Facebook & grey matter, ‘training’ or formation” from Sasha Rolde

Dear Colleagues,

It is always difficult to pick out posts salient to me and our current analytic climate, but given the latest discussions related to our upcoming elections, I thought I would focus on some posts most relevant to our work and our professional standing. My choices are the following:

1) How our self analysis influences the analysis of our patient ( as opposed to countertransference has always interested me. The topic is going to be discussed by Kenneth Frank at NIP *** See ‘Strangers to Ourselves’ –
***Analysts*** achievement of self-awareness is discussed with a particular focus on our intrinsic relationality, and on mentalization, self-reflexivity, and therapeutic action. Illustrative case material is discussed.***
Click Here to Read This Article

2) An interesting approach to how one becomes an analyst is going to be explored at The New School for Social Research in NYC entitled Act and Transmission: On Formation in Psychoanalysis. To whet my appetite and hopefully yours:

***In the English-speaking tradition, becoming an analyst has been referred to as the training of an analyst. The notion of ***training*** reveals and conveys a misunderstanding of the trajectory proper to the ***formation*** of the analyst, a misunderstanding of both the clinical act and its transmission***
Click Here to Read This Article

3) The issue of insurers paying for eating disorders*** treatment and bullying and its toll also seem timely.

Click Here to Read The Article on Eating Disorders
Click Here to Read the Article on Bullying

4 Rafah Nached continues to be incarcerated *** please read and advocate.
Click Here to Read This Article

Below is the menu for the website:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Strangers to Ourselves with Kenneth A. Frank at NIP

NIP PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION***2011-2012 FOCUS SERIES***Sunday, October 30th, 11:00 AM -1:30 PM
Strangers to Ourselves: Exploring the Limits and Potentials of the Analyst***s Self Awareness in Self and Mutual Analysis***Presenter: Kenneth A. Frank, PhD***Discussant: Steven Kuchuck, LCSW

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II. How Race Matters at WCSPP

Saturday, November 19, 2011 from 9:30 AM *** 3:30 PM***The Conference Committee of the Westchester Center is proud to announce our Annual Conference.
The conference is entitled, How Race Matters. It will engage our community in active exploration of the presence and significance of race in clinical work

For the Registration Brochure, to register, and to read more please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/
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III. Maternal Functioning and its Consequences on Early Psychic Life with Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, at NYPSI

Wednesday, November 2, 2011 8:30 p.m.Free*** Maternal Functioning and its Consequences on Early Psychic Life*** Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, M.D., Ph.D.

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IV. NAAP Conference on Trauma and Resilience

a) NAAP Conference on Trauma and Resilience on October 22, 2011 in New York City.
b) The NAAP Website

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V. Act and Transmission: On Formation in Psychoanalysis

Apres Coup Conference at the New School for Social Research on October 28-30, 2011.

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B. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

VI. The Changing Face of Feminist Psychology

Video on the Psychology Feminist Voices website.

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C. In the BOOKS Category:

VII. The mind in pieces
Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

The mind in pieces: Review of What Is Madness? by Darian Leader, reviewed by Carlo Gebler in the Irish Times on October 22, 2011.
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VIII. Hatred and Forgiveness by Julia Kristeva

Reviewed by Kerrin A. Jacobs, Ph.D. on the MetaPsychology Reviews website.
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IX. C.G. Jung and His Jewish Colleague, James Kirsch: An
Extraordinary Exchange
by Thomas M. Singer on the Huffington Post Books website on October 18, 2011.
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X. On Paedophilia by Cosimo Schinaia
Review of On Paedophilia by Cosimo Schinaia, Reviewed by Terry Burridge on the Metapsychology Reviews website.

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XI. A missing father is key to Hisham Matar***s erotic ***Anatomy of a Disappearance***

***by Philip Metres in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on October 18, 2011.
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XII. A Girl Not Named Sybil

By Debbie Nathan In The New York Times Magazine on October 14, 2011.
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XIII. Happy Birthday Sylvia Brody!

Sylvia Brody***s birthday was on Friday, October 14th. She is 98 years old. We are currently offering her book, Beginning to Grow: Five Studies, on IPBooks.net.

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For a description of the books, see below:

Beginning to Grow: Five Studies describes work with five children from infancy to maturity at age 18. The children***s growth is traced with regard in terms of

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XIV. Comments on the Psychoanalytic Curriculum by Jacob Arlow

a) Comments on the Psychoanalytic Curriculum by Jacob Arlow. b) Selected Papers by Jack Arlow on this website.

To read a) & b) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ ______________________________________


XV. The Toys Are Gone, but It***s Still Home

By Constance Rosenblum in The New York TImes on October 21, 2011

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XVI. Moral Issues Behind iPhone and Its Makers

by Charles Isherwood in the New York Times on October 17, 2011.

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E. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XVII. Who You Are

By David Brooks in the New York Times on October 20, 2011.

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XVIII. Should Insurers Pay for Eating Disorders?

Discussion by Sally Satel, Michael D. Tanner, Colleen L. Berry and Richard G. Frank in the New York Times on October 15, 2011. Jeanene Harlick won a lawsuit against her insurance provider, forcing it to pay for residential treatment for her anorexia.

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XIX. The Bleakness of the Bullied

By Charles M. Blow in the New York Times on October 14, 2011.

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F. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XX. Elegy for Qaddafi

by Andrew Solomon in the New Yorker Magazine on October 21, 2011.

XXI. NYPSI named as one of ***The 20 best lecture series and spots*** in the city

By Amanda Angel, Andrew Frisicano and Amy Plitt on the Time Out New York website on October 5, 2011.

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XXII. Inside the Mind of a War Vet
by Helen Davey on the AOL Healthy Living. Mond website on October 18, 2011.
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XXIII. Why Obama***s Actions Don***t Always Live Up To His Words
By Justin Frank in the Time Magazine Ideas website on October 19, 2011. President Obama addresses a North Carolina crowd on Oct. 17 while promoting the American Jobs Act during his three-day bus tour.
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XXIV. He***s Back: Freddy Crews Claws Freud

*** by George Makari, M.D. on his Revolution in Mind blog on the Psychology Today blogs on October 12, 2011.

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XXV. Each Family, Tortured in Its Own Way

by Charles Isherwood in the New York Times on October 20, 2011.
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XXVI. Treating Young Children for ADHD
with Dr. Mark Wolraich, Dr. Mark Batshaw, Rick Ostrander, and Dr. Claudia Gold on the WAMU Radio website on OCtober 19, 2011.
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XXVII. Help Wanted: a Good Therapist

by Melinda Beck in the Wall Street Journal on October 18, 2011.
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XXVIII. Cocaine***s Historical Ties to Rubber Gloves, Beverages, Freud***s Nightmares
By Jason Kane on the PBS News Hour website on October 17, 2011.
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XXIX. Sigmund Freud and the Moral Importance of Emotional Transparency
by David Zahl on the Mockingbird website on October 14, 2011.
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XXX. The Psychology of Occupy Wall Street

a) The Psychology of Occupy Wall Street By John M. Grohol, PsyD on the PsychCentral Website.
b) The Contrasting Psychologies of ***Occupy Wall Street*** and the ***Tea Party***by Todd Essign on this website.

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XXXI. Is Stuttering Biological or Psychological?

by Peter Wolson on the AOL Health Blog on October 16, 2011 . To read more please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ ______________________________________
XXXII. A Framing Memo for Occupy Wall Street
By George Lakoff, on the Reader Supported News website on October 19, 2011. To read more please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ ______________________________________

XXXIII. Slavoj **i**ek & A Buddhist Perspective on Occupy Wall Street
Remaining Human: A Buddhist Perspective on Occupy Wall Street by Michael Steone in the Elephant on October 12, 2011.

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XXXIV. Incarc**ration de Rafah Nached, psychanalyste syrienne
SOCI**T** PSYCHANALYTIQUE DE PARIS***Association Reconnue d***Utilit** Publique *** D**cret du 8 ao**t 1997***187, rue Saint-Jacques *** 75005 Paris T**l. 01 43 29 66 70
T**l**copie : 01 44 07 07 44 Email :
spp@spp.asso.fr*** ***Paris, le 13 octobre 2011***Incarc**ration de Rafah Nached, psychanalyste syrienne*** ***Bernard Chervet***Pr**sident de la SPP XXXIV

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XXXV. The Contrasting Psychologies of ***Occupy Wall Street*** and the ***Tea Party***
a) by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on October 16, 2011. b) The Psychology of Occupy Wall Street by John M. Grohol on this website.
To read a) & b) please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ ______________________________________

G. In the MOVIES Category:

XXXVI. ***North by Northwest***: The Un-Oedipal Narrative

by Will Clingan on the Pop Matters website on October 20, 2011.

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H. In the MUSIC Category:

XXXVII. Dazzle welcomes a jazz legend: an exclusive interview with guitarist Jim Hall

******by Rob Johnso in , Denver Jazz Music Examiner on October 16, 2011.
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I. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXIII. Facebook Popularity Linked to Brain Structure

Study finds people with more online friends have more grey matter in several brain regions By Will Oremus on the Slatest website on October 19, 2011.

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XXXIV. Is the Brain Good at What It Does?

By Christopher Chyabris in The New York Time. on October 14, 2011.
To read more please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ ______________________________________

J. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

Widening the Scope: Making Psychoanalysis More Central to Society by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

Widening the Scope: Making Psychoanalysis More Central to Society***by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
Last week, I gave Professor Marianne Leutzinger-Bohleber***s overview of psychoanalytic research approaches. This week, she speaks directly. It is a powerful voice

To read more please go to http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/ ______________________________________

This was a very full week for the website as well as for the world. I hope you had a chance to read most of the posts and write your comments. Thank you for being loyal readers.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde
