Book Signings at IPBooks Table at the Waldorf Astoria APsaA Meetings on Saturday January 14th

Saturday January 14th:
Arnold Richards / The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud at: 10:00am
Jonathan House / Freud and the Sexual by Jean Laplanche- Special
Translation 11:00 am
Arlene Kramer Richards / The Laundryman’s Granddaughter 1:00 pm
Elizabeth Ronis / Greed: Sex, Money, Politics and Power 2:00 pm
Nathan Szajnberg / Reluctant Warriors 3:00 pm


Arnold Richards / The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud at: 10:00am
About the Book: The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud, edited by Arnold Richards, is now available here. The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud is published by McFarland Press.

Though Freud is one of the towering figures of the twentieth century, too little attention has been paid to the influence of his Jewish identity upon his life and work, particularly the impact of growing up a Jew in turn-of-the-century Vienna. The 16 essays in this volume explore the particular imbeddedness of Freud and his followers in the cultural matrix of Jewish Central and Eastern Europe. Topics covered include general, sociological, historical, and cultural issues and then turn to the personal: Freud’s education, his Jewish identity, and his thoughts about Judaism. Though a secular and ambivalent Jew, Freud’s emphasis on intellectualism and morality reveal the deep and abiding influence of European Jewish tradition upon his work.

Arnold D. Richards is a practicing psychoanalyst, the former chairman of the Board of the YIVO Institute of Jewish Research, and the former editor of the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.

Jonathan House / Freud and the Sexual by Jean Laplanche- Special
Translation 11:00 am

Arlene Kramer Richards / The Laundryman’s Granddaughter 1:00 pm

About the Book:Arlene Kramer Richards writes poetry when confronted with the most difficult aspects of life, for example, about the Holocaust, the tortures conducted in the stadium of Santiago, Chile, and about her mother’s death. She helps us reach areas of our humanity we were, perhaps, afraid to fully acknowledge and feel – Nancy Goodman.

Elizabeth Ronis / Greed: Sex, Money, Politics and Power 2:00 pm’

About the Book: Greed was central to the recent American financial debacle. The debacle destroyed many trillions of dollars of wealth across the globe and vastly diminished the status of the United States as a model for economic life. Yet our understanding of greed and how it operates has remained primitive. Greed is, however, a desire; a desire for wealth and the trappings of wealth. Now, psychoanalysis has come to the rescue. Desires are what psycho-analysis is all about. In this fascinating collection of papers, we get insights and explanations not only of the phenomenon but of many of those at the heart of the debacle who appear to have been driven by greed.

Marvin Zonis, Professor Emeritus, Booth School of Business, The University of Chicago, Co-author of Risk Rules: How Local Politics Threaten the Global Economy

Nathan Szajnberg / Reluctant Warriors 3:00 pm
About the Book:
Reluctant Warriors explores the lives of elite Israeli citizen-soldiers in action. They speak of their inner lives, how they became such a select group of fighters, what it is like to face an enemy, including the ambivalence, hesitance, as well as certitude about protecting their families, most of whom live within kilometers of the battlefield that is Israel. All these men chose to leave active military service, but continued as officers in the reserves. The author, a psychoanalyst, interviewed these soldiers over the years of the Second Intifada and Lebanese War. Each one had some family member or friend killed. They speak and want to be heard. The real action for these men is their inner reactions: fears and hopes and memories that will not rest.

A searing account of the pre-army lives and army experiences of . . . mostly kibbutz-raised Israeli soldiers, recounted with a tender love and a disciplined discernment that brings the reader to a distinctive combination of passionate identifications and objective understandings of the unique transformations from adolescence into a matured adulthood that marks the Israeli . . . experience.

– Robert S. Wallerstein, M.D.
Emeritus Professor, UCSF and former Chair of Psychiatry, UCSF.
Former President of the International Psychoanalytic Association.