heat waves, and disastrous fires – the international website should provide you with a balanced view of what events in the psychoanalytic world and of our contribution to the current societal zeitgeist.

My choices this week include:

1) As is often the case, I was captured by the headings in the BOOKS category – especially

a) the Five Books Interviews: Daniel Pick on Nazism and Psychoanalysis on the Woody Allen***s Five Books website – which depict the efforts of the Allies to understand the Nazi mind and intentions with the help of psychoanalysts and cultural anthropologists

Click Here to Read This Article

b) Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man – again using psychoanalysis to understand masculinity

Click Here to Read This Article

2) Evolution and our Inner conflict ( good and bad)

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“For the real human story, history makes no sense without prehistory, and prehistory makes no sense without biology.

Within biology itself, the key to the mystery is the force that lifted pre-human social behavior to the human level.”

3) Please read the 2 articles on parenting.

Click Here to Read This Article

4) Did you ever wonder what B.F.Skinner’s Rorschach would show?

Click Here to Read This Article

5) Please read the review of Moonrise Kingdom by Selma Duckler focusing on listening to children.

Click Here to Read This Article

6) inevitably, we mourn Richard Isay, Nora Ephron and Harry Levinson

Click Here to Read This Article on Richard Isay

Click Here to Read This Article on Nora Ephron

Click Here to Read This Article on Harry Levinson

7) Reading about slum children in Brazil teaches us about attachment despite adversity in an unprecedented way.

Click Here to Read This Article

8) The posts in the Science News will enlighten you about late life depression, aging and the fact that eating disorders are not just for the young.

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List of contents:


A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category

I. Endowed Lecture Series at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute

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II. Bringing the Whole Child Into Therapy at MITPP



Workshop: Saturday, July 14

10:00 AM *** 1:00 PM Instructor: Jill Bellinson, Ph.D.

Children are referred for therapy because of difficulties at home and school *** they may be aggressive, demanding, anxious, or prone to tantrums.

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III. APsaA Teacher***s Academy




A Professional Development Program for Clinical Teachers of Psychoanalysis and/or Psychodynamic Therapy in:

Psychiatry Residency Programs

Psychology Graduate Programs

Clinical Social Work Programs

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IV. Nominations for NYPSI***s Leon Kupferstein Memorial Award



247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028



The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (NYPSI) formally announces the first call for nominations for the Leon Kupferstein Memorial Award for Innovation in Psychoanalysis.

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V. The Talking Cure in the Era of Prozac, Managed Care, and Evidence-Based Practice At CFS

Contemporary Freudian Society *** NY Division

Annual Conference

Sunday, October 21, 2012, 1:00 *** 5:00 pm,

Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Hatch Auditorium,

Madison Avenue & 100th Street

The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: The Talking Cure in the Era of Prozac, Managed Care, and Evidence-Based Practice

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VI. CAPA Seeking Instructor for Psychotherapy Training Course

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VII. Conference to Honor Norbert Freedman and Irving Steingart at IPTAR



The Analyst***s Receptivity: Exploring Intersections and Divergences in Contemporary Freudian, Kleinian/Bionian and Field Theory

Participants Giuseppe Civitarese, Larry Brown, Lissa

Weinstein and Steven Ellman.

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VIII. President***s Column Psychoanalytic Consortium Meeting May 2012

by William Macgillvray on the Chimney Sweep weebsite on June 23, 2012.

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B. In the ART Category:

IX. Lucian Freud***s ***Naked Truths*** Documentary Premiers In Conjunction With ***Portraits*** Exhibition At The Modern Art Museum Of Fort Worth Saturday, June 30th, 2012

(PHOTOS) By Priscilla Frank on the The Huffington Post website on June 30, 2012.

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X. Pottery 20,000 Years Old Found in a Chinese Cave

By Didi Tang the Sci-Tech website on June 29, 2012

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XI. Brain Waves Lift Me Higher

by Ariel Kaminer in The eEw York Times on June 22, 2012.


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C. In the BOOKS Category:

XII. Five Books Interviews: Daniel Pick on Nazism and Psychoanalysis

on the Woody Allen***s Five Books website on June 28, 2012.

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XIII. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man

By Donald Moss, Reviewed by David Kennedy on the Times Register Education website on June 28, 2012.

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XIV. Rieff on Lanzmann***s Patagonian Hare by N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor

David Rieff***s review of The Patagonian Hare, ***A Vast Choir of Voices: On Claude Lanzmann,*** from the July 2-9, 2012 edition of The Nation.

In an earlier post, Arnie Richards and I reviewed Claude Lanzmann***s memoir, this writer who also produced the nine-hour Shoah, a landmark film for the twentieth century. Click here to read said post, ***This Justifies a Life: Lanzmann***s Memoir and Yom HaShoah by Nathan Szajnberg.***

David Rieff reviews this book in the Nation. His review reads like the recipe for how one need prepare venison: first you have to eviscerate it, then you can enjoy the steak. He begins by gutting Lanzmann: ***Even the most passionate of lifelong romances tend to cool with time. But*** Lanzmann***s *** self-involvement seems only to have risen with the passing decades.*** Rieff identifies a style of French writing (not found among French scientists; more so amongst essayists and such) as a ***confederacy of braggarts.*** Not to be found in the gaggle of penman traits such as irony, self-effacement or stoicism. Witness Sartre. Or Beauvoir, his (Sartre***s and Lanzmann***s) lover.

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XV. Shades of Psychopathy and Ambition Run Amok

by Abigail Zuger, M.D. from The New York Times on June 25, 2012.

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XVI. Alison Bechdel: A cartoonist on the couch

by Jeet Heer from The Globe and Mail on June 22, 2012, which reviews the comic drama, Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel.

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XVII. Levinas and Post-deconstructive Subjectivity

from Iran Book News Agency, which announces that Mehdi Parsa translated Simon Critchley***s ***Levinas and Post-deconstructive Subjectivity*** into Persian.

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D. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XVIII. Evolution and Our Inner Conflict

By Edward O. Wilson from The New York Times on June 24, 2012.

A 2-part story on ***Julie,*** who spoke at the 2nd International Summit on the Future of Health Privacy on June 6th


a)part one, How ***Julie*** got a big surprise about medical records privacy, by Joseph Conn from on June 21, 2012. b) part two, ***Julie*** learns that privacy is more illusion than reality, by Joseph Conn from on June 22, 2012.

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XIX. Why Raising 2/3 of a Million Dollars For Bus Monitor Karen Klein Was So Easy

by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on June 25, 2012.

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E. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XX. 2 Articles on Parenting by Kenneth Barish

a) Empathy Is Not Indulgence: Empathy helps children bounce back by Kenneth Barish, Ph.D. on his Pride and Joy blog on the Psychology Today blogs on June 25, 2012.

b) Solving Common Family Problems: Five Essential Steps

Engaging children in the solution of problems by Kenneth Barish, Ph.D on his Pride and Joy blog on the Psychology Today blogs on May 28, 2012 .


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XXI. Why has Jewish ritual of circumcision survived so long, and remained so resonant

Sigmund Freud, in his writings on primal trauma, may have

inadvertently provided an explanation

By Benjamin Kerstein in The Times of Israel on June 30, 2012.

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XXII. B. F. Skinner vs. the Rorschach Test

B. F. Skinner vs. the Rorschach Test on the Neuroskeptic website on on June 28, 2012.

What happened when the world***s most no-nonsense psychologist took a Rorschach test?


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XXIII. Researchers See Decline in Child Sexual Abuse Rate

By Erica Goode in The New York Times on June 28, 2012.

Last week, Jerry Sandusky, left, former assistant football coach at Penn State, was convicted of molesting boys.


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XXIV. On Reality Testing

an article from Maggie***s Farm, written by Dr. Joy Bliss on how she teaches assessing reality testing to medical students. It is one of three articles and they are crisp, well-done. She refers to Bellak and has a nice photo of Anna Freud.

N. Szajnberg, MD


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XXV. LSD, Ecstasy, and a Blast of Utopianism: How 1967***s ***Summer of Love*** All Began

by Sheila Weller from July 2012***s Vanity Fair.

It was billed as ***the Summer of Love,*** a blast of glamour, ecstasy, and Utopianism that drew some 75,000 young people to the San Francisco streets in 1967. Who were the true movers behind the Haight-Ashbury happening that turned America on to a whole new age?

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XXVI. A handshake across a chasm of hate

by Kevin Cullen from The Boston Globe on June 23, 2012.

As far as handshakes go, Martin McGuinness pumping the arm of Queen Elizabeth II is one of those ***I never thought I***d see that*** moments. Not that you will see it. It***s probably going to happen behind closed doors at a charity event in Belfast next week. Still, that it will happen at all is a **reminder of how history moves in real time, despite its tendency to repeat **itself.

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XXVII. Mendacious Mitt: Romney***s bid to become liar-in-chief

by Michael Cohen from The Gaurdian on June 21, 2012.

Spin is normal in politics, but Romney is pioneering a cynical strategy of reducing fact and truth to pure partisanship

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XXVIII. Psychotherapy That Helps Your Mind and Your Emotions

By Michael Craig Miller, M.D. on the aetna website on May 25, 2012.

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XXIX. When My Crazy Father Actually Lost His Mind

by Jeneen Interlandi in The New York Times on June 22, 2012.

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F. In the MOVIES Category:

XXX. John Huston***s Let There Be Light

on the National Film Preservation Foundation website.

This film is legendary for its censorship controversy that its sheer power as a film has been easy to miss. Produced by the U.S. Army in 1945, it pioneered unscripted interview techniques to take an unprecedented look into the psychological wounds of war. However, by the time the film was first allowed a public screening***in December 1980***its remarkable innovations in style and subject, which in the 1940s were at least a decade ahead of their time, could be taken as old hat, especially because of the poor quality of then-available prints. This new restoration finally reveals the film***s full force.

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XXXI. Review of Moonrise Kingdom by Selma Duckler

Moonrise Kingdom is a lovely movie, a coming of age film that describes a 12 year old boys fantasy of life as he experiences it.

There have been times, with much exasperation, I have felt the only group that listens to children with respect, and takes them seriously are psychoanalysts


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XXXII. An interview with film critic Andrew Sarris

By David Walsh on The World Social Website on June 26, 2012.

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XXXIII. Kenneth Lonergan***s Thwarted Masterpiece

By Joel Lovell in The New York Times on June 19, 2012.


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G. In the MUSIC Category:

XXXIV. Inside the Brains of Bieber Fans: What***s Behind Bieber Fever?

Neuroscience Offers Explanation; a ***Safe*** Infatuation by Melinda Beck In The Wall Street Journal on June 25, 2012.

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H. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XXXV. Dr. Richard Isay, Who Fought Illness Tag for Gays, Dies at 77

By Denise Grady in The New York Times on June 29, 2012.

Dr. Richard A. Isay in 1996. He convinced the psychoanalytic world that its views on homosexuality were wrong

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XXXVI. Nora Ephron***s Character

Click Here to Read: Nora Ephron***s Character: The famed screenwriter, who died Tuesday at 71, single-handedly invented a new kind of woman By Rachel Shukert on The Tablet Website on June 27, 2012.

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XXXVII. Harry Levinson Obituary 1922-2012

on the website of the Times Herald-Record on June 29, 2012.

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I. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXVIII. Slum Children in Brazil: How they feel about Parents Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Click here to read ***Playing with Brazilian Street Children: a pilot study using narrative story stem*** by Dr. M. Leticia Castrechini F. Franieck; Prof. Dr. Michael G**nter University of T**bingen-Germany.

Dr. Franieck has been studying three groups of Brazilian slum children: homeless street kids; those in shanties and those living away from their abusive families. In a poignant study, she shows how these children remain emotionally connected (for better and worse) to their parents. She uses the MacArthur story-telling technique. Bear with the methodology, as what she has to teach us about

disenfranchised children is valuable.

(This was presented at the 2012 World Association of Infant Mental Health meeting in South Africa.)

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J. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXXIX. APsaA Chicago Meeting Pictures

Please click on slideshow to view the photos.

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K. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XL. Tag serotonin ***vacuums*** to track depression

posted by David Salisbury on the Futurity website on June 28, 2012.

Serotonin transporters are an important research subject because they are the target for the most common drugs used to treat depression, including Prozac, Paxil, and Lexapro. Above, neurons with serotonin transporters labeled with quantum dots. (Credit: Jerry


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XLI. Late Life Depression

Advancing Understanding through Translational Neuroscience Carolyn Pennington on the University of Connecticut website on June 27, 2012.

Dr. David Steffens was the Lawrence G. Raisz, M.D. Lectureship in Clinical and Translational Research speaker Tuesday at the UConn Health Center. (Tina Encarnacion/UConn Health Center Photo)

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XLII. How happy hour can help your heart, boost brainpower, and even flatten your belly

***5 Hidden Health Benefits of Alcohol*** by K. Aleisha Fetters from on June 25, 2012.

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XLIII. Eating disorders: Not just for the young

by writer Anne Harding from CNN on June 27, 2012.

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XLIV. Unafraid of Aging

by Karen Pennar from The New York Times on June 25, 2012, which highlights the geriatrician and dean of the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, Dr. Linda P. Fried.

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XLV. Scientists set to show how they hacked into Stephen Hawking***s brain

by Alan Boyle from Cosmic Log on on June 25, 2012.

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This rather full fare may seen overwhelming but each post is a treasure in itself and I highly recommend that you read most and comment on those that you find particularly interesting.


Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde


Alexandra K. Rolde, M.D.

27 Fields Pond Rd.

Weston, MA 02493

tel. (781) 894-2177

fax.(781) 891-9419

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