Mental Health in Africa, finances and emotion, morality pill & more on from Sasha Rolde

Dear Colleagues,

In a slightly calmer climate the international psychoanalysis website still provides us with stimulating and exciting material ranging from more on the Dangerous Method to mental health in Africa. As always I list those that caught my interest first, followed by the entire list:

1) For those of us who are struggling with the fact that there are not enough psychiatrists and mental health professionals in the USA to take care of our mentally ill, there is a sobering post regarding the state of mental health in Africa, as described by a sole Kenyan psychiatrist, speaking about the stigma in a ***traumatized continent***.

Click Here to Read This Article

2) Finances still dominate the world news. It seems that when all else fail to explain the situation, psychoanalysis comes to the rescue in a new book. *** It is the first study of its kind to use psychoanalysis to explain decisions that triggered the financial In the collapse.

Looking at the root causes of the economic crisis, Adjunct Professor Long said there was a culture of fear and anxiety among the highest levels of management.***

Click Here to Read This Article

3) In light of our ethical plights, the idea of a ***morality pill*** in the Editorials category is intriguing.

Click Here to Read This Article

4) Finally and not surprisingly, not the goals but the journey to understanding turns out to also be the cause of our happiness.

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Following is the list of contents:

A. In the DANGEROUS METHOD Category:

I. Let***s not beat ourselves up over masochism

If Englishmen enjoy being flogged, why not? Dominatrixes can add to the world***s pleasures. by By Theodore Dalrymple in the Telegraph on January 31, 2012.

To read more please go to
II. Dangerous Method: on the set of David Cronenberg***s new film
By David Gritten on the on the Tlegraph.UK website on January 28, 2012. a) Jung Love: Sabina Spielrein, a forgotten pioneer of
psychoanalysis By Nisha Lilia Diu***On the website August 28, 2011.
b) Other Posts on A Dangerous Method on this website.

To read a) and b) please go to
B. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

III. The Mind in Conflict with Ian Buckingham at NYPSI

***Extension Committee
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028
THE MIND IN CONFLICT : Ian Buckingham, M.D. Thursdays***8:30 *** 10 pm March 15 *** May 3, 2012 (8 Sessions) Fee $80
To read more please go to __________________________________________________

IV. Is War Inevitable? An Interdisciplinary Conference Taking Place at FIT
Psychology Making a Difference in Society
.Saturday February 25, 2012
at the Katie Murphy Amphitheatre of the***Fashion Institute of Technology
To obtain a copy of the Brochure for this conference and to read more please go to

V. Executive Editor position available at the International Journal of Psychoanalysis

on the guardian jobs website.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________

C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VI. Kenya doctor fights mental health stigma in ***traumatized continent***
by Leposo Lillian, David McKenzie and Jessica Ellis on the CNN website on January 31, 2012.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________

VII. Gold medal formula: Mind over matter

by Ben Wyatt, CNN on January 31, 2012.
To read more please go to _______________________________________________

D. In the BOOKS Category:

VIII. Psychologist explains financial market madness

Psychologist explains financial market madness on the Health Canal Website on February 1, 2012.

To read more, please go to
E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

IX. We Ready for a ***Morality Pill***?

By Peter Singer and Agaat Sagan on the New York Times website on January 28, 2012.

To read more, please go to

X. Hysteria and the Teenage Girl

By Caitlin Flanagan in the New York Times on January 28, 2012.
To read more, please go to
F. In the GENERAL NEWS Caategory:

XI. InSight: Division 39 E-News

for February 2012,
To read more please go to ______________________________________________________
Ritalin and the Hyperactive Child: Letters to the Editor
in the New York Times on January 3o, 2012.

To read more please go to ___________________________________________________

XII. On Love and Healing

by Claudia M Gold on the website on January 31, 2012. To read more please go to ___________________________________________________

XIII. Why are the French Still Blaming Mothers for Autism?

by Michael Yudell on the website on January 31, 2011.
To read more please go to ___________________________________________________

XIV. I Had Asperger Syndrome. Briefly.

By Benjamin Nugent in the New York Times on February 01, 2012. Asperger***s History of Over-Diagnosis By Paul Steinberg in the New York Times on February 01, 2012.

To read more please go to ___________________________________________________

G. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XV. Frank Cioffi, Philosopher and Critic of Freud, Dies at 83
By Paul Vitello in the New York Times on February 1, 2012. To read more please go to ___________________________________________________
H. In the PAPERS Category:
XVI. The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst Enters the Jungle, Fishing for Dreams Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
Chuck Fisher returns to the Achuar of Ecuador, deep in the Amazon, where he has visited over the past seven years to join in their daily 4 a.m. dream reports and interpretations.
Listen to the remarkable openness about dream life and to Chuck***s gentle manner of pursuing the Achuar***s view of dream predictability, inevitableness and the ***oculto,*** where dreams continue their dark work.
The pictures are stunning; the video of fishing by hand, unique. To read more please go to ___________________________________________________

XVII. Siegfried Bernfeld: Psychoanalyse, P**dagogik und Zionismus
Siegfried Bernfeld: Psychoanalyse, P**dagogik und Zionismus [Druckerfreundliche Version] . Mai 16, 2010. This article is in German.

To read more please go to ___________________________________________________

I. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XVIII. Photography Friday: Irv Steinfink

Hindu Shavite Pilgrim, Benares, India by Irv Steinfink. Irv, who lives in Boston, has been a photographer for over forty years. If you would like to have your photography considered for***s Photography Friday, please email your jpegs to Joel Seligmann, the photography editor.

To view this magnificent photo please go to

J. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XIX. The neuroscience of happiness

New discoveries are shedding light on the activities that make us happy. An expert explains By Lucy McKeon on the Salon website on January 28, 2012.

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As the list was shorter this week, I hope that you had a chance to read the post more thoroughly this week and will be able to comment at your leisure.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde