Trauma, success/happiness/longevity, anarchism/sexuality, science and fraud from Sasha Rolde

Dear colleagues,

First of all, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have thanked me in so many ways for sending you these posts from the international psychoanalytic website every week. For me your comments make this challenging task worthwhile for me, as it again underscores the value of psychoanalytically oriented writing and reading for all of us. Not only am I glad to do it, but am encouraged by the results *** namely your continued and increasing readership.

As before, I have not included previously posted ANNOUNCEMENTS, but hope that you will glance at the category to check in case there is an event that you would like to attend.

In terms of my choices I would recommend:

1) that you read again

A Soldier***s Self- Cannibalization: Moral Injury*** Introduction by Nathan Szajnberg, MD of Amit Goldenberg, B.A.,Hebrew University; Former Soldier, Israel Defense Forces

In my opinion a second reading revealed for me a new way of looking at PTSD in general and some of our guilt ridden patients in particular:

Mr Goldbers states:

***Shay defines it as ***a soul-wound inflicted by doing something that violates one***s own ethics, ideals or attachments.*** While the predominant painful emotions in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are fear, horror and helplessness, the emotions experienced in moral injury are often guilt, shame and anger. ***

Click Here to Read this Article 

2) that you listen to and view the Video ***Sigmund Freud Exploring the Unconscious*** *** a superlative yet simple tool to reintroduce our fundamental principles to society which now both takes them for granted and yet they seem to have been forgotten in our very midst. Viz DSM5

Click Here to Read This Article

3) that you consider all the books listed but especially Anarchism and Sexuality:

***Anarchism and Sexuality is a post-anarchist collection of perspectives on the intersections of ethics, power and relationships. Post-anarchism treats the core emphases of anarchist critique (an emphasis on the value of human freedom commitment to equality and suspicion of all forms of power and dominance) from a theoretical framework influenced by Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction and Michel Foucault.***

In her preface, Judy Greenway states “If there is one thing that unites fundamentalists and bigots of all persuasions, it is their attachment to the so-called ‘natural order’ of sex and gender hierarchy, and their horror of those who threaten it. In this world view, sexual liberation is a variation on anarchism”

Click Here to Read This Article

4) that you discover research on entrepreneurs and their ***happiness*** vs. their success.

Click Here to Read This Article

5) that you try to acquaint yourselves on the latest in the DSM5 controversies

Click Here to Read This Article

6) that you notice the Psychoanalysis and Autism-neuroanalytical advances post *** very interesting to child analysts.

Click Here to Read This Article

7) that you evaluate the kids*** Halloween costumes for neurosis

Click Here to Read This Article

Below is this weeks table of contents:


A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. November Insight: Division 39 Enews

November issue.

To read more please go to ________________________________________________________


II. Call for Papers for Under One Tent: AAPCSW Conference March 2013


March 14-17, 2013

Marriott Durham / Durham Convention Center***Durham, North Carolina

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


B. In the ART Category:

III. Rosamond Bernier with Phong Bui

by Phong Bui onthe Daily Rail website.

Portrait of the Rosamond Bernier. Pencil on paper by Phong Bui.

To read more and view, please go to ________________________________________________________________

C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

IV. Sigmund Freud Exploring the Unconcious

3 videos on the Science Dump website.

To read more and view, please go to _____________________________________________________________

V. Decoding the Brain***s Cacophony

a) Video of Michael Gazzaniga on the New York Times website on October 31, 2011 b)Decoding the Brain***s Cacophony By Benedict Carey in the New York Times on October 31, 2011.

To read more and view, please go to _________________________________________________________________

D. In the BOOKS Category:

VI. Jonathan Kay on the Freudian roots of Shakespeare***s doubters

by Jonathan Kay in the National Post on November 3, 2011.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


VII. Saul Bellow: A Jewish Writer in America

a) A talk by Saul Bellow from 1988 in the New York Review of Books on October 27, 2011.

b) Part II of this talk.

To read a) & b) please go to _______________________________________________________


VIII. A Dangerous Method by John Kerr

reviewed on the BC Books website on October 30, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


IX. Anarchism & Sexuality: Ethics, Relationships and Power

by Jamie Heckert and Richard Cleminson (Editors) Reviewed by Michael Larson

To read more please go to ________________________________________________________


X. All in the Mind, A Novel

by Alastair Campbell, Reviewed by Rossitsa Terzieva-Artemis, PhD on the Metapsychology Reviews website.

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XI. David Tuckett***s ***Minding The Markets***


*********Book Review of David Tuckett***s ***Minding The Markets******Reviewed by

Brenda Jubin ont he Seeking Alpha website on October 28, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XII. America***s Exploding Pipe Dream

By Charles M. Blow in the New York Times on October 28, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XIII. The Generation-X Survey: Those Kids Really Are Alright

by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on October 31, 2011.

To read more please go to ________________________________________________________


XIV. Success Launching a Tech Company Can Bring Happiness, But Not Always

by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on October 30, 2011.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


XV. Herman Cain***s Smoking Ad Undermines Public Health

by Todd Essig on the Forbes website on October 28, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


XVI. The Last Words Of 25 Geniuses

by Mike Hayes on the BuzzFeed website on November 1, 2011.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


XVII. DSM 5 Against Everyone Else

Its Research Types Just Don***t Understand The Clinical World by Allen J. Frances, M.D. in his DSM5 in Distress on the Psychology Today blogs on November 1, 2011.

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XVIII. Response to the American Psychiatric Association: DSM V Development

from the British Psychological Society.

To read more please go to ________________________________________________________


XIX. On the ***happiness policy***

on the Dehb: The Day Weekly Digest website on October 3, 2011. A Young, Happy Couple in a Free Independent Ukraine

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


XX. Death Row in Pennsylvania

Editorial the New York Times on October 28, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


XXI. IAPSP Conference Reflections

by Doris Brothers on the IAPSP website.

To read more please go to _____________________________________________________________

XXII. The neuroscience of psychotherapy *** talking to the ghost in the machine

by zenofelea on the Hubpages website.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


XXIII. The Twilight Saga and The Redemptive Power of Love

By Tamara McClintock Greenberg, Psy.D. on the PsychCentral website.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


XXIV. Open Letter to the DSM-5

on the Ipetitions website.

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XXV. The Neuroses of New York

75 Years Ago, Karen Horney (a New Yorker) Named 10 Forms of Nuttiness; Time for an Update!

By Paula Froelich in the New York Observer on October 25, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


XXVI. Psychoanalytic Psychology and the APA: Part I

Psychoanalytic Psychology and the APA: Part I on the Chimney Sweeping blog of Division 39 of the APA.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


G. In the MOVIES Category:

XXVI. When the War Was Over

Poster for When the War Was Over, a film by Barbara Probst Solomon at Montclair University, Monclair, New Jersey

on Tuesday November 8th at 10am to 11:15am.

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XXVII. Hidden Battles, Film at IPTAR

film to be shown at IPTAR

140 West 97th Street

on December 3rd, 2011, 2 pm to 4pm.

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XXVIII. Cronenberg, Fassbender, Hampton Analyze A Dangerous Method

a) Cronenberg, Fassbender, Hampton Analyze A Dangerous Method on the Spinoff website on November 1st, 2011.

b) A Dangerous Method by John Kerr on this website.

c) A Dangerous Method Press Conference and other posts on A Dangerous Method on this website.

To read a),b) & c) please go to __________________________________________________________

H. In the OBITUARIES Category:

XXIX. Paul A. Dewald: psychoanalyst, teacher

By Robert W. Duffz on the St. Louis Beacon website on November 3, 2011.

To read more please go to _____________________________________________________


I. In the ORAL HISTORY Category:

XXX. Dining with Anna Freud

By Isaac Tylim in the Buenos Aires Hearld on October 16, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


J. In the PAPERS Category:

XXXI. A Soldier***s Self- Cannibalization: Moral Injury Introduction by Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

My privilege to introduce Amit Goldenberg with his thoughtful and heart-felt contribution to Mr. Goldenberg was my student at the Hebrew University and wrote his Honors Thesis based on interviewing all the surviving members of his elite Special Forces Unit. None had ever spoken to a therapist; all spoke with him, their comrade-in-arms. Mr Goldenberg is also a journalist***

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


K. In the PHOTOGRAPHY Category:

XXXII. Sigmund Freud psychology

on the Largan Photo blog.

To view please go to


XXXIII. Photography Friday: Deborah Olesh

Taken recently at Lake Celeste in Garrison, NY


To view please go to ___________________________________________________________________________________________

L. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:


XXXIV. Psychologist admits faking data in dozens of studies

by Peter Aldhous on the New Scientist website on November 2, 2011.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


XXXV. Psychoanalysis and autism *** neuro-analytical advances

By zenofelea on the Hub Pages website.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


M. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:


XXXVI. Happiness linked to longer life

By Amanda MacMillan on the website on October 31, 2011.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


XXXVII. 10 Psychologically Disturbed Halloween Costume Choices

by Jared DeFife, Ph.D. on the The Shrink Tank blog on the Psychology Today blogs on October 19, 2011.

To read more please go to ______________________________________________________


XXXVIII. The Ghosts of Oxford County

By Bruce Urquhart on the Sentinel-Review website on October 31, 2011.

To read more please go to _______________________________________________________


Having read this week***s posts, I hope you found some educational, some controversial and some just plain entertaining and that you wrote your comments on the website *** thank you.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde