Freud’s Mexico

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I wanted to let you know that there will be a table at the APsaA meeting next week staffed by members of the Mexico Tourist Bureau. If you have questions about travel to Mexico city next summer for the IPA Congress, it will be a good opportunity to get more information.

Margaret Ann Hanly just let us know about an extraordinary book published this last September called Freud’s Mexico. It’s written by a Latin American studies scholar at Princeton, Ruben Gallo. Apparently Freud had a profound interest in Mexico, and also a great influence on its cultural scene in the 1920’s and 1930’s. For example, there was a Mexican judge who required defendants in his courtroom, including Trotsky’s assassin, to go on the psychoanalyst’s couch. Freud was apparently aware of this judge’s work and quite interested in it. I’ve put more information about the book (and some new pictures on the “places to see” page) in new a posting on my blog This is a blog I started after travelling to Mexico City in early December at the invitation of the Mexican psychoanalytic community and the IPA–the purpose of my trip was to report back on the security situation. I’ve included information on that and a
great many other things in the blog and hope you will take a look. I’d never visited Mexico City before the December trip, and found it really quite amazing–not only was it not any more dangerous than any major city such as New York or Chicago, but it was saturated with August IPA congress. The weather is perfect because of high altitude, the colleagues quickly become friends, and again, the city is extraordinary.


Prudence L. Gourguechon, M.D.