Call for Presenters! Forgotten Analysts and their Legacy

Call for Presenters! Forgotten Analysts and their Legacy

The Discussion Group Forgotten Analysts and their Legacy announces a request for presenters for the January and June 2011 APsaA meetings. The focus of the Discussion Group is on forgotten, overlooked and neglected analysts and their creative contributions frequently similar to or an influence on contemporary theorists. At the recent January, 2010 meeting Joseph Reppen read a paper on the life and work of Edmund Bergler on psychic masochism and at the June, 2010 meeting Zvi Lothane will present the life and work of Sabina Spielrien, known more for her alleged sexual exploitation by Carl Gustav Jung, but less for her therapy of schizophrenia and her pioneering work on child psychology and psychoanalysis The co-chairs are Joseph Reppen, PhD, the former editor of Psychoanalytic Psychology and Psychoanalytic Books and Zvi Lothane, MD, the author of In Defense of chreber: Soul Murder and Psychiatry and numerous papers on the theory and history of psychoanalysis. Please contact Dr. Reppen at: or Dr. Lothane if interested.