The Art and Psyche Working Group Conference

The Art and Psyche Working Group is pleased to announce a conference on the creative collaboration between depth psychology and the arts in the context of a city.

 Traditional plenaries, workshops and breakouts will feature presentations by painters, musicians, poets, actors, photographers, psychotherapists, analysts and expressive arts therapists. Ten minute sparks of images and ideas will flash throughout the conference.

 The Arts Paths offer designed tours of the National Museum of the American Indian in New York City, the Rubin Museum of Art, the Morgan Library and Museum, the Asia Society Museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and its Watson Library, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. There will be walking tours of the Masonic temple and the High Line, viewings of subway station murals in The Arts For Transit program, and selected art and psyche videos at NYU. Maps of galleries and subway art will be provided.

 The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) and the Kristine Mann Library (KML) will offer open houses for those interested in the arts, symbolism and psychology.

 The Thursday night public program with the award-winning poet Mark Doty on Walt Whitman, and Donald Sosin on his score for the film Manhatta, will include a panel with composer Jorge Martin and photographer Deborah O’Grady. A Saturday night Dream-Over, an overnight spent at the Rubin Museum, will be offered.

 Program, registration and hotel information can be found at 

or contact us at

 Lauri Masur
CDK Events Management, Inc.
1465 Route 23 South #189
Wayne, NJ  07470
973-464-7330 (c)
973-696-3784 (f)



Natural  Selection, 2000. © Fred Tomaselli. Courtesy James Cohan  Gallery

Video  Preview <>

New York, New York
July 19-22,  2012

An  International Conference Organized by the Art and Psyche  Working Group
Sponsored by the  Jungian Psychoanalytic Association,The International  Association for Analytical Psychology and the Archive for  Research in Archetypal  Symbolism

Cosponsored and  Hosted by New York University Steinhardt School of Culture,  Education, and Human Development: Department of Applied  Psychology and Department of Art and Art  Professions  

 The  arts express the vibrant interplay between the human psyche  and our surround. For the second Art and Psyche conference, we  invite participants in the arts and practitioners of depth  psychology to engage the creative process as it registers,  reflects, and imagines, and is made manifest in museums and  galleries, performance halls and libraries, studios and  streets of a city.

This Call for Proposals is open to  the psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic communities and to  members of the arts communities who are drawn to explore the  dynamic and complex relationship of art and depth  psychology.

Traditional plenaries and workshops will  take place at the Kimmel Center, New York University,  providing time and space for the mutual interaction between  the arts and the psyche. Non-traditional formats will include  one afternoon devoted to guided “paths” through the city’s  past and present sites of artistic creation and presentation.  “Sparks” of new ideas will be presented in 10 minute segments,  akin to what Jung called glimmers of consciousness emerging  from the unconscious and igniting imagination in the arts and  within the process of psychotherapy.

As you follow your  own sparks that may lead to a proposal, we suggest that you  consider the arts events relevant to the conference place and  time. The Art and Psyche website, at the Steinhardt School,  NYU,   <> will list events scheduled in New York City in July, 2012,  as the information becomes available.

We look forward  to your responses to this very broad Call for Proposals.  Submissions should not exceed 500 words and are due by email  to   <> no later than November 15, 2011. Notice will be given by  January 15, 2012.

In your proposal, please suggest the  format that you envision for or your presentation: Formal  paper, Interactive workshop, Panel, Performance, Ten Minute  “Spark”

Presentations from/about all of the arts are  encouraged including: Visual art, Poetry, Dance, Music,  Theatre, Film/Video/Animation, Literature

We request  that artists send samples of their artwork through a  Youtube/Vimeo platform and/or PowerPoint.
Please  send proposals and inquiries to <> .

The  Art and Psyche Working  Group