Intimidation, Framing (Crime or War?), trauma, & our future on from Sasha Rolde

Dear Colleagues:

Along with the country remembering the terrible events of 9/11, there is a multitude of posts this week which include the same concerns *** and covering dissociation & trauma and societal history as well as that of psychoanalysis.

In keeping with the occasion, I include these in my recommendations:

1) for those who can attend, NYFS will have a scientific program on September 23 on Dissociation in a Post 9/11 /World (Ira Brenner, M.D.) I wish I could be there. Click Here to Read This Article

2) All Worth reading in the BOOKS Category, you will find
a) an abstract on the Life and Death of Psychoanalysis Ethics,
Click Here to Read this Article
b) 100 years of the IPA
Click Here to Read this Article
c) an op-ed piece by Dr. Alma H. Bond on Jackie O.
Click Here to Read this Article

3) 9/11, Intimidation via Framing By by George Lakoff
Click Here to Read This Article 

4) What We Affirm: Leon Wieseltier***s Remarks at ***9/11: An Evening of Remembrance and Reflection*** from the New Republic.
Click Here to Read This Article 

5) A Nation Recovers by Eugene Mahon
Click Here to Read This Article 

6) *** A Yale Psychologist recommends an End of Individual Psychotherapy*** by Maia Szalavitz in Time Magazine is a clear example of what we are up against.
Click Here to Read This Article 

7) Off the Radar Screen by Douglas Kirsner covers a lot of ground *** can we identify?
Click Here to Read This Article 

8) Crisis Intervention After Major Disasters *** written in response to the 12/1999 floods in Venezuela killing 50,000 people and leaving 500,000 homeless and psychologically traumatized *** is very apt for the world that we are experiencing in the recent years.
Click Here to Read This Article 

Below is a list of current new posts:

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. Neuropsychoanalysis *** How can we practice such a transdisciplinary
enterprise? with George Northoff at NYPSI


Arnold Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis

247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028
Saturday: October 1, 2011 10 am *** 12 pm***Georg Northoff, MD, PhD, PhD

Canada Research Chair for Mind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics Michael
Smith Chair for Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Professor, Depts
of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Philosophy at the University of Ottawa
will receive
and speak on***Neuropsychoanalysis *** How can we practice such a
transdisciplinary enterprise?

To read more, please go to

II. In Conversion with Joyce Carol Oates at NYPSI


Centennial Conversations Program
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028
The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute***presents Dr. Lois
Oppenheim in***conversation with***
Joyce Carol Oates***Friday, October 28, 2011 ***7:30 PM
***$25 per person (or $10 with valid student ID

To read more, please go to

III. Dissociation in a Post 9/11 World at NYFS

New York Freudian Society***Scientific Program
Friday, September 23, 2011***8:30-10:00 pm
***Mt. Sinai Medical Center***Hatch Auditorium,
Madison Ave @ 100th Street
Admission is free and no reservations are required.

Dissociation in a Post 9/11 World*** (Ira Brenner, MD)

To read more, please go to

IV. Relational Analysis 101 At FORS


A chapter of the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American
Psychological Association presents a free introductory level workshop
for interested persons

RELATIONAL ANALYSIS 101:******What is going on in the client? What is
going on in the therapist?***What is each stimulating and responding to
in the other?******Bill Player, Ph.D.

To read more, please go to

V. *** Conversation with Joyce Carol Oates at NYPS

CALENDAR / EVENT LISTING*** Photo credit for author headshot: Charles Gross

When:***Friday, October 28, 2011***7:30pm
***What:***The New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, in
celebration of the Centenary of its Society, continues its popular
***Conversations with***.*** series and is pleased to present Dr. Lois
Oppenheim in discussion with award-winning author Joyce Carol Oates,
who will reflect on her creative process and career. A book signing
will follow.
How:***$ 25 per person***$ 10 for students with valid ID
RSVP to 212-879-6900 or

To read more, please go to

VI. Off the Couch: Magazine of Psychoanalysis and Culture
Volume 1 Issue 3.

To read more, please go to

VII. The Candidate Connection

Newsletter of the APsaA Candidates Council.

To read more, please go to

VIII. Dallas Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology

2011-2012 DSPP Program Year
Introduction Impasse in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.

To read more, please go to

B. In the BOOKS Category:

IX. Abstract: The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis Ethics in Adorno,
Lacan, Badiou By Jamieson Webster

Abstract: The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis Ethics in Adorno,
Lacan, Badiou By Jamieson Webster
Advisors: Dr. Lissa Weinstein, Dr. Elliot Jurist, Dr. David
Lichtenstein, Dr. Angelica***Nuzzo, and Dr. Jean-Michel Rabate
After over a century since its inception, psychoanalysis as a clinical
discipline is facing a crisis of legitimacy.
The Life and Death of by Jamieson Webster on

To read more, & to purchase, please go to

X. 100 Years of the IPA

Announcement for the Book: 100 Years of the IPA, Edited by Peter
Loewenberg and Nellie L. Thompson, on the IPA website.

To read more, please go to

XI. Alma Bond on Jackie O.

***Noted Bancroft Press Author Believes There***s Nothing New in Jackie
Kennedy Interviews***BALTIMORE***(BUSINESS WIRE)*** The following is an
op-ed piece by Dr. Alma H. Bond, a longtime New York City
psychoanalyst and noted author of Jackie O: On the Couch, which was
released by Bancroft Press

To read more, please go to

C. In the EDITORIALS Caategory:

XII. 9/11, Intimidation via Framing

By by George Lakoff on Reader Supported News website on September 11, 2011.

To read more, please go to

XIII. What We Affirm: Leon Wieseltier***s Remarks at ***9/11: An Evening
of Remembrance and Reflection***

What We Affirm: Leon Wieseltier***s Remarks at ***9/11: An Evening of
Remembrance and Reflection*** from the New Republic. in partnership
with the Kennedy Center and the Pentagon, commemorated the tenth
anniversary of September 11, 2001. The event (which can be viewed in
its entirety here) was***

To read more, please go to

D. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XIV. A Yale Psychologist Calls for the End of Individual Psychotherapy

Q&A: A Yale Psychologist Calls for the End of Individual
Psychotherapy By Maia Szalavitz in Time Magazine on September 13,

To read more, please go to

XV. The Methuselah Complex

************By H. Steven Moffic, MD in the Psychiatric Times on
September 12, 2011.

To read more, please go to

XVI. Has Your Therapist Been to Therapy?

By Tara Parker-Pope in The New York Times on September 13, 2011

To read more, please go to

XVII. Abuse of Xanax Leads a Clinic to Halt Supply

by Abby Goodnough in the New York Times on September 14, 2011.

To read more, please go to

XVIII. The Doctor is Out (Of Touch)

by Jack Drescher on HRC Back Story website on September 13th, 2011.

To read more, please go to

XIX. Christians in China: Is the country in spiritual crisis?

By Tim Gardam on September 11, 2011.

To read more, please go to

XX. 9/11/01-9/11/11: A Nation Recovers by Eugene Mahon
published in the Southampton Press on Thursday September 8, 2011.

On September 11, 2001, not long after the planes crashed into the
twin towers, two Long Island four year olds immersed in their nursery
school activities were overheard having the following remarkable
Ryan: *** Eve, did you hear that a plane crashed into one of the towers?***
Eve: ***No, Ryan. Two planes crashed into two towers. Bad people did it.
But our president is going to take care of it. And if he doesn***t, I

To read more, please go to

E. In the MOVIES Category:

XXI. ***Hysteria*** Is The Vibrator Comedy Movie You Can Watch With Your Mom

by Kevin Jagernauth on the Indie Wire website on September 14, 2011.

To read more, please go to

XXII. Analyzing the Analysis in ***The King***s Speech***

*********The King***s Speech was met with a great deal of excitement when it
came out this past winter. I think this may have been particularly
true in the analytic and therapeutic community. It is, after all,
about a therapy and more importantly about a therapeutic relationship.
Although the therapy is speech therapy, it is very specifically a form
of speech therapy that focuses deliberately on personal dynamics and,
with less conscious intent, on transference-countertransference

To read more, please go to

XXIII. Slavoj **i**ek***s Freudian Analysis of the Marx Brothers
on the appliedbrilliance website on Septermber 14, 2011.

To read more, please go to

XXIV. Toronto Diary: Fears, Freud And At Least One Woman With Grace
Kelly Issues

a) Toronto Diary: Fears, Freud And At Least One Woman With Grace
Kelly Issues by Raj Ranade on the Monkey See website on September 12,
b) Cronenberg on switching gears for ***A Dangerous Method*** and other
posts about the movie on this website.

To read a) & b) please go to

XXV. Cronenberg on switching gears for ***A Dangerous Method***

a) A Dangerous Method*** Premieres at TIFF Cronenberg explores the
roots of psychoanalysis By Ryan Moffat in the Epoch Times on September
12, 2011.
b) Knightley stars in film on birth of Pychoanalysis Cronenberg
talks about runaway actors By Jim Slotek on the Toronto Sun webstie
on September 11, 2011.
c) Cronenberg on switching gears for ***A Dangerous Method*** by Liam
Lacey in the Globe and Mail on September 11, 2011.
d) Knightley stars in film on birth of psychoanalysis and other
posts on A Dangerous Method on this website.

To read a), b), c) & d) , please go to

XXVI. ***Anonymous*** Director Believes Shakespeare Was ***A Fraud***
a) ***Anonymous*** Director Believes Shakespeare Was ***A Fraud*** by Josh
Wigler on the MTV News website on September 09 2011.

b) Anonymous Movie Trailer on the MovieNewz website on April , 2011.
c) Justice Stevens Renders an Opinion on Who Wrote Shakespeare***s
Plays and other articles on Shakepease***s authorship on this website.

To read a), b) & c), please go to

F. In the ORAL HISTORY Category:

XXVII. Alma Bond Interview with Eleanor Galenson about Margaret Mahler

******..I have many of the same feelings Margaret had about people. That***
s what made Mahler*** s work so extraordinary. She spent hours looking
at normal children, which child analysts never did. It was not part of
analytic training. It still isn*** t. We tried for many years to get an
observational nursery, we had the money, knew people who would support
it, but they weren*** t interested.******

To read more, please go to

G. In the PAPERS Category:

XXVIII. Freud***s Gruesome Dream, Dissecting My Own Pelvis

by Robert L. Lippman, Ph.D. This paper is previously unpublished.

To read more, please go to

XXIX. The Lacanian Movement in France by David James Fisher with
Introduction by Nathan Szajnberg

Lacan in Context: Fashioning Psychoanalysis in France*** N. Szajnberg,
MD: Introduction to D. J. Fisher***s overview of Lacan
a) Bobby Paul s article in framed how cultures color
psychoanalysis. He writes as a psychoanalyst and cultural
b) This week, David James Fisher, a cultural historian and
psychoanalyst, reviews Lacan***s influence on French psychoanalysis.

To read a) & b), please go to

XXX. Off the Radar Screen by Douglas Kirsner

a) Off the Radar Screen by Douglas Kirsner.

******I have noticed a peculiarity in psychoanalysis that is more akin to
conventional religions and anthropology than to science and clinical
practice. Certain groups (those within the International
Psychoanalytic Association) are deemed acceptable, while others (those
who claim to work analytically but are outside the IPA institutes) are
shunned as though they did not exist. Instead of being noted or
counted even as inferior, they are not viewed as part of the terrain
at all. They are part of the Dark Continent, the terra nullius that
exists ***off the map***. They are ***off the radar screen***, the other that
is only adverted to through exclusion (***We are the only authorised
analysts*** implies that others illicitly claim analytic status).***

b) Saving Psychoanalysts: Ernest Jones and the Isakowers by Douglas
Kirsner on this website.
c) Politics Masquerading as Science: Ralph Greenson, Anna Freud, and
the Klein Wars by Douglas Kirsner on this website.
d) Review of Charles B. Strozier***s Book: Heinz Kohut, The Making of a
Psychoanalyst, Reviewed by Douglas Kirsner on this website.
e)Life Among the Analysts by Douglas Kirsner on this website.
f)Excerpts From Unfree Associations: Updated Edition by Douglas
Kirsner on this website.
g) Illusion and the stock market crash by Douglas Kirsner on this website.
h) Psychoanalysis Gone Wrong?: My Life in Theory by Leo Rangell
reviewed by Douglas Kirsner on this website.

To read a) to h) please go to

XXXI. Dreams of a Truncated Bonsai by Dr. Ramon A. Mon

by Dr. Ramon A. Mon (Panam**)

To read more, please go to

XXXII. Crisis Intervention After Major Disasters by Daniel Benveniste

This paper was previously published on Carter-Jenkins Center website.

To read more, please go to

XXXIII. Psychoanalysts on the Couch: Evolved Archetypal Sources of
Analytic Intransigence by Robert Langs

To read more, please go to

G. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

XXXIV. The Climate Reality Project

a) The Climate Reality Project website.
b) Other Events Occuring ***New Normal*** Video.

To read a) & b), please go to

H. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

XXXV. Victor Jara (1932***1973) He died on September 16 1973.

a)Biography of Victor Jara from the
Encyclopedia of World Biography.
b))Victor Jara Singing Cigarrito on YouTube.
c) Arlo Guthrie Sings a Song About Victor Jara.
d) to Someone Who Said It Was Necessary, Poem about
Victor Jara by Arlene Kramer Richards.
To read a) to d) please go to

e) The Laundryman***s Grandaughter, A Book of Poetry by Arlene Kramer
Richards including the poem above.

To purchase please go to http://

Please do not forget to post your comments on the website after you
have read the posts of your choice. We anticipate your thoughts.
Thank you for being such avid readers and generous with your

Respectully submitted by

Sasha Rolde