The Rabbiner in Wilhelm Stekel’s Autobiography

Click Here to Read: The Rabbiner in Wilhelm Stekel’s Autobiography by Benjamin Atlas on the website on June 20. 2010. 

Wilhelm Stekel with his students in 1924. From left to right, upper row: Dr. W. Schlesinser (Yugoslavia), Dr. W. Falk (Italy), Dr. E. Karpelis (Vienna). Dr. M. Puretz (Vienna), Dr. H. Wiedtfeld (Germany) , Dr. L. Sukman (Austria), Dr. E. A. Gutheil (Vienna, the translator of the autobiography), Dr. W. Scukman (Germany). Lower row: Dr. E. Kaplan (Lithuania), Mrs. Stekel, Dr. W. Stekel, Mrs. H. Stoltenhoff, Dr. H. Stoltenhoff: (Germany). (page 228 of the autobiography)

Click Here to Read: Dr. Wilhelm Stekel on the Psychoanalysis of a Rabbi (Rashab?) by Benjamin Atlas on the website on June 25, 2010.

Click Here to Read: The Psychiatrist and The Lubavitcher Rebbe  By Yosef Y. Jacobson on the website.