The Death Drive after Freud with Erwin Flaxman at IPTAR

The Death Drive after Freud, Thursdays, May 24, 31, June 7,14 2012, 8:30 -10 PM INSTRUCTOR:  Erwin Flaxman
This short course is designed to consider the development of the theory and clinical usefulness of the concept of the death drive since Freud’s death. For the most part, American psychoanalysts do not consider the psychodynamics of the death drive in treating their patients, even when they confront impasses in the treatment, repetition compulsions, negative therapeutic reactions, the defensive use of negation, the need for punishment, and destructive and self-destructive fantasies and behaviors. Prominently, though, Otto Kernberg in the United States has established a contemporary theoretical framework for using a dual instinct theory in clinical work.
British, French, and continental psychoanalysts have done most to advance our knowledge of the workings of the death drive; e.g., Melanie Klein, Betty Joseph, and Herbert Rosenfeld in Great Britain; Jacques Lacan, Jean Laplanche, and Andre Green in France, and Slavoj Zizek on the Continent.  In the proposed course, we will draw on their work (and others’) and case material to gain a better understanding of current thinking about the death drive. Those enrolling in the course should be familiar with Freud’s Beyond the Pleasure Principle.
                                        @   17 East 96th Street, Suite IB, NYC 10025
 The fee for this course is   $ 175  for IPTAR Members and Candidates,
and $ 250 for members and candidates of other Institutes
BEYOND THE BASIC CURRICULUM COMMITTEE:  Janis Leventhal, Chair,  Veronica Greenwald, Judith Hanlon, Susan Light, Ellen Sinkman, Donna Roth Smith, Lois Wolf, Bob Wood
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Return to Janis Leventhal, 165 West 91st Street, #3C, NYC 10024