Psychoanalysis in Action Seminars the Psychoanalytic Institute at NYU

Come to an informal Saturday morning seminar series to consider
Institute faculty and candidates talk about their experience using psychoanalysis as a tool for understanding and treating their patients

Saturdays, 11:45 a.m.—1:15 p.m.     $25 per seminar    
You may pay online or at the door.           Coffee and bagels offered.
CME credit available. See for disclosure statement.

January 8:  Chap Attwell, MD     Personal Treatment Makes you a Better Therapist   When we commit ourselves to our own psychotherapy or psychoanalysis we gain insights into our motivations, feelings and reactions which blend personal and professional worlds to enhance  the patient’s experience and outcome. Chap Attwell is a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU School of Medicine and a member of the Institute Faculty.

January 22:  Rajiv Gulati, MD     About Dreams: What Use Can We Make of Them?  Using a clinical vignette, Dr. Gulati will talk about how dreams can be useful in understanding and accessing deeper affects and fantasies in a treatment. Dr. Gulati, a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU School of Medicine, is a member of the Institute Faculty.

February 5:  Lynne Zeavin, Psy.D.     On Sexuality’s Expression in the Clinical Setting  Drawing from three  brief clinical vignettes, we will  explore how sex and sexuality manifest themselves in the transference/ countertransference experience of analyst and patient in both transparent and disguised forms. Dr. Lynne Zeavin is on the Faculty of the Institute. She has written widely on various manifestations of Adult Female Sexuality.

February 12: Herb Stein, MD     “LA Confidential:” A Psychoanalytic Whodunit   Film can be a fun way to learn more about psychoanalytic concepts, in this case the “primal scene” and Oedipal rivalry, as we unravel a mystery within the mystery. Better to have seen the film, but not required, as we’ll view excerpts. Dr. Stein is a Clinical Assistant Professor and a member of the Institute Faculty.

Feb. 26:  Charles Goodstein, MD   The Bully and the Bullied   Psychoanalytically-informed treatment of adolescents who bully and adolescents  who are victimized by bullies tells us a good deal about the underlying conflicts that generate these difficulties and the developmental problems that ensue.  Dr. Goodstein is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine, and Chair of the Institute’s division on Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis.

March 12:  Benjamin Cheney, MD     Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Addictive Disorders  Dr. Cheney, a Senior Candidate in the Institute’s Adult Psychoanalytic Program, presents an overview of how addiction is understood from an analytic perspective, using illustrations from a case.

April 2:  David Newman, MD     On Practicing Psychoanalysis, Adult, Adolescent, and Child: An Informal Look at a Psychoanalytic Practice, Including Illustrative Clinical Examples   Dr. Newman is a Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst at the Psychoanalytic Institute, and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine.

April 30:  Nasir Ilahi     Issues in Cross Cultural Treatment     We’ll consider the role of deeply internalized culture in psychoanalysis, especially when working with patients from cultures radically different than one’s own . Nasir Ilahi is a faculty member of the Psychoanalytic Institute and a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU School of Medicine.

May 7:  Theodore Jacobs, MD     Analyst as a Therapeutic Agent: The Use of Counter-Transference in Analytic Treatment  Dr. Jacobs will review the concept of counter-transference and discuss its role in the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis.  Dr. Jacobs is a Training/Supervising Analyst on the Institute Faculty, and a Clinical Professor at NYU School of Medicine. (no charge for this session)