Love, Loss: Creating a Meaningful Life at AAPCSW

American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work (AAPCSW)
Love, Loss: Creating a Meaningful Life

Saturday April 10, 2010
9:00 am – 9:30 am

Registration and Breakfast
9:30 am – 1:30 pm

Panel Presentation and Discussion


The New York Blood Center
310 East 67 Street (bet. 1st and 2nd Aves)
New York, NY



Jane S. Hall
Loss in Childhood

Using the movie The Maid along with disguised clinical material, 
this paper explores the deadening effect of an impoverished 
childhood, showing that in adulthood, love can repair loss.


Theodore J. Jacobs
Love, Loss, and the Uses of Memory

The paper examines the current controversy over the uses of memory in analysis. Literary and clinical examples illustrate the key role played by memory in working through traumatic experiences of loss and thwarted love.

Theresa Aiello
Strange Elegy: Beauty, Illusion and Meaning

A change or surprise in narrative is discovered in children’s use of aesthetic terms in the aftermath of 9/11. The author reflects on illusion, and the sense of beauty as precious and a sustaining function throughout the life cycle.

Gilbert Cole
Cliché and the Demands of Thinking: Approaching the terms “love,” “loss,” and “meaningful life”
The conference’s title evoked a process of ‘interpretive enactment’ in the presenter, who will offer his reflections on how expanding the domain of the meaningful, and with it the sense of living a meaningful life, might be inhibited.


Moderator – Samoan Barish, PhD, DSW

Each presentation will be followed by dialogue with the panelists and audience.

Theresa Aiello, PhD, LCSW   NYU School of Social Work, Nat’l Institute for the Psychotherapies; Author, Child and Adolescent Treatment for Social Work Practice; Private Practice, NYC.

Gilbert W. Cole, PhD, LCSW   Nat’l Institute for the Psychotherapies, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center; Editor, Studies in Gender and Sexuality; Author, Infecting the Treatment: Being an HIV Positive Analyst; Private practice, NYC.

Jane S. Hall, LCSW   NY Freudian Society, International Psychoanalytic Association; Author, Deepening the Treatment; Roadblocks on the Journey of Psychotherapy; Private practice, NYC.

Theodore J. Jacobs, MD   NY Psychoanalytic Institute, The Institute affiliated with NYU; Author, The Use of the Self: Countertransference and Communication in the Analytic Situation; Co-editor, On Beginning an Analysis; Private practice, NYC.

Samoan Barish, PhD, DSW   Past President, AAPCSW; Sanville Institute, New Center for Psychoanalysis; Author, articles on endings, analysts’ limitations, couples; Private practice, Santa Monica and Pasadena, CA.
AAPCSW is a membership organization for clinicians practicing psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy. From its inception, the organization has striven for the achievement of parity with other mental health disciplines and is a founding member of the Psychoanalytic Consortium. AAPCSW has gained recognition for its educational programs, and standard setting.
CEUs offered

Conference Chair
Penny Rosen, MSW, LCSW, BCD-P



Janet Burak, LCSW
Margaret Debrot, MSW, LCSW
Michael De Simone, PhD, LCSW
Roslyn Goldner, MSS, LCSW
Dianne Heller Kaminsky, MSW, BCD
Barbara O’Connor, MSW, LCSW
Louis Pansulla, LCSW
M. Kim Sarasohn, PhD, LCSW
Roberta Shechter, DSW
Diana Siskind, MSW, LCSW
Carol Thea, MSW, LCSW
Yvonne Young, MSSW, LCSW, BCD



Before March 15, 2010                 /                     After March 15, 2010

Regular                                 $80                          $95