Ignoring the Evidence: Why do psychologists reject science?


 Click Here To Read:  Ignoring the Evidence: Why do psychologists reject science? by Sharon Begley in the Newsweek Magazine on Oct 2, 2009.

 Sharon Begley

Katherine Nordal’s Letter-to-the-editor of NEWSWEEK in response to Sharon Begley 

Dear Editor:

The assertions by Sharon Begley (Oct 12, Ignoring the Evidence: Why do
psychologists reject science?) that many psychologists are not trained also discourage the 57 million Americans with a mental health disorder from seeking needed treatment. The American Psychological Association (APA) ethics code dictates that psychologists base their clinical judgments on scientific and professional knowledge. Licensed psychologists practice within their areas of competence as required by state regulations and our ethical principles. APA’s policy on evidence-based psychological practice mirrors the Institute of Medicine’s definition of evidence-based practice as “the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values.”
Clinical guidelines for physicians recognize the psychotherapy we provide as an effective first-line treatment for depression due to a substantial body of supporting research. These guidelines reflect what millions of Americans have experienced: Psychotherapy works! 

Katherine C. Nordal, Ph.D.
Executive Director for Professional Practice
American Psychological Association