Sexual Boundary Violations: Their Reverberating Impacts at APM

The monthly meeting of the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine will be held at the New York Academy of Medicine, 2 East 103rd Street, New York City, on TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2011, at 800 p.m.


John Munder Ross, Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology in Psychiatry, the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Supervising and Training Analyst, The Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research

Eleanor Schuker, M.D.
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Supervising and Training Analyst, The Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research

Andrea Celenza, Ph.D.
Faculty, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute &
Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis

Sexual boundary violations in the psychiatric setting impact not only the patients and analysts directly involved, but also families, colleagues and other patients. All too often, complex societal, institutional and legal responses result in disavowal and silencing of open discussion, thus intensifying the rippling effects of these traumas. These breaches in trust and propriety, veiled in secrecy, have plagued our field throughout the first hundred years of its history. The program tonight will lead off with material from a long productive analysis of a mental health professional who nonetheless returned to treatment in crisis, having begun a boundary violation with a patient. Clinical aspects of this and similar cases will be discussed, as well as historical and current institutional contributors to boundary violations.

Educational objectives:

After attending this presentation, the participant will:

1. Have a greater understanding of historical and institutional factors which have served to smother discussion and understanding of boundary violations.

2. Have an enhanced clinical appreciation for etiologic factors contributing to such violations, as well as for suggested clinical strategies.

Jules Kerman, M.D., Ph.D.

Edith Cooper, Ph.D.

Edward Kenny, M.D.
Chair, Program Committee