From the Age of Anxiety to Empathy and Dramatology on from Sasha Rolde

Dear Colleagues,

Back after the APsaA meetings, while getting settled in our offices, it is comforting to see that our international psychoanalytic website continues to be a source of all that it current and relevant to us as psychoanalysts yet connects us to the world at large. My choices are again listed here, but the entire menu is rich and I urge you to scan all and pick out the posts of interest to you.

I am highlighting the following:

1) the Dangerous Method posts for those of you who have been following them.

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2) It’s Still the Age of Anxiety – or is it?

Daniel Smith poses the question well in the New York Times – well worth reading for those of us who treat anxious individuals all the time.

“Auden’s title, (“The Age of Anxiety” )though: that people know. From the moment it appeared, the phrase has been used to characterize the consciousness of our era, the awareness of everything perilous about the modern world: the degradation of the environment, nuclear energy, religious fundamentalism, threats to privacy and the family, drugs, pornography, violence, terrorism”

Click Here to Read this Article

3) Dr. Claudia Gold once again puts psychoanalytic thinking about families and thinking in the marketplace in her thoughtful article in the Boston Globe – Mothers, Babies, Psychoanalysts, Pediatricians

Click Here to Read this Article

4) Finally George Monbiot writes about the question that has been on my mind for decades of treating children in: The British boarding school remains a bastion of cruelty.

If at all interested why the British send their 7 year olds away to boarding school please read this excellent post.

Click Here to Read this Article

5) Pursuit of Happiness ? Ashis Nandy, a social theorist explores our anxious quest in a discourse worth reading.

Click Here to Read this Article

6) Prof. Michael Eisen’s insistence on open access to people of research results funded by public money seems like a step in the right ethical/moral direction.

Click Here to Read this Article

7) Please read Lacan’s view on the end and the ends of psychoanalysis.

Click Here to Read this Article

8) Jacob Arlow’s very clear paper on Empathy encompasses both its importance in human development as well as it’s place in psychoanalytic treatment. This is a must read for all.

Click Here to Read this Article

9) Zvi Lothane, a prolific writer, has enriched our website this week with 2 sensitively written papers. In his paper on Dramatology he describes the human condition and interpersonal relationships in a way that casts a new light and at the same time encompasses what poets, writers and S. Freud all tried to say. Thank you Zvi.

Click Here to Read the First Set of Articles

Click Here to Read the Second Set of Articles


Below is the full list of contents.




A. In the DANGEROUS METHOD Category:

I. Freud-Jung rivalry is analyzed in ‘A Dangerous Method’

a) Freud-Jung rivalry is analyzed in ‘A Dangerous Method’ on the stl today website.

b) Other Posts on A Dangerous Method on this website.

To read a & b) please go to ________________________________________________________

II. Strong film explores epic psychoanalytic triangle

By Cate Marquis in the St. Louis Jewish Light on January 18, 2012.

To read please go to __________________________________________________

III. Steen: Dangerous Method an interesting study at birth of psychoanalysis

a) by Susan Steen on the Kalowna Capital News website on January 17, 2012.

b) Other Posts on A Dangerous Method on this website.

To read a & b) please go to ___________________________________________________________

IV. Four Characters in search of an analyst: A Dangerous Method

reviewed by Bennett Roth Ph.D.

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V. The Birth of Psychoanalysis


a) by Ealasaid Haas on the Milpitas Post website on January 11, 2012. b) A Dangerous Method By Jeff Heinrich in the Montreal Gazzette on January 13, 2012.

c) Other posts on A Dangerous Method on this website.

To read a) , b) & c) please go to _____________________________________________________________

B. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

VI. Call for Papers for Under One Tent: Psychoanalytic Insights, Identities, and Inclusions Conference of the AAPCSW



March 14-17, 2013 Durham, North Carolina



Psychoanalysis has had a sometimes painful history of splintering into disparate, exclusive groups. Some voices have been muted, while others have been privileged. Contemporary psychoanalytic theories and techniques pull ….


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VII. AAPDP-Chulalongkorn University Medical School Dept. of Psychiatry Conference – January 25-27, 2012

A group of eleven psychiatrists, which include eight AAPDP members, will be presenting Grand Rounds in Bangkok, Thailand, invited by the Department of Psychiatry of Chulalongkorn University Medical School. Eight….

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VIII. Master Clinician Series with Richard Lasky at IPTAR

MASTER CLINICIANS Series: Presenter: Richard Lasky_

IPTAR West Conference Room_

140 West 97th Street_

March 16, Friday, 2-3:30 p.m.

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IX. Discussion of Freud’s Last Session at NYPSI




THE NEW YORK PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIETY & INSTITUTE:_Theater Series _247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028_


Mark St. Germain, Playwright,

Jack Thomas, Producer,

The Rev. Daniel Simons, Trinity Wall Street,

Dan Prezant, NYPSI_Fred Sander, NYPSI_

Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 7:30 – 9 pm,

$10 donation, RSVP (more…)

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X. CPRinc Conference Reminder

Colleagues: The CPRinc meeting is the official successor to our Academy’s winter meeting. Few of you have registered for same. Please do go to to see information about the meeting, how to register and, for out of town visitors, cultural attractions you may wish to patronize before and after the conference day.

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XI. Transitions and Anxieties with Diana Siskind, Deborah Glazer, Renee Goldman and Todd Essig at AAPCSW


in Today’s World

Saturday March 31, 2012

8:45 am – 9:30 am Registration and Breakfast

9:30 am – 1:30 pm Panel Presentation and Discussion

@ The Allen-Stevenson School

132 East 78 Street, New York, NY


Diana Siskind

The Kids are Not All Right: The impact of extreme parental permissiveness on child and adult development and on family life.

Projective Identification and Its Relationship to Narcissistic and Schizoid States with Susan Finkelstein at NYFS

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Salon Meeting of the NYFS , Committee: 27 Rue de Fleurus_Co Chairs: Debra Gill and Nancy Cromer Grayson

Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2012, Time: 8 to 9:30 pm, Location: Upper West Side “PROJECTIVE IDENTIFICATION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO NARCISSISTIC & SCHIZOID STATES”_Susan Finkelstein, LCSW

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XII. Principle of Psychosomatic Pathology with Muriel Morris & Larry Goldblatt at NYPSI




INSTITUTE:_Extension Committee

_247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028_

PRINCIPLES of PSYCHOSOMATIC PATHOLOGY:_Theory & Practice for Psychoanalysts & Psychotherapists_Muriel Morris, M.D. & Larry Goldblatt, M.D._Thursdays, 7:45 – 9:15 pm, January 19 – March 8, 2012_(8 Sessions), Fee $160

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XIII. Candidate Connection for January 2012

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XIV. Lives Across Time by Massie and Szajnberg

Lives Across Time, by Massie and Szajnberg, (Karnac, 2008) tells the life paths over thirty years of seventy-six infants. The study, initiated by Brody and colleagues in 1964 describes the infants outcomes at thirty as well as their early mothering, childhood and assessments at eighteen.

It is now available on Kindle for $9.99

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XV. The Institute of Psychoanalysis (London) – Spring 2012 events

on the n-madness website.

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C. In the ART Category:

XVI. Jane McAdam Freud: ‘How my sculpture of my father, Lucian, helped me cope with his death’

by Charlotte Cripps January 19, 2012.


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XVII. A Dramatic Enlightenment

‘The Calling of St. Matthew’ (c. 1600) by Caravaggio by Willard Spiegelman in the Wall Street Journal on January 14, 2012.

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XVIII. Eulogy for Psychoanalysis (2012)

by Hari Kunzru on her blog,

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D. In the BOOKS Category:

XIX. Open Scientific Journals

Cracking Open the Scientific Process by Thomas Lin in the New York Times on January 16, 2011.

For science, open-access online journals are jostling the

profit-making paper journals. This continues the argument that publicly funded research belongs to the people, not the publishers.

Berkeley Prof. Demands Open Access to the People on this website. Scientists argue that online publication fosters a more open form of peer review, rather than the slower-moving, more restricted nineteenth century paper journals. Further, online permits greater access to both.

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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XX. It’s Still the ‘Age of Anxiety.’ Or Is It?

By Daniel Smith on the New York Times on January 14, 2012,

To read more please go to ________________________________________________________

F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXI. Mothers, Babies, Psychoanalysts, Pediatricians

by Claudia M Gold on her Child In Mind Blog in the Boston Globe on January 16, 2012


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XXII. My So-Called Bipolar Life

a) By Jamie Stiehm in tmes on January 17, 2012 .

b) On Homeland’s Electrifying Conclusion on this website.

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XXIII. The British boarding school remains a bastion of cruelty

The British boarding school remains a bastion of cruelty: While condemning global injustices against children, we fail to examine the ethics of removing seven-year-olds from their families by George Monbiot on the website on January 16, 2012.

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XXIV. The Idea of Happiness

The Idea of Happiness By Ashis Nandy in the Economic and Political Weekly on January 14, 2012.

Jonathan House sends us this thoughtful discourse on the Happiness Industry, written by Ashis Nandy, a social theorist. He is skeptical about our “clenched teeth pursuit of happiness.” His conclusion hews closer to Freud’s more somber (or sober) view of life. Nandy starts …


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XXV. Berkeley Prof. Demands Open Access to the People

Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor:

Professor Michael Eisen, at Berkeley, insists that research paid for by the U.S. taxpayer belongs to the public. Yet, he writes that profit-making journals are trying to make the public pay twice to read the results of their funded research:

“Since 2009, the results of that research have been available free of charge …

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XXVI. Oops! Another Flawed Report on Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

More double standards and exaggerated critiques against

psychodynamic therapy by Jared DeFife on his Shrink Tank blog on the Psychology Today blogs on January 15, 2012.

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XXVII. Open Scientific Journals

Cracking Open the Scientific Process by Thomas Lin in the New York Times on January 16, 2011.

For science, open-access online journals are jostling the

profit-making paper journals. This continues the argument that publicly funded research belongs to the people, not the publishers.

Berkeley Prof. Demands Open Access to the People on this website. Scientists argue that online publication fosters a more open form of peer review, rather than the slower-moving, more restricted nineteenth century paper journals. Further, online permits greater access to both…

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________

XXVIII. What Does Lacan Say About… The End, and Ends, of a Psychoanalysis? (Part I)

on the LacanOnline website on January 15, 2012.

To read more please go to ________________________________________________________

G. In the MOVIES Category:

XXIX. A French Film Takes Issue With the Psychoanalytic Approach to Autism

a) David Jolly and Stephanie Novak in the New York Times on January 19, 2012. b) Le Mur: La Psychanalyse a L’epreuve De L’autisme on YouTube.

To read more & view, please go to _____________________________________________________________

XXX. Lights, camera, quick backflip: the eloquence of silent films

Magic moments in films rarely need words, says Nicholas Wright, as his play about Hollywood, Travelling Light, hits the stage by Nicholas Wright on the website on January 15, 2012.

Beware of the actor … Greta Garbo with Leo the MGM mascot in 1925

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XXXI. “Kill Bill”: Mastering Anxiety with Violence

I don’t like violence. I’ve gotten anxious when a fight broke out at a hockey game. How is it that I can sit enthralled watching people cut each other to ribbons in Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill?

In one sense, there is no mystery at all. Whatever our preferred psychoanalytic theory, we can agree that aggression is basic to our makeup. Films mobilize that aggression by having the bad guys do terrible things, creating a wish for revenge. Guilt is tempered with the justification that those bad guys deserve punishment and that their evil must be stopped. Similarly, there must be no grief to interfere with our enjoyment of the violence. I have heard numerous times from combat veterans that they became aware of sympathy for their victims only after finding a wallet with pictures of loved ones. The…

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H. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXII. Contributions to a panel on The Role of Empathy in the Psychoanalytic Process by Jacob Arlow

Introduction by Sheldon Goodman:

I would like to commence this introduction to Jacob Arlow’s paper on “Empathy” by picking-up on his description of the nature of empathy.

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I. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:


XXXIII. Slideshow of Pictures from the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Winter Meeting

Slideshow of Pictures from the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Winter Meeting at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City

To view please go to _________________________________________________

J. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:



XXXIV. Mass Hysteria? 12 Teen Girls Fall Ill At New York High School, New Diagnosis Made

on the Huffinton Post High School website on January 18, 2012.

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XXXV. Neural balls and strikes: Where categories live in the brain

from the Journal Neuroscience on January 15, 2012.

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The above completes this week’s posts. I hope you will enjoy them and encourage you to leave your thoughts and comments on the website as you read the posts.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde