Libidinal Landscapes, Analysts and Fathers with Lora Heims Tessman at the APsaA San Francisco Meetings

ApsaA SF meetings:               Group 33, June 9 at 2-4 p.m.
Libidinal Landscapes, Analysts and Fathers   
Chair: Alan Pollack, MD        Presenter: Lora Heims Tessman, Ph.D. 

How does the analyst’s libidinal landscape, his personal view of the meanings of love, affect his approach to treatment? Five variations in libidinal landscape are discussed in relation to their impact on treatment. To illustrate, one training analyst’s reactions to male and female analysands’ yearnings and shames are viewed in the light of his own father’s communications to him.

Alan Pollack was a former Book Review Editor of the journal: Neuropsychoanalysis and is Cochair of the Program in psychoanalytic studies at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. 
Lora Heims Tessman is the author of: The Analyst’s Analyst Within, Children of Parting Parents, and Hoping Children Cope with Parting Parents.