Clinical Neuropsychoanalysis: Two Case Reports at NYPSI

Arnold Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY                                   

Saturday, April 10, 2010, 10 a.m.

Alice Entin & Aideen Nunan

NPAP & Institute for Expressive Analysis

Clinical Neuropsychoanalysis: Two Case Reports

Discussant: Mark Solms, Ph.D.

Working analytically with neurological patients offers at least two important benefits:  providing needed psychological services to patients whose emotional needs are often neglected following brain injury, and adding to our understanding of the neural substrates of intrapsychic processes, as we observe how they are altered with brain lesions.

Alice Entin and Aideen Nunan will present their work with two patients: Patient 1 suffers from diffuse brain damage; Patient 2 is an elderly woman with a history of trauma and loss who suffered a large middle cerebral arterial stroke 5 years ago.

Mark Solms, Ph.D., who has supervised this clinical work, will open the presentation with some introductory remarks on working with neurological patients, and follow the clinical reports with some additional neuropsychoanalytic observations on the material.

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