Schedule for IPA Congress Chicago with Selected Sessions

Meet the  Author
Anna Ornstein (USA) interviewed by  Yecheskiel Cohen (Israel)
Jonathan Lear (USA) Technique and Freedom in  Psychoanalysis
Dana Birksted-Breen (UK), Robert  Michels (USA), Rachel Blass (UK)

The International  Journal’s Workshop on writing a psychoanalytic  paper Research  Presentations
Psychic impact and outcome of the  Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
Chair: Peter Loewenberg (USA).  Panellists: Tomas Plaenkers (Germany),
Friedrich Markert  (Germany).

I wanted to let everyone know about another panel that promises to be one of the highlights of the meeting:

The panel is on perversion, and the panelists are?: Alberto Eiguer (France), Andras Rascovsky (Argentina) and Ruth Stein (USA). It will be?chaired by Adrienne Harris (USA)

Please register if you haven’t already.
Glen Gabbard
North American Co-Chair of the Program Committee

Erotic transference-counter-transference in the work of the female analyst
Chair: Harold Blum (USA). Panellists: Andrea Celenza (USA), Catherine Chabert (France), Mara Melgar (Argentina).

Convergences and Divergences in  treatments of so-called ADHD children
Chair: Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber  (Germany). Panellists: Birgit Gaertner
(Germany), Katrin Luise L**zer  (Germany), Bj**rn Salomonsson (Sweden), Dieter
B**rgin (Switzerland), Alan  Sugarman (USA).

Film  Presentations
Chair: Isaac Tylim (USA).  Panellists: Adrienne Harris (USA), Andrea
Sabbadini (UK): The Many Faces of Violence: The Films  of David Cronenberg

Chair: Janice Lieberman  (USA).  Panellists: Paola Golinelli (Italy),
Liliana Pedron de Martin  (Argentina), Isaac Tylim (USA): Representations of
masculinity and  femininity in Almodovar’s films
Chair: Rosemary Balsam (USA)  Panellists: Gabriela Legoretta  (Canada),
Jennifer Stuart (USA):  Casa de Los  Babys (in Spanish with English  subtitles,
Discussion in  English)

Chairs: Hedda Bolgar (USA), Maureen  Murphy (USA); Panellists: Linda Tucker
(USA); Robert Wallerstein (USA):   When the Glass is  Full
Individual  Papers
Ethical challenges in  supervision
Richard  Waugaman USA

The danger in deception: Oedipal  betrayal and the assault on truth
Dianne Elise  USA

The Oedipal Drama and its Impact on  the Lives of Gay Men
Gary Grossman  USA

The Second Skin, Repetition and  Trans-generational Trauma: A Clinical Case
Judith Mitrani  USA

All along the watchtower: Creativity  and emergence in Bob Dylan’s poetry
Alice Jones  USA

“Gold and its Alloys” Where is  Psychoanalysis on the Continuum of Therapeutic Process? Psychoanalsis as  Different from Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
Joann K. Turo  USA

The Place Across the Street Some  reflections on Language Separateness and Difference
Irene Cairo USA

“I want to be all-gone”:  Psychoanalysis Of A Three Year Old Failure To Thrive Child
Adele Kaufman  USA

Stoller, Erotics, Sexual  Excitement
David James Fisher  USA

The synergizing potential of  individual and couple treatments: A clinical
illustration from a collaborative  study
Graciela Abelin-Sas USA and Peter  Mezan USA

On Keeping Thought Erotic: Some  Problems in Contemporary Theory/Practice
Donald Moss  USA

The development and organizing  function of perversion: the example of
John Meyer USA
Small Discussion  Groups
Envy. Yesterday, today,  tomorrow
Chair: Clara Nemas de Urman  (Argentina). Presenters/Discussants:
Simonetta Nissim (Italy), Robert Oelsner (USA),  Renato Trachtenberg
(Brazil), Elie
Debban** (Canada), Priscilla Roth (UK)

Developing the inner space –  psychoanalytic work with an anorectic young
Chair:Irene Roski (Germany).  Presenters/Discussants:  Alice Bernstein
(USA), Piotr Krzakowski (France), Alfred Bringmann (Germany),  Bettina Jesberg
(Germany), Jorg-Thomas Erdmann (Germany),  Ruben Zukerfeld  (Argentina).

Confusional Thinking/Confusion of  Tongues
Chair: Julia Braun  (Argentina). Presenters/Discussants:  Marvin Hurvich
(USA), Susan Finkelstein (USA), Christine Anzieu-Premmereur  (USA), Judith
Mitrani (Argentina).

Being a man. Yesterday and today.  Lifespan perspectives on the changing
face of  masculinity
Chair: Calvin  Anthony Colarusso (USA). Presenters/Discussants:  Michael
Diamond (USA), Steve Axelrod (USA), Eike Hinze (Germany), Martin Teising

Psychoanalysis and Spirituality.  Integrating concepts of Psyche and soul.
Chair: Juan Pablo Jim**nez de la  Jara (Chile). Presenters/Discussants:
Paula Hamm (USA), Susan Lazar (USA), Robert Waldinger (USA), Eduardo
Gastelumendi (Peru)

Between repetition and construction:  transference
Chair: Lewis  Kirshner (USA) Presenters/Discussants:  Martin Gauthier
(Canada), Christian Seulin (France), Nora Barugel  (Argentina)

Eating disorders in adolescence.  Integration with infant observation
Chairs: Claudia Lucia Borensztejn  (Argentina) and Mary Brady (USA).
Presenters/Discussants:  Gianna Williams (UK), Hsueh-Mei Fan (UK),
Mirta Berman de
Oelsner  (USA)

Perspectives on dealing with object  loss in clinical work
Chair: Ellen Sinkman  (USA). Presenters/Discussants:   S**rgio Lewkowicz
(Brazil), Rona Silverton (USA), Miriam Pierce  (USA).

Inhibitions, symptoms and performance  anxiety in the musician
Chair: Julie Jaffee Nagel (USA).  Presenters/Discussants:  Roberto Doria
Medina Ponce (Argentina), Katarzyna Walewska  (Poland)

Clinical psychoanalysis in the  university: controversial issues
Chair: Ricardo  Bernardi  (Uruguay). Presenters/Discussants:Dominique  Cupa
(France), Adela Leibovich de Duarte (Argentina), Franco Borgogno (Italy),
Robert Michels (USA),Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch (Austria).

Cultural aspects of listening with the  psychoanalyst’s “Third Ear”
Chair: Lee Jaffe  (USA). Presenters/Discussants:  Gabriela Goldstein
(Argentina) Bernd Keuerleber (Germany)  Claudia Spadazzi  (Italy).
Analytic listening. Reflections on  Hypothesis and evidence
Chair: Evelyne  Albrecht Schwaber (USA). Presenters/Discussants:  Anna
Christopoulos (Greece).

The Concept of the Link in Couple and  Family Psychoanalysis
Chairs: David E.  Scharff (USA) and Anna Maria Nicolo (Italy).
Presenters/Discussants:Richard  Zeitner (USA), Timothy Keogh
(Australia), Hugo Bleichmar
(Spain), Isidoro  Berenstein (Argentina).

Growing old during midlife. Clinical  case and metapsychology
Chair: Guillermo Julio Montero  (Argentina) Presenters/Discussants:  Rub**n
Basili (Argentina), Calvin Anthony Colarusso (USA)

How can we understand the depth of  investment in being a training analyst?
Chairs: Mira  Erlich-Ginor (Israel) and Leena Klockars (Finland).
Presenters/Discussants:  Anna Danielson Berglund (Denmark), Majlis Salomonsson
(Sweden), Mary Target  (UK), Estela Bichi (Argentina), Arnold Richards (USA).

Aspects of same-sex parenting: a  psychochoanalytical exploration
Chairs: Beatriz Agrest Wainer  (Argentina), Ethan Grumbach (USA).
Presenters/Discussants:  Eva Rotenberg (Argentina), Susan Vaughan (USA).

A few other interesting panels noted by Glen Gabbard:
Is transference interpretation central in analytic work?
Chair: Marie-France Dispaux (Belgium), Presenter: Alicia Leisse de Lustgarten (Venezuela), Discussants: Georg Bruns (Germany), Henry J. Friedman (USA), Elias da Rocha Barros (Brazil)

Jeff Golland will chair a paper session featuring two outstanding papers: Danielle Quinodoz (Geneva), Growing old: a discovery, and Joan Raphael-Leff (London), Models as Matrix.

A panel on Psychoanalytic Theories of Creativity: Clinical
Apllications – Chair Laurie Wilson, panelists: Nellie Thompson and Pinchas Noy

Panel: Desiring and Fearing Enlivenment: Two Approaches to Unconscious Fantasy, Transference, and Analytic Intervention. Chair: Jorge Canestri (Italy); Presenters: Sam Gerson (USA); Ricardo Spector (Argentina); Discussant: Mitchell Wilson (USA).

A panel on Psychosomatics, Chaired by Marilia Aisenstein with Harvey Rich, Panos Aloupis, and Elsa Aisenberg

A Panel called “Can the Analyst Think While Enacting?”
Chair: Donald Moss
Panelists: Henry Smith, John Steiner, Jose Carlos Calich (Brazil)

A panel called Object Relations in Clinical Psychoanalysis
Chair: Harold Blum(USA). Panelists: Daniel Widlcher (France),Otto Kernberg (USA), Romulo Lander (Venezuela).