Psychiatrists Working with the United Nations


World Psychiatric Association

2012 American Psychiatric Association Meeting

Symposium 42

Sunday May6, 2012

1:00 P.M.– 4:00 P.M.

Room 121A, Level 1

Pennsylvania Convention Center

Psychiatrists Working With the United Nations

CHAIR: Vivian B. Pender MD

Isaac Tylim PsyD: The IPA as an NGO of the UN

Vivian Pender MD: Chairing the NGO Committee on the Status of Women

Madeleine Lansky MD: A Psychiatrist in Haiti After the 2010


John Barnhill MD: International psychiatry: Lessons from Tanzania

Sargam Jain MD: Field Work in a Psychiatric Clinic in Tanzania

Magalie Hurez MD, MPH: Regional Stress Counselor, CISMU,

United Nations Department of Safety and Security

DISCUSSANT: Pedro Ruiz MD President, World Psychiatric


with Vivian D. Pender, MD.