Transgendered children, optimism, depression and analysis from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

On the eve of a long weekend, I wanted to give you the opportunity to receive the contents of the international psychoanalytic website earlier, so that you would have time to read the posts with more leisure.

The variety of posts at least in my opinion is tied loosely together by a lighter than usual tone – perhaps to lift our mood out of the doldrums of the world’s environmental, financial and political turmoil. Of course that does not preclude some serious business -as in the Announcements which include advance notice of what to expect at the APsaA Chicago meetings.

The posts I want to point out are:

1) the numerous entries in the Art Category – to make you smile.

Click Here to Read this Category

2) Please note the 3) posts on therapy: the light hearted PRADA post, Glen Gabbard’s Psychoanalytic Therapy Session* via YouTube from The Royal Road*Psychoanalytic Approaches to the Dream and Herbert J. Schlessinger*s Colloquium On *Keeping Psychotherapy Efficient* .

Click Here for Prada Article


Click Here to Read  Psychoanalytic Therapy Session Article



Click Here to Read:  The Interpretation of Dreams Article

Click Hee to Read:  Herbert Schlesinger’s Article  

3) The book review: Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel should be read by all – yet another book on the tortured mother-daughter relationship.

Click Here to Read This Article 

I could not help but contrast it with the small children’s book by the same name, where the protagonist has momentarily loses its mother and on its quest for her it sadly asks every animal it meets ” are you my mother” until it finally finds it’s beloved mother and is happy again. If only life could be so simple.

4) A parallel between the present and the Vienna atmosphere in Freud’s lifetime is interesting to read – history does repeat itself as no one learns from it.

Click Here to Read This Article

5) Psychoanalysts should weigh in more on issues such as the post “Transgender Five-Year-Old” Please comment!

Click Here to Read This Article

6) Please read about the remarkable life and accomplishments of the Education Pioneer Annemarie Roeper.


Click Here to Read This Article

7) Yes, and all (esp. the doubters at APsaA) should read A Richer Life by Seeing the Glass Half Full. It’s now a scientific fact.

Click Here to Read This Article


Table of contents:


A. In the Announcements Category:

I. Helping Post Partum Mothers Attachment with their Babies


247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028


Dear Colleague,

We would like to let you know about our mother support groups, where mothers attend with their babies and toddlers.

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II. The Treatment of Celebrity Patients with Ellen L. Mezan, Ph.D. at NYPSI



Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium

247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028


Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 8:30 p.m. Donations Accepted

The Treatment of Celebrity Patients

Ellen L. Mezan, Ph.D.

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III. Towards An Understanding of Loneliness and Aloneness: At APSaA Conference 2012, Chicago, Illinois

Towards An Understanding of Loneliness and Aloneness: At APSaA Conference 2012, Chicago, Illinois

How does a psychoanalyst understand loneliness? Literary works through their dramatic characters allow us to examine and consider human passion, foibles and pain in a way that otherwise might not be as easily recognizable. We invite you to to a discussion by Dr. Jeffrey Stern about the loneliness of particular characters in …

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This six week clinical mini course will educate the therapist about legal issues, mandated reporting, letters to the court, subpoenas and establishing custody. The impact on children of separation and divorce, high conflict, the loss of the father, and the *caught in middle* syndrome will be explored. Parental capacity and goodness of fit with the child will be assessed. Other topics covered will be: who in the family to see, couples therapy, attachment and its *

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B. In the ART Category:

V. The Jews of Tsarist Russia

to read about the upcoming YIVO Institute at the Center for Jewish History exhibit, *The Jews of Tsarist Russia,* which will be on view in the Constantiner Gallery, June 4 * August 31, 2012.

please go to


VI. The 2012 Whitney Biennial in New York City


by Clare Hurley from World Socialist Web Site on May 24, 2012.

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VII. Pinter*s The Caretaker at the Harvey Theater in Brooklyn: A classic has lost none of its power

by Fred Mazelis from World Socialist Web Site on May 23, 2012.

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VIII. Hysteria; Loose Cannons; film notes

by Sawyer J. Lahr from Windy City Media Group on May 23, 2012.

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IX. PRADA presents *A THERAPY*

by Prada via YouTube on May 22, 2012.

To viewplease go to ___________________________________________________________________

C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

X. Interview with Stuart Feder Discussing Gustav Mahler

Podcast of Interview with Stuart Feder Discussing Gustav Mahler on the Shrink Rap program on WNYC on October 25, 2004.

To listen, please go to ________________________________________________________________

XI. Eigen, Kaballah, Psychoanalysis

Mike Eigen, a Bion scholar, has given several talks on Kaballah and psychoanalysis at the NYU postdoctoral program on Contemplative studies.

He*s generously offered that we can post them on

– Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

To listen to the rendered audio of three Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis seminars given by Michael Eigen, sponsored by the NYU Contemplative Studies Project, as well as another for NPAP 2010-2012, *Madness and Murder, Faith and Transformation, Contact with the Depths.*

please to go



XII. You*ve Got Paul J. Zak

To watch: *You*ve Got Paul J. Zak* via, which features neuroeconomist Paul J. Zak explaining the role of oxytocin in allowing humans to feel more trust and love for one another.

please go to

Dr. Zak is the founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University. He is also credited with the first published use of the term *neuroeconomics* * a discipline that integrates neuroscience and economics.


XIII. Old Man In Nursing Home Reacts To Hearing Music From His Era

To watch *Alive Inside* posted on YouTube April 7, 2012, which follows the story of an elderly, typically depressed man in a nursing home who reacts positively to hearing music from his era

please go to


XIV. Psychoanalytic Therapy Session

via YouTube from The Royal Road*Psychoanalytic Approaches to the Dream produced by Dr. Glenn Gabbard; Menninger Video in 1988.

to view and listen please go to ____________________________________________________________

XV. Herbert J. Schlessinger on Keeping Psychotherapy Efficient at NYPSI (1989)

at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute on February 7, 1989.

a) To Introduction to Schlessinger*s Presentation and Part I:

b) Part 2 of Dr. Schlessinger*s Presentation:

c) Part 3 of Dr. Schlessinger*s Presentation:

d) Question and Answer Period with Dr. Schlessinger:

to view and listen a), b), c) & d) please go to


D. In the BOOKS Category:

XVI. Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel


Review by Laura Miller from The Guardian on May 24, 2012.

To read please go to ____________________________________________________________

XVII. Bert Cohler, Psychoanalysis and the Classroom with Intro by Nathan Szajnberg

Bert presented this paper, co-authored with Bob Galatzer-Levy, at a conference honoring Bruno Bettelheim and held at the University of Chicago, in the very room where Dr. B. would teach. This paper and others presented are published in *Educating the Emotions: Bruno Bettelheim and Psychoanalytic Development,* edited by this managing editor.

The paper speaks to the intent and meaning in Learning and Teaching. For instance, Bert relates how the University revised its first year social science and humanities curriculum to better accommodate the *.

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XVIII. Laplanche in Translation: Freud and the Sexual

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XIX. Jackie O. Book by Alma Bond Finalist in 2012 International Book Awards

Jackie O: On the Couch, Inside the Mind and Life of Jackie Kennedy Onassis by Alma H. Bond is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Fiction: Historical category of the 2012 International Book Awards.

On the PRWeb website on May 24, 2012.

to read more and to buy This Book and Other Books by Alma Bond, please go to


XX. Schlesinger on Psychoanalysis

Herb Schlesinger presented the 47th Freud Anniversary Lecture at the Psychoanalytic Association of New York on April 21st on how we know we are doing psychoanalysis. We will summarize that presentation in the near future. Until then, here is a review of his gem-like classic, The Texture of Treatment. It is reprinted from the Hebrew, Sichot. N. Szajnberg, MD.

Book Review: The Texture of Treatment: On the Matter of

Psychoanalytic Technique. Herbert J. Schlesinger (2003) Analytic Press.

By Nathan Szajnberg, MD and Keren Segal, BA *.

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XXI. Alain Badiou: a life in writing

written by Stuart Jeffries from The Gaurdian on May 18, 2012.

to read more please go to ____________________________________________________________________

XXII. Their Sense of Belonging: A historian vividly reconstructs Eastern Europe as a place of Jewish life rather than of Jewish death.

written by Timothy Snyder from The Wall Street Journal on May 18, 2012.

to read more please go to ___________________________________________________________________

XXIII. Review of The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis: On Unconscious Desire and its Sublimation by Jamieson Webster

Joanna Kellond *Deciding How to Live: Review of The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis: On Unconscious Desire and its Sublimation by Jamieson Webster in Excursions, 3, 1 (2012).

to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

E. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXIV. The Interpretation of Alastair Campbell*s Dreams

by Anouchka Grose from The Gaurdian on May 24, 2012.

to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

XXV. With Europe on the brink, the U.K. faces its own crises

by Niall Ferguson from his Daily Beast blog, London*s Last Waltz, on May 21, 2012.

The article provides an interesting description of the environment in which Freud was living and working.

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XXVI. Transgender at Five?* Hormone treatment in childhood and sex

What decisions should small children be permitted to make? By Mona Charen on the National Review Online website on May 22, 2012.

to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

XXVII. Education Pioneer Annemarie Roeper Passes Away

written by Julie M. Rodriguez from the Care2 website posted on May 20, 2012.

to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

XXVIII. Depressed people spend more time chatting online

By Linda Carroll on the tails at MSNBC website on May 18, 2012.

to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

XXIX. Mary R. Kennedy*s Death Teaches What United Behavioral Health Forgets: Depression Kills

by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on May 19, 2012.

to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

XXX. Today is 506 Anniversary of the death of Christopher Columbus

Was Columbus secretly a Jew? By Charles Garcia on the CNN website on May 20, 2012.

View the picture of Christopher Columbus bids farewell to his son Diego at Palos, Spain, before embarking on his first voyage on August 3, 1492.

and to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

XXXI. Dr. Blumenfield Assumes Presidency of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry

by Michael Blumenfeld on the Psychiatry Talk website on May 18, 2012.

to read more please go to ______________________________________________________________________

F. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXII. Two significant works: Fritz Lang*s House by the River (1950) and Carol Reed*s The Third Man (1949)

by Kevin Kearney from the World Socialist Web Site on May 22, 2012.

To read more please go to ____________________________________________________________

XXXIII. The Story of Melancholia

by *sa Jansson on the History of Emotions website on The Story of Melancholia on November 28, 2011.

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XXXIV. Review of Bully by Selma Duckler

Bully is a very popular highly rated documentary playing in first run theaters around the country now.

25 years ago a documentary of this type would have been shown to select parent teacher groups or other education/school groups, and it would have been shocking. It would not have been shown in movie theaters along with the movie fare of the day because it wouldn*t have been considered marketable*..

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XXXV. Review of Jeff Who Lives at Home by Selma Duckler

Jeff Who Lives at Home is a film with a theme of loss that is advertised as a comedy, criticized as being contrived, and given consistent high ratings because it was seen as inspiring.

Jeff is a conflicted 30 year old man who belies his anxieties with a laid back manner, his bulky body in loose athletic clothing, his face, still so boy like that one easily dismisses the intense absorbed look that makes Jeff seem not quite connected with the real world. He has a soft appearance that is likable, but lacks any suggestion of strength*despite a big muscular body.

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G. In the MUSIC Category:


XXXVI. Mahler on the Couch

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

*Mahler on the Couch* Recounts Fateful Therapy Session How Mahler Channeled a Marital Crisis into the Tenth Symphony Wednesday By Brian Wise on the WQXR blog on May 23, 2012.


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XXXVII. A Richer Life by Seeing the Glass Half Full

by Jane E. Brody*s from The New York Times on May 21, 2012.

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XXXVIII. Drugs Help Tailor Alcoholism Treatment

by Douglas Quenqua in The New York Times on May 21, 2012.

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XXXIX. Paralysed woman moves robot with her mind

a) by Nature Video on YouTube.

to view please go to _____________________________________________________________

b) Paralyzed, Moving a Robot With Their Minds by Benedict Carey in The New York Times on May 16, 2012.

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I wish you all a relaxed holiday, enjoyable reading and again encourage you to write your comments on the website.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde