Arnold Cooper Obituary

Click Here to View:  Sigourney Award Recipient Arnold M. Cooper on Video on this website.

Click Here to Read:  Introduction to Anna Ornstein’s Plenary by Arnold Cooper

Click Here to Read: American Psychoanalysis Today: A Plurality of Orthodoxies by Arnold. M. Cooper on this website.


We mourn the loss of a most special dear friend and unique colleague, Dr. Arnold Cooper, professor of psychiatry at Cornell University Medical College from 1974 to 1992. As associate chairman for education and director of training in the Department of Psychiatry of the former New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, he shaped the experience of every medical student and resident during that period. They, along with his colleagues, patients and friends, loved him for his brilliant mind, his empathy and compassion, his creativity and his commitment to them. Dr. Cooper was an internationally recognized leader in psychoanalysis, a training analyst at Columbia University, a past-president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, a past president of the International Psychoanalytic Association, and a winner of the Sigourney Award. He was a distinguished scholar, past North American editor of The International Journal of Psychoanalysis and past deputy editor of The American Journal of Psychiatry. Perhaps most important, Dr. Cooper provided the role model of the ideal psychiatrist for the many who followed in his footsteps. We offer our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Katherine Adleman, and his entire family. A memorial service will be held on Friday, June 17, at 10am, at Riverside Chapel, 180 West 76th Street at Amsterdam Avenue in New York City. Dr. Antonio M. Gotto Jr., Dean, Weill Cornell Medical College; Dr. Herbert Pardes President and CEO, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital; Dr. Jack Barchas Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, NewYork- Presbyterian/Weill Cornell; Dr. Robert Michels Former Dean, Weill Cornell Medical College, Former Chairman of Psychiatry, NewYork- Presbyterian/Weill Cornell.